The Forum > General Discussion > Any evidence that the Bible Genesis account isnt the truth?
Any evidence that the Bible Genesis account isnt the truth?
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Posted by Sancho, Monday, 27 October 2008 9:15:05 PM
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Like graham, I am starting to get the sh@ts with all this, you are wrong and I am right bulsh@t! Shut this down now! When the ship is sinking, all this nonsense goes right out the window, Its time to call a time-out.
The world is in deep crap! and its time to think about trying to fix it! and once we have solved this problem, then we can figure out what came first, the chicken or the egg. Have a nice day. EVO Posted by EVO, Monday, 27 October 2008 11:52:54 PM
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EVO be calm, you see the reason the thread was questioned before its birth.
And maybe a refusal of some to get involved in the debate yet a need to be here. Far worse things have happened in threads, we knew both sides could never agree. And never will. I think we even understood some would divert the thread but who expected any different. The sun is rising above the hill out the front and it is evidence enough for me evolution is the truth, see the Bible told us it was not as it is. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 28 October 2008 4:44:11 AM
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Hi Pericles.
Sure there have been many, many stories from many, many cultures. What makes the Holy Bible stories different is one person...The Holy Spirit. In Genesis 1:2 we see ..."Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters". From the very beginning we have The Holy Spirit doing His Will all over the earth. see ...and I cannot tell you just how REAL The Holy Spirit is to the Christian believer. As pentcostals we go on and on about The Holy Spirit because He fills our churches. He's invited to do so. For those who Seek Him there are healings, miracles, tongues, raisings from the dead, words of knowledge to individual congregationalists, prophecies, even visions of the future. HE is the reason we live. He is the One who gets His Will done and brings people to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. "All scripture is Inspired by God"...2 Timothy 3:16. He sat down the old writers of Holy Bible, even though they were not at the original events, and got them to record the truth that God wanted to impart to man. This is what makes the Bible different to culture stories. Pelican. Yes the christians dont have to substantiate the claim regarding Genesis and the fact that God is the Creator of everything, or that any other part of Gods Word is true...but we do try, so that people will hear and The Holy Spirit can reach out and touch their hearts and they can get saved. Its sometimes hard to explain ...but when you know that the truth, is the truth, is the truth, is the truth...then you know about the truth. As sure as the sun rises and the birds begin to chirp each morning we know that God is there and Has done it all. Its always good to establish a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ while we are alive. Gods a friend and wants to know us personally. Posted by Gibo, Tuesday, 28 October 2008 6:57:08 AM
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Ah - but Sancho, I have an eyewitness account from someone who is still living. Admittedly, her testimony might be construed as evidence that her eyes aren't that good or that she has a vivid imagination, but at least it's contemporary.
Heretic. Spikey - are you suggesting that George is a triune Clooney? I mean, there's Sancho, me and now your Clooney. Verily, this thread is becoming a Clooney Bin. Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 28 October 2008 7:32:44 AM
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Dear MUST go into standup comedy :)
Lines like: "Scientists, unlike creationists, do not have a ‘book of one truth’ in which they have faith and which they need to protect from criticism." ...just about required a visit to intensive care for me as the medical impact of my convulsive all over the floor laughter became quite life threatening :) No book of truth ? :) errrr *cough*.. "theories... research grants.. livelihoods.. reputations.. funding.. mark in history... name...legacy" *fights back the choking* Posted by Polycarp, Tuesday, 28 October 2008 7:45:05 AM
I've got a collection of Bronze-age folk stories with a grab-bag of appendices written over the following 5 centuries which say I am the one true Clooney.