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When is a Revolution necessary?
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Good work Col! Have a look at my post on "Freedom of the press versus civil liberties". The battle with freeranger is warming up.
Posted by Logical?, Wednesday, 27 December 2006 10:23:16 AM
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"Wayne you need to read Animal Farm to gain some vague insight into how revolutions evolve into monsters that eat up the most vulnerable and the most gullible. It is a delusion to think that leaders of even small groups are immune from acting dishonestly or out of self interest."
Our Government is already rapidly turning into a monster that eats up the most vulnerable and gullible. Some would argue that it already is. look at hospital waiting lists and the exhorbitant costs of legal representation. Our capitalist nation starves the poor in order to pamper the rich. I'm just wondering how much worse it will get before the downtrodden react. I used to live in Eveleigh Street Redfern. I've seen public resentment fuel fighting in the streets. Last year in Cronulla we saw another taste of it. A match can start a forest fire. I have a certain knack for predicting possible future events. Giant Squid Capture. I've noticed an increasing degree of hatred towards politician of late. Not unreasonable hatred either in light of recent events. Thought some of you might have also noticed the small changes going on around you. Perhaps I'm just a little more observant because I don't watch television. Posted by WayneSmith, Wednesday, 27 December 2006 3:18:45 PM
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Wayne. How can someone bring you back to reality and away from anger? Communist states have not delivered the standards of health care or judicial independence enjoyed by all Austalians. Have you heard of legal aid and class actions against big buisiness?
Can you appreciate what life is like with a State-controlled press. Please do not run the line about Western press barons. There is a diversity of media outlets in Australia, both electronic and print. Even you and I can have our say without being penalised. Of course there is always room for improvement but to suggest we would fare better under a communist dictatorship is absurd. The experiment has been run and it was a dismal failure for millions. You have not offered any basis for believing that your revolution would be any more successful than the past failures. Perhaps you can tell us in general terms how, while awaiting your revolution. you currently contribute to the welfare of your fellow citizens. Is participation in this terrible capitalist system you have been landed in beneath you? Do you refuse to pay taxes because they are propping up our capitalist society? Would you seriously consider moving to Cuba for your health care? I think a reality check is in order. Posted by Logical?, Wednesday, 27 December 2006 4:19:42 PM
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Wayne “Our Government is already rapidly turning into a monster that eats up the most vulnerable and gullible.”
Maybe a few examples. Oh whining about changes to pension rights does not count, those who are in receipt of government handouts hardly qualify as being “food for a monster”. “look at hospital waiting lists” Run by socialist state governments – who are you complaining about? “exhorbitant costs of legal representation.” Run by the legal profession, not government. “. I've seen public resentment fuel fighting in the streets. Last year in Cronulla we saw another taste of it.” People who express racist issues are not the responsibility of “government” their bad manners would better be treated with serious prison sentences or are you going to come out with “prisons contain a disproportionate number of kooris” largely because they have an absent sense of social responsibility (I would take away the handouts and make them the same as everyone else), why do we tolerate the immoral and inappropriate demands of a conquered minority? Assimilate or expire, simple choice. No more affirmative action. “I have a certain knack for predicting possible future events.” I trust you will be putting your money where your mouth is and fluttering on the megadraw this weekend? You might win and come back to complain about how much tax you are paying on your investments I predicted the fall in interest rates in 1996 (not a Herculean task, it stuck out like the testicles on a greyhound) and cleaned up on buying real estate. “I've noticed an increasing degree of hatred towards politician of late.” I think it has abated, lets face it 3 years ago Latham was promoting his own brand of vilification and hated through the media, breaking arms, being obnoxious, doing everything he could to lose an election. When you have a real issue, one which stands up to scrutiny, come back and present it. Until then, you come across as not having the brains or the bottle to start a punchup in a pub, let alone a revolution. Well said Logical Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 27 December 2006 6:47:45 PM
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A Revolution well we can call it democratic elections.
Isnt it time we dealt a blow to these corrupt and decietful party's or just stick your head in the sand. We could always place the bible on an altor and have 12 public servants to ensure policy is by the way of god, screw the rest of the people. Do We need to see the rest of australia being sold off by labor and liberal to fund their mistakes and promises. Should we have people from our own electorate representing us and not a political party based agenda. Are we not Australians or are we just and ignorant and stupid bunch of people who wont stand up and be representative just like labor and liberal take us for. And in the end if you dont stand up for change this is just pointless. Actually just like this forum as all people do is winge and are not interested in solving australias problems but their own political agenda since most people here hide behind a facade to who they really are Posted by tapp, Wednesday, 27 December 2006 7:00:15 PM
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“My-apologies-for-adopting-a-definition-of-communism-that-coincides-with-the-reality-of-how-states-who-supposedly-intended-to-follow-marxist-doctrine-actually-conducted-their-affairs”. No need to apologise, just study what you are talking about, and don’t repeat your mistake. Given your eagerness to define communism for everyone, I thought it might be important to you that your definition was correct. The alternative is to say whatever you feel like whether it is right or wrong, as long as it serves your purpose. The easiest thing to do is to parrot what you have been told all of your life without questioning it. What you seem to be saying here is that as long as a despotic-leader of a state says that they, and-their-state, are Marxist, it must be true, because a despotic-dictator must be telling the truth. So because they say they are Marxist, and they are telling the truth, everything they do is an example of Marxist-theory. There is obviously no need to study Marxist-theory to see if there is a difference, the despotic-leader says there isn’t, and he must be telling the truth. So you will just adopt the despotic-leader’s definition. “Do-you-think-the-system-would-end-up-any-different-if-it-were-able-to-set-up-simultaneously-around-the-world?” “Past-attempts-to-establish-communism-as-you-define-it-have-been-a-dismal-failure.-Blaming-the-West-for-past-failures-is-convenient-but-you-have-to-explin-how-next-time-you-would-succeed-with-a-revolution-without-being-even-more-repressive-than-past-exponents-of-your-philosophy” Firstly, no-one can predict the future. Secondly, in order to succeed in the future, we have to study the reasons for the failure of the Soviet Union and all other attempted socialist-revolutions. What you call “Blaming the West” is not merely “convenient”, the course of the Russian Revolution was affected by many factors, internal and external. We need to study these factors and learn the lessons of the Revolution. “How-do-you-figure-out-who-is-an-honest-communist-(using-your-definition)?-Who-is-charged-with-making-such-decisions?”- You study Marx, Engels, Lenin & Trotsky for starters. Then you make the decisions. But don’t take the word of a dictator, or a capitalist. Make up your own mind. “Wars-between-competing-countries-and-ideologies-are-bad-enough-but-murdering-your-own-citizens-en-masse-is-even-more-disturbing.” This is simply an apology for capitalist murder. As long as it doesn't happen to you, its OK with you. “The-best-we-might-do-is-agree-that-we-both-genuinely-aspire-to-a-fairer-distribution-of-resources-than-currently-exists.” If you do genuinely aspire to a “fairer-distribution-of-resources”, then aren’t you obliged to study, without-prejudice, the ideas of men and women who made it their lives’ work, and in many cases, died for their work and ideals? Or are legal aid and class actions against big business the pinnacle of your ideal of fairness? Posted by tao, Wednesday, 27 December 2006 7:34:32 PM