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The Forum > General Discussion > Barefoot and pregnant? Wipe that smile off your face!

Barefoot and pregnant? Wipe that smile off your face!

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Jason, pull your head out of the sand. What about single parents (mothers/fathers)? I'd prefer that their kids saw them contribute at least something back to society, show that a living has to be made it is not a gift. What about invalid mothers or fathers? What about women who earn more than their husbands (in some cases significantly). Your rage at childcare is I think really directed at the middle-class women who have a uni degree, marry-up and really dont need to work, but either feel that they have to keep a career on track or just dont like kids. What you forget is that there is a whole range of people that really do need childcare for any number of reasons. In the past a closer circle of friends and family filled the gap. Given our wider geographical dispersement and the likelihood of grandparents working longer than in the past, we now need to often turn to third-party care. I think I mentioned in an earlier post I would sell everything I owned and live in a tent before I let my kids go to ABC centres, but the mix I have found for them of a family friend, grandmother and family daycare each week works well for them, they are happy to go and love playing with their friends. It creates confidence and independence if correctly chosen and managed, the two best things that you can give a child.
Posted by Country Gal, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 9:16:28 AM
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Antiseptic, I am happy to address you in the first person. The written word is fraught with more chances for miscommunication than face-to-face conversation, perhaps that it why you are overreacting or appear to be overreacting. But if you come across in real-life the way you do on-line, then I am not surprised that you are socially excluded particularly by women. There is no doubt that there are cliquey women's groups and also no doubt that there are boys clubs, but certainly not all men or women are like that. I dont expect that you'll believe me that you appear to be contributing to the problem (and it may well be because of experiences you have had in the past), but try looking back over a thread like this and see what reaction you elict from people as opposed to others that may hold similar views but have learned to express those views in ways that are not broadly insulting.
Posted by Country Gal, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 9:23:26 AM
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CG, thanks for the critique. I don't happen to agree with you, but you're welcome to your view.

I treat people on this forum the way they treat me. I do the same IRL. As I said, I intensely dislike double standards and I do my best not to practise them. As people are more prone to take offence IRL, I moderate the way I respond, but then, so do we all. On forums, I see no need to pull punches if someone chooses to hide behind their anonymity to have a little snipe. Frankly, the silly little twit that tried to tell me all about myself deserved no less than she got and if she'd had the temerity to try it IRL I'd have been just as scathing (the exception proves the rule, as always).

There are some posters on here whose views I respect enormously, including your own on many subjects. I may respond to you robustly, but I make an effort not to be disrespectful. I may not always succeed, but I don't claim sainthood. As for my views being expressed in a "broadly insulting" way, please point out where I have done so in this thread. I've been careful to make an effort to avoid just that. If some twit identifies with the uber-feminists who want to run the place, it's hardly my fault and she'd best harden up quick-smart.

If any of that contributes to the women at my child's sport not wanting my company, then they're shallow drips, not worth the effort. Thanks for pointing that out.
Posted by Antiseptic, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 12:21:08 PM
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Antiseptic, I have re-read all your posts, and confess you are right! The main sweeping statement refers to the uber-feminists in the halls of power which on re-reading doesnt align them with the majority of women. This is what I mean about miscommunication though! Your posts are very prickly and very easy to take offence to. Still it would be a sad old day if we all thought and talked the same way. Its part of the reason why I love OLO - I can vent by taking on arguments on various topics, instead of picking fights with my husband.
Posted by Country Gal, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 12:47:33 PM
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Haha That's funny CG, you're a real gem. So lacking in arrogance and so genuine. I have encountered similar in all the country girls I have known.
Posted by Usual Suspect, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 2:16:16 PM
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Single parents do a good service to their kids by not working, before school age. Older people are more scarce these days by choice. They have had enough of your kids before the age of 2. They can see wat is going to happen if they make their self available. So they can be found somewhere around au; Instead of babysitting your kids while you are on a junket.
Posted by jason60, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 4:41:19 PM
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