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The Forum > General Discussion > Barefoot and pregnant? Wipe that smile off your face!

Barefoot and pregnant? Wipe that smile off your face!

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The misogynist card has been played a hundred times with more frequency than the misandrist one. However, when you begin seeing it applied to balance the extreme feminist agenda in our society, it's more than justifiable.
Posted by Steel, Monday, 1 September 2008 4:47:31 PM
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My experience has some similarities and some differences to Antiseptic's. The activities I've taken my son to seem to generally have plenty of men along, occasionally I've been the novelty male but not often. I think Country Gal and I have had a similar discussion before and I do wonder if that experience is geographical, that some areas are very different to others.

I've not had a feeling of being on the outer except when I was going through the worst stage of the family law stuff and I doubt that I was very good company at that point.

The place I've noticed the issue is in my son having friends over, female carers rarely send their kids here to play making it clear that play will be at their place. There are a couple of exceptions in his circle of friends and it seems less obvious now than it used to. Maybe because my son and his friends are older or maybe because people are getting more used to the idea of men being single parents.

I do think that there has been a significant change in attitudes towards men caring for kids in the last few years.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 1 September 2008 5:46:56 PM
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What a poisonous and unfounded statement. while not being first prize, with the cost of daycare as it is it is an economic necessity. Throughout time the extended family has cared for children, the daycare, with its staff is filling that role.

I never needed that option, but I understand the need for it.
Posted by Democritus, Monday, 1 September 2008 5:53:20 PM
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JW:"Copy comment URL to clipboard
I can see why Antiseptic has problems fitting in. When you read his posts on other topics, as soon as anyone personally criticises him he immediately responds in kind."

Which would be why I responded to SallyG's criticism of my interpersonal skills with a "perhaps". Are there any other aspects of my behaviour you'd like explained in simple terms?

JW:"that shows weakness and a real character flaw. "

Thank you Dr Freud. Nice of you to spend your valuable time instructing poor little old antisocial me. Good of you to address it to the third person so I don't feel personally offended. It has the potential to elicit further such valuable advice to me from others, too, so well done you.

JW:"He comes across here as a very defensive type of individual, and this may be what those women are seeing, and why he's not popular with the women at those child activities he claims to be involved with."

Nice. Not only have you managed to give me valuable insights into my personality, but you've shown how untrustworthy I am to be making any claim to be involved in my children's lives. Fantastic, thanks.

I don't know there's much I can add to such a learned analysis on such minimal inputs. I can see the error of my ways. Next time a woman goes out of her way to be as helpful in pointing out my flaws on such short acquaintance, I'll be appropriately grateful.

Posted by Antiseptic, Monday, 1 September 2008 6:55:39 PM
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It's a lifestyle thing. You make the decisions to work, rather than bring up your kids, with parental guidence. No blame at all rests with the male. You make the decision to have the kids. Without your blessing a pregnancy would not occur or succeed. It rests with you when govt: agencies make decisions for you. The male is a nomadic worker and cannot be immediately contacted. The woman makes the nest and rears the young.
Posted by jason60, Monday, 1 September 2008 8:07:38 PM
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Sharkfin –“COL- What you say is true about businesses taking their companies to India and China. “

the UN has no authority to intercede in a nations internal affairs

In fact, when you get right down to it, the UN is, as the Chinese would say “A Paper Tiger”

As for the rest, the reason a lot of those wages are lower in India and China is
the cost of taxes etc is a lot lower in those countries and
personal expectations are similarly a hell of a lot lower.

For myself, I know what I have to do to earn what I want in these difficult times and am doing it. That is my choice.

I also choose to support free trade, lower tariffs (but only when reciprocated), limits to pointless government and union interference in workplace relations and life in general, smaller government and greater emphasis on personal reliance and responsibility.

Anyone who pretends the competitive nature of business and trade is helped by an approach to universal equality is kidding themselves. In the end, those with the get up and go will more off shore when the tax and nannying get too much to tolerate and they will take their wealth, skills and energy with them, leaving the rest to sink into the mire.

And anyone who thinks the wealth of the nation is attributable, in anyway to government has the wrong idea all together.

“Like the compulsory training of apprentices by businesses that are making excessive profits.”

Not sure how anyone can define “Excessive Profits” and understanding the fluctuation in commercial cycles, the Excessive Profits in one year can turn into Excessive Losses based in the quality and foresight of the managers/owners who run the business, Enron (the smartest men in the room) comes to mind –

and if you think anyone is critical of what happened at Enron, you ain’t heard me yet.

That the auditors could be so corrupt and sign off on Enron’s bogus accounts, placed the entire accounting professions reputation in jeopardy
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 1 September 2008 8:41:21 PM
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