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Macolm Turnbull

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Hi Robert

The Howard Government had already worked on it. Thats the difference.
Rudd as shown his lack of experience and nothing more.

How much do you think CEOs of large companies have had in pay rises - and others?- Heaps.

My point was going to show, if he trips himself up, on something as simple as this how can we feel safe given the concerns we now face.
Now more than ever we need a smart leader.

He has done nothing to stop pay rises of the rich depite huge losses from these companies.
The elderly single need it now for times are harder than ever.

Belly If people want kids it should be a law in this country that they can afford them

Sure Rudd will increase it by some probably around feb next year. Pity about those who need it now isnt it
A long time to eat dog food dont you think.
The people wont forget Macolm Turnbull fought for them to get some help right now when they most need it.

Theres very little support for Rudd anymore and its not even a year gone by.

Those results speak for themselves. Nothing to do with me I am just saying it like it is.

Give him a few more years and I reckon he could go down as Australias most unpopular PM ever. Of course there is a chance he might start to listen to some good advise he has been given already.

Lets hope so shall we because its makes no difference to me if its ALP or the Libs in power.

So long as we have the right people with the right intentions.

He may even surprise us all yet. I hope so
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 8:49:24 AM
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Threads die after posts like that.
We are not compelled to agree with every post.
I am grateful for that.
We did get into an interesting subject.
Turnbull is not my enemy just because he leads the other team.
He is the right man for the job, but.
Yes but he must get substance and policy's.
Only the truly unaware do not understand the Howard government if returned had no intention of continuing the one of pensioner payment.
No provision had been made for it in forward financial estimates.
And only a few of us, could not know the pensioner rises could not be passed by the back door.
That money bills come via the lower House.
That the whole substance was to shame Labor into taking on conservative policy's.
Very few of us do not want big rises across the board in all pensioner category's and soon.
Most of us understand that the review is huge, it looks at so much that effects us all.
Just one it must confront big superannuation sums being spent so pensions can be paid, do we pay the greedy as much as the needy?
Emotional clap trap about dog food is just that.
We elected this government to govern, to do it in a responsible way why do we ask it not to do so now?
9 short months ago, in fact over the last 12 years Turnbulls team had its chance to fix this.
Why did they fail?
Turnbull must understand spoiling tactics are not going to put him in office.
I am reminded of Foxys quote, it will become an important election slogan.
If the Liberals stop lieing about us we will stop telling the truth about them.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 25 September 2008 6:24:35 AM
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The total hypocrisy of Malcolm Turnbull, regarding pension increases, in CLEAR FOR ALL TO SEE; that is those who WANT to see the truth.

During his 4 or so years in opposition Malcolm Turnbull did nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, about lobbying for any pension increase whatsoever. His party was in government then, they could have acted IF THEY WANTED, and Malcolm Turnbull did nothing, NOTHING.


SUDDENLY he develops a heart: SUDDENLY he cares about pensioners. He drafts legislation for the senate that he knows, in advance, is unconstitutional and has ZERO hope of success. He doesn't give a STUFF about pensioners, and he never did! He's telling a lie......the lie is, he cares about the pensioners' financial plight.

In government, Labour is going about pension increases in the responsible way. Under labour, pensioners have ALREADY received utility entitlements (and more) that provide an EXTRA $900 or so per year..... the Liberals didn't do this, LABOUR did it!

In government, Labour is acting upon pension increases (pensions WILL be increased.....ALL pensions, not just old age pensions). In government, the Lberals provided ZERO "base" pension increases during their ENTIRE period of government. They did NOTHING.

The Liberals don't give a stuff about pensioners. We have phony legislation from them, a "sudden" faked interest in pension increases, an ignoring of the 2 million Australians on pensions but not on "old age" pensions. The Liberals are practicing TOTAL HYPOCRISY, and are displaying why politicians are held in contempt by many thinking Australians. "Honesty" is a foreign word to most politicians. On the parliament floor in debate on this issue, the Liberals are being made to look like hypocritical, amateurish fools. And the Australian pensioners are watching.

Malcoln Turnbull is displaying hypocrisy and dishonesty regarding the pension issue, and those pensioners will remember that at the next election. And rightly so.
Posted by JW, Thursday, 25 September 2008 1:19:47 PM
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Oops, I meant to write, "during his 4 or so years in 'government' ".
Posted by JW, Thursday, 25 September 2008 1:23:25 PM
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"The total hypocrisy of Malcolm Turnbull, regarding pension increases, in CLEAR FOR ALL TO SEE; that is those who WANT to see the truth."

Steady on, JW. I think this is a criticism that should be levelled at John Howard or Howard's Cabinet more so than Turnbull. Howard ruled that Government with an iron fist, and Turnbull was only a Minister - Environment Minister, at that - for about 1-2 years of his 3 years in Government.

MT first has to work his way to the top before he can have a real influence on the party. I get the feeling that Malcolm wouldn't much want to help the most needy, not because he doesn't think it's a good thing, but because he's more interested in doing other things. He's probably counting on Labor to help pensioners as it is much better at that sort of thing anyway.
Posted by RobP, Thursday, 25 September 2008 2:01:01 PM
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Malcolm was a front bencher, and he had the right to speak publically that he thought old age pensions maybe needed to be increased by at least $30. He said NOT ONE WORD, year after year after year. Now he supports fake legislation on the subject (that everyone knew in advance could not possibly succeed in being passed). SUDDENLY it's 'supposedly' become very important that the pensioners get the rise NOW, and not in a few months: This is the base rise that they didn't get under the entire period of Liberal government: But all of a sudden, it's now 'urgent'.

It's complete and total hypocrisy, and utterly unashamed and blatant. It's horribly backfired on the Liberals. They were hoping for easy political gain at the expense of old age pensioners. Malcolm Turnbull is their leader, he supports the Liberal policy and the buck stops with him; nobody else.
Posted by JW, Thursday, 25 September 2008 2:28:51 PM
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