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Americas First Female President now?

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Foxy “Tell that to the people of the countries
that the Soviet regime
occupied. Look up the Yalta Conference.
And, see how Roosevelt and Churchill happily
handed over territories to Stalin.”

I never took you as being so naďve Foxy.

The first rule of politics is “it is the art of the possible”

Check your history books, Churchill, for one, certainly anticipated the approach of Stalin and
I am sure Roosevelt, despite his ill health also realized it and maybe Truman was too new ot the role to appreciate fully the monstrosity of Stalin and his communist swill.

But to get back to the first rule… what on earth did you expect them to do about it, other than “hold the line” along which the communists built their wall and gun turrets.

I suggest if you want to blame anyone for the plight of those who were enslaved in central/eastern Europe, you blame the communist/socialist swill and the "fifth column" of Lenins “useful idiots”, whose personal and intellectual inadequacies believed the lies of Marxist/Communist socialism.

“Baltic Nations.”

The problem of “the Baltic states” is pretty obvious. All three of the southern Baltic states suffer a problem of geography. Finland also experienced it to a degree, mere mice for the Russian bear to play with.

But don’t let history, geography and the patent evils of socialist communism deflect you from your criticism of USA, I realize some folk find “Yank-bashing” a lazy alternative to objective thinking.

And as for the view of most of Europe, the reason the Ukraine, Georgia, Poland and likely the Baltic States want to be part of both NATO and the US forward defense system is because they view the treacherousness of Russia as a continuing issue and want to be as politically close to USA and its defense potential as they can.

And I don’t blame them.


“I support Obama, as I back his judgment.”

Which at the executive level, is completely untested.

He must be doing a good job on those detergent adverts, selling himself as whiter than white (metaphorically speaking)
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 14 September 2008 7:17:17 PM
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*He must be doing a good job on those detergent adverts*

Nothing at all to do with any ads. I think that the man has
great critical thinking skills and people skills. He can
examine things from a number of perspectives, he does not
let emotion take over reason, as with McCain. He can see
perspectives that people outside of the US are putting forward,
something that few Americans seem to have the capacity to do.

There were plenty of times in the debates, where Hillary attacked
him like a fishwife. He kept his cool, gave reasoned answers,
he showed great judgement when under pressure.

If you watch a bit of CNN and Bloomberg, which I do, there
have been alot of occasions which show up peoples characters,
for the press leave no stone unturned.

The most dangerous kind of policician is the true believer like
George, who talks to god etc for answers and is a bad judge of
character, with absolutatly no people skills. These guys start

Palin shows no wisdom, she's a pitt-bull like George and
Americans have paid a huge price for that. If McCain falls
off the perch on day 1 of his presidency, with no economic
skills and no foreign affairs skills, she will not be ready
to take over. Charisma is not enough to be the most powerful
person in world, its too dangerous for the rest of the world.

That is exactly why America is in such a bloody mess right now
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 14 September 2008 7:51:32 PM
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Dear Col,

I'm not into "Yank bashing," I'm into major powers
keeping the promises they make. And not reneging,
simply because it suits them politically to do so.
You don't seem to know all the facts involved. I would
recommend your reading the book, "Victims of Yalta,"
by Nikolai Tolstoy. (Who also wrote, "The Minister and
The Massacres.") "Victims of Yalta," is the history
of a cruel betrayal on
the part of the West of millions of helpless people.

I quote from, The Times:

"One of the darkest blots on the British record is the
forcible repatriation of very large numbers of Soviet
citizens at the end of the Second World War. Some
committed suicide rather than return. Many were murdered
the moment they reached Soviet soil. Many more died in
camps in appaling conditions...harrowing reading not only
because of the appalling suffering of the victims but also
because of the cold blindness of the British officials and
politicians who sent them to their fate."

And yes, I guess that does make me politically naive.
I keep forgetting that small fish in the large political
ocean don't count for very much at all.

As for the McCain and Palin team - if they get elected -
it will mean suicide for the American Nation.
McCain's and Palin's pro military stance, will increase
Islamic attacks on America and her supporters.

Barack Obama is the only hope that America currently has.

And strange that you should refer to his colour...

I actually hadn't noticed, I was busy listening to what
he had to say. And it made sense.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 14 September 2008 8:15:08 PM
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It takes more than the president to determine the course of govt; so i don't get the gist of the gab. Wat you talk is a lot of supposing. Let the Americas play out their presidential hoohaas. Theres plenty going on in AU you know;.. Don't meddal in america's affairs , you will be no better than they are.
Posted by olly, Sunday, 14 September 2008 9:05:55 PM
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Golly olly your post makes no sense at all, surely you understand the impacts for us if America sneezes?
And Col ww2 saw America knowingly give parts of Europe to the Russians, to stop England having too much power?
Now in the world of American politics Palin would be the end, most of us expect another country to over take Americas spot as world leader.
In maybe 50 years.
Well if Obama wins it may take that long.
Republicans? maybe 5 years Palin? 5 minutes is a possibility.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 15 September 2008 5:32:19 AM
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Foxy “One of the darkest blots on the British record is the
forcible repatriation of very large numbers of Soviet
citizens at the end of the Second World War.”

That might be so but it is a separate event to the one you were initially whining about, being the occupation of Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union and such occupation being beyond the capabilities (and possibly the exhausted will) of the Western Allies to repel.

“Barack Obama is the only hope that America currently has.”

My friends in USA see it differently

but what would they know,

the just live there and vote there

and of course, lack the benefit of your vast insight and appreciation of contemporary history.

Belly “most of us expect another country to over take Americas spot as world leader.
In maybe 50 years. Well if Obama wins it may take that long.

Republicans? maybe 5 years Palin? 5 minutes is a possibility.”

Classic hyperbole Belly, silly post and you know it.
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 15 September 2008 9:27:29 AM
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