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When is a Revolution necessary?

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At what point should a populace take it upon themselves to overthrow a clearly corrupt and despicably evil regime? How far should a Government be allowed to go before violence becomes a practical solution. Even when things are clearly going badly and the authorities are out of control the brave souls who instigate a revolution will always be called Traitors by the regime in power. Fiji has recently had a military coup to address Government corruption and the Fijian public has been very blase about the whole affair. I suspect they knew that their Government deserved to be booted out. I wonder how much we Australians could put up with before taking similar action. Either through the military turning on our corrupt politicians or a popular public uprising.

As far as I'm concerned the sooner it happens the better. The history of politics in Australia is a long list of conspiracies and rorts. The AWB scandal for instance. When a country becomes as over regulated and poorly run as this one has then starting over from scratch is probably the best thing.
Posted by WayneSmith, Friday, 15 December 2006 3:05:23 PM
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A Revolution, Election

It is when the people finally open their eyes and make a real change instead of

Well my family votes for, or i with the union and vote--
and so forth.

When they decide for change it will come otherwise they just do as they are told.
Posted by tapp, Saturday, 16 December 2006 1:15:08 PM
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Years ago Governments in the West were seriously concerned about the possibility of public revolt. Especially in times of recession. Today they seem to take public support for their rotten to the core systems for granted. Probably because the media gives them more control over us. So long as the economy is going ok people will ignore things like being unable to afford a house, work being outsourced overseas, black deaths in custody, lack of justice unless you happen to be rich, hospital waiting lines, water etc.

Do we really need Government? Without it we wouldn't need to pay huge taxes, wade through mountains of red tape to get anything done, have to carry Id papers or be arrested, get harassed by police if we become a threat to their power, have a rich elite who steal nearly all of the wealth and fat lawyers helping greedy judges pretend there is a workable justice system at our expense.

We didn't always have these parasites telling us what to do. People managed perfectly well without cameras on every street corner and wasteful politicians throwing away hard earned tax dollars. Why should they care how stupidly the money is spent? It's not theirs. I think the best thing would be to round up all the politicians and public service people, then place them in an open field so they can be strafed by the airforce. Governments take control over our lives and tell us what is best for us, but none of us were born with a choice. We'd be better off without these criminals. The only good politician is a dead one. Governments are by their very nature evil. The whole system is designed to favour the best liars and conmen.

The old system of each community deciding how best to run its own affairs was best. State and Federal Governments have had their shot at running international trade and military actions. Look where it has gotten us! The military would do a better job without these civilian blowhards telling them how to keep our nation secure.
Posted by WayneSmith, Saturday, 16 December 2006 2:38:43 PM
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Q: At what point should a populace take it upon themselves to overthrow a clearly corrupt and despicably evil regime?

A: When democratic means are taken away from them. This was not the case in Fiji.
Posted by freediver, Saturday, 16 December 2006 3:36:53 PM
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Wayne.... you are advocating basically feudelism, with anarchy as its pathway.

There would be no other result mate..

Freediver. Respectfully, I have to disagree. The right to vote ? Democracy is a very strange animal and it is most strange in tribal/multi racial societies. The right to vote never guarantees good government in these places. There is so much by way of 'deals' and bribes and enticements.. I used to get such an incredible laugh at the news reports in Malaysia which would sometimes say things like "The Police have been given the green light to investigate the collapse of such and such a building society" whihc of course was code for "Negligable well connected Malays are involved, mostly just greedy chinese so.. its ok to bust them"

If I had a dollar for each time I heard "Datuk ChingChong has, after careful reflection and thought, decided to join the government (from Opposition) prior to the upcoming election. He will be given such and such portfolio"...I'd have a mansion now :)

Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 16 December 2006 7:48:09 PM
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Excellent Answer freediver.

Australia and the modern western economies all have respected and functioning democratic processes to hand.

Similar democratic practices are being exported across the world, much to the dislike of despots and despots in waiting of all hues.

As for WayneSmiths “The media gives them more control over us” Really ? You may think the media controls you. How does the media control me?

As for “Do we really need Government?”
Before anyone suggests doing away with something they better have a really good idea about what will fill the void.

So exactly what alternative do you suggest?

Now “I think the best thing would be to round up all the politicians and public service people, then place them in an open field so they can be strafed by the airforce. Governments take control over our lives and tell us what is best for us,”

And who has authority to order the airforce to shoot civilians?

Without due process of law we have anarchy.

I would note “the terror” refers to the events which followed the French revolution, not those which initiated it. That revolution lead directly to the establishment of Emperor Napleon Bonaparte, who turned Europe into a battle ground.

“The whole system is designed to favour the best liars and conmen.”

I would share similar sentiments and vote for them to receive less power, not more.

Whilst the extent of governmental power and control is higher than what I would choose, I hanker for the “small government” espoused in the libertarian values and as advocated by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.

However, would I promote or seek to follow the path of revolution to inflict my view on my fellow citizens? – No.

That you might dislike the government which the majority elected to govern is too bad. It is not just about you.

It is about respect for a system which “works imperfectly”, rather than revolutions which “fails perfectly”.

Churchill said “democracy is the worst form of government; except all the others that have been tried.”

I sincerely believe Churchill was on to something there.
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 17 December 2006 10:43:22 PM
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