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Where's my stimulus package?

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Maybe the government should just ignore it and just do nothing.

It seems that it's too far gone to be fixed so let's let it all collapse in a heap and replace the whole system with something else.

Let all the businesses shut down and the let all the banks go broke while the rest of the world gets further into debt.

Problem solved.

Plenty of criticism here but no realistic alternatives.
Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 7 April 2009 1:06:31 AM
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Wobbles there are plenty of realistic alternatives but no one is game to take the hard steps.

Firstly, we have a system where the poeple vote for the governement and if they don't like them they get voted out.

Now that all seems fine except, with almost half the population on hand outs, they have the power to dump any government who dares take the bull by the horns.

As long as we have a system that allows people to sit at home and get paid, plus get to vote, then this country will most certainly crash.

Remember, we are less than one year into bad times and we are already trowing in the preverbial towl and this is following some of the best years in modern times.

The only way this can be fixed is that if the people who pay the bills have the say. Now before all the doo-gooders get up in arms, I know this is comunisum and I know this sucks.

What other choice do we have. We are almost broke.

The raising of the GST is the most likely alternative and that will hurt the poor like nothing else, unless of cause they get some type of repreive which wouldn't surprise me at all.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 7 April 2009 7:33:47 AM
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wanna bet?

YOU HEARD ABOUT THE NEW GLOBAL currency?... geitner ; [pre the g20

well its the carbon credit

brought to you by the same think tank that gave us equity debt swaps and derivitives [and enron etc]via the cfr ,the world bank, imf [who just set in train the sale of 400 tones of gold[no doudt to be bought [lol] with fiat currency printed by the fed reserve ran by the same wrath-child who owns or controls 3/4 of the real assets of the world

as we dither garrot and the greenie g-20 minesters are slipping the neo deal through in the usa

*the new reserve currency* [courtesy of those fraudsters ;derivatives traitors][and environment minesters]are in usa right now sealing the deal

using the fortuinate event of a shelf collapsing in the antarctic , because the earth is going through its current warming[following the cooling cycle ,in the earths elipictal path arround the sun,

we have gone through this warming cooling for ever,
but timming is everything[as we speak the red herring headline is being released, fibre to the node

just watch as the libs [opposition] melts they do a turn arround in record time ,and before you know what went down the derivitives speculators have got their new global carbon credit,[the NEO RESERVE CURRENCY ;see]

that the enron-esq derivitives traitors /speculators will speculate their neo-reserve carbon credit[and you will be tied into paying at whatever the market will bear],!as the web gets censored into web 2

whatever these banker traitors / traders can set the neo con metary global order ...of the car-bon credit currency at to biggest bonus they will

dont say you wernt told, the neo new carbon credit[their latest derivitive scam is nearly a done deal]and you will be paying for the neo con bull [all you [or'the market'can bear]

...aint the free-mark[et] a free for fee for them [not free for-all but fee for them],you just pay your new tax, while the derivitives traitors speculate it into their latest [next]bubble
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 7 April 2009 8:48:58 AM
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Wobbles, I remind you that Australia has gone into this, in
relatively extremely good condition. No banks going bust,
no Govt debt. Even now, house values remain very high
in relative terms, unemployment is not serious.

This Govt has had it handed on a plate really. What they
do is up to them, but at the end of the day, for everyone
who wants a job, somebody has to create one and take a risk.

All we have seen so far is a tightening of the labour laws,
so that if farmers want crops picked and its Sunday, double
time will apply. There is talk that they want to apply the
same to the shearing industry, we'll see. Hospitality is
another one.

I'll tell you what all these businesses will do, they will
crunch the numbers and when things don't add up, they will
tell workers to go away, shut down and you can import
even more.

Then everyone will be crying unemployment and blame it
all on the recession.

Flexible labour laws are critical to a healthy economy.
If the public does not want them, well pay the price
in higher unemployment. Borrowing money and throwing
it around in panic, is not going to fix it.

We've been through all this before a long time ago,
with Beazley's job creation schemes. Even more Govt
debt, ever higher interest payments going from the budget
to finance that debt, etc.

It seems to me that people need pain to learn.
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 7 April 2009 8:39:40 PM
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Yabby you are spot on in my view, except I think unemployment is about to overtake the environment as the most discussed topic.

Wages, or more so the way they are calculated are just insane considering the world we now live in.

Everyone wants the shops open every day, yet the ones who run them have to pay the price with penilty rates.

My view is that if you want to turn back the clock on wages then shut the shops at noon Saturday.

No shops open on Sundays, no cafes or restaurants open after hours and no extended trading hours as the majors can simply work thier staff on salaries or they have the man power to give time off in lue.

As I often say, they can't have their cake and eat it to!

Looks like your tomatoes can no longer ripen on Sundays hey!

I'm with you all the way.
Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 8 April 2009 5:40:55 AM
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john howhard screwed the wage earner, his way of 24/7 trading eroded the living standards of the workers, even contracting them into fixed wage equivents [yet look at what he allowed the bosses to do]

yes every wage rise loses jobs [returning to normal trading would cause hyperinflating job loss], the cure is not simple ,but musdt begin with tax reform and ursury reform, howhard took our indexed wage increase and converted it into a cash injection to the stock market [our super now much deminished] helped over inflate the stock market..helped over inflate the ritch rat cats that get their bonus

its time govt returned to being a service not a pimp , what right gives super to public service [they have pensions not super]for their public service

[we dont sell public utilities, yet that is the verything our too many levels of govt have been doing, to prop up infastructure spending, they have sold our utilities and now default on paying the intrest on the very public infastructure they 'sold'

there are so many vile bu-sin-ess practices the govts have been doing to serve the money market, where is my stimulous package indeed why do we need stimulous [or indeed ongoing growth] because if your staying the same your going backwards

if your not serving the public weal ,your serving the systemised cashing in of the elites of the wealth of the poor and every asset they built[where do we stop?

or better where to start,[income isnt wages,stop paying wage tax]stop paying ursury on fiat dollars, the banks dont have your mortgauge papers[they securitised them,and were turned into securities, they can produce the very debt instrument they claim ursury on , ask for the origonal loan documents..[que warrento]by what right, this goes for govt too
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 8 April 2009 8:18:54 AM
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