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China & Russia Heed La Rouche's Advice

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But of course, examinator.

>>what relevance was the fact that La Rouche was a Quaker?... Care to comment I'm curious?<<

It was a juxtaposition, not a judgment on Quakerdom.

I observed that "LaRouche is a serial fantasist. A Fascist who once was Marxist. A Quaker who supported Saddam Hussein."

LaRouche is one of those individuals who blows with the wind. He was actually raised in a Quaker family, so presumably was imbued with those gentle ideals. But later in life determines to support a dictator who gassed Kurds. A decidedly un-Quaker-like stance.

And Arjay, it is sometimes important to understand where ideas are born, in order to evaluate their likely merit.

>>We should not colour our perceptions of reality by other's prejudices<<

Your perceptions should not be coloured by my prejudices, of course they should not. But that doesn't let you off the hook from making your own assessment of the effect that Larouche's Fascist views have on the policies he espouses today.

Although the fact that you choose not to consider them is, for me, a valid reason to question the value of your judgment.

>>Neither Pericles or rstuart have debated the merits of La Rouche's plan<<

Which plan is that, Arjay? Point to written ones, I don't have time to wade through interminable YouTubes.

>>By the way Pericles ,you have not answered "the question" about the WTC and the free fall speed of gravity being achieved.Can you please explain this in a few well chosen sentences in your own words<<

Nope. I am completely unqualified to provide an explanation of my own.

I could of course do what you do, which is to cut and paste the work of others. Which you are forced to do, because after all, you aren't an architect either, are you?

I could just as easily go to the no-conspiracy web sites and cut and paste from there. But I choose not to, relying instead on logic and my own common sense.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 3 November 2009 10:05:12 PM
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Caught out yet again pericles.Just like the Alan Grayson Elizabeth Coleman episode,lame answers and no explanation and alluding to other's incredulity.

La Rouche is right,we need soverign nations who own and control their own currencies.I don't think that fixed exchange rates would be a good idea .Perhaps in the interim.Both he and Ron Paul are right about the derivatives being worthless pieces of paper.It needs bankruptcy re-organisation.Many others have echoed these sentiments.

What is happening right now in the West,is that the derivative market and the banking system is sucking the wealth from the real economy.This money then leaves production to maintain the bubble economy and produce more arms.Obama is increasing his defence budget.That is why real industry is closing and unemployment is rising.

La Rouche's 4 powers idea of mutual projects has a lot of merit.It stops the war mongering USA trying to steal what they cannot produce and puts the money into production instead of destructive weapons.

The Green lobby also need to put in their place,since the powers that be,are using their platform to make us feel guilty about development.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 4 November 2009 6:13:56 AM
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I cleaned behind my computer. The fluffy sort of dust seems to be attracted to electrics. After I finished I had no sound from my speakers so cannot hear the podcast. Teach me for cleaning!.

However I am alarmed that commodity prices are driven by traders. No physical delivery need take place. No real physical demand has to be verified. If they stop trading gold right this minute for eg and all owners had to take delivery there simply would not be enough gold to fulfill orders. This has to have an impact on the economy for all the wrong reasons.

Reserve banks work against each other to manipulate currency and gold is quite often used to achieve this. As commodities are priced in USD gold is the easiest way to manipulate as it is not a useful ore. So reserve banks buy and sell physical to manipulate cross rates with the USD. Add this physical buy/sell to the traders fake buy/sell the real demand for gold is lost in translation. Same for other commodities.

Add to this short selling and also t+3 then we have fake markets. I have traded t+3 back when credit was easy. Make money without ever having any. Was quite cool to see how it works. I think the bank figured it out because now they want security lol.

We need a return to basic supply and demand models. Soon.
Posted by TheMissus, Thursday, 5 November 2009 3:25:31 PM
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I, for one, love seeing LaRouche discussed. It's enormously entertaining to drift through a thread thinking, "What? He truly believes that? And people take him quite seriously?"

LaRouche provides those internet moments when you realise that some things aren't worth challenging, but should be enjoyed for their silliness.

Have we got to the part yet about Prince Charles being a sinister global overlord who plots to wipe out whole populations with the swine flu his agents genetically engineered?

I didn't make that up. The LaRouchians believe it as surely as they believe the economic guff.
Posted by Sancho, Monday, 9 November 2009 10:56:02 AM
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Really, Sancho?

>>Have we got to the part yet about Prince Charles being a sinister global overlord who plots to wipe out whole populations with the swine flu his agents genetically engineered? I didn't make that up. The LaRouchians believe it as surely as they believe the economic guff.<<

Are you sure it wasn't Mohamed Al Fayed?

I'm a bit surprised Arjay hasn't picked up on this obvious conspiracy - it only needs his surgical logic to blow the whole thing wide open.

"'The Duke of Edinburgh runs the country behind the scenes; he is the actual head of the Royal Family. He’s a racist; he grew up with Nazis,' Mr Al Fayed maintained, adding for good measure that one of the Duke’s aunts had married one of Hitler’s generals. 'And beneath the surface he has a German name – Frankenstein. Well, it sounds like Frankenstein.'"

There's growing evidence that Arjay and Mohamed al Fayed are one and the same person... after all, has anyone seen them together in the same room?

There you go then.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 9 November 2009 1:20:36 PM
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Pericles.Why do you persist so if all I say is BS? I'm not an avid follower of La Rouche.I am however an avid follower and supporter of Ron Paul and his aim to end the US Federal Reseve.Your aim is to discredit via association rather than being logical.

You have a self interested political agenda that has nothing to do with the common good.

Ron Paul often has interviews with Alex Jones,but officially he is not of my view that the 911 attacks were an inside job.He won't go there because of vultures like you who feed off the general pubic's ignorance.

There is now positive,irrefutible evidence that the towers and building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition.This is conspiracy fact.see
As far as the other conspiracy theories go,we should wait until the evidence is manifest.

This Wed 11/11/09 at 11.00 am there will be a protest outside the ABC studios {Ultimo Sydney} concerning their refusal to air the damning new evidence that demonstrates beyond any doubt,that explosives brought down both the WTC Towers and building 7.Richard Gage will be there,the founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth along with many other experts who know the forensic science.

I challenge you to be there Pericles and we shall meet in person.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 9 November 2009 5:00:25 PM
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