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A Culling Bloody Shame

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Nickie you have caught the obtuseness virus from Dickie.

Copy paste it into your search engine for cripes sake.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 12:38:07 AM
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*I find it mind boggling that you support organizations whose policies are to destroy the wool industry in this country. *

Oh, thats only the start of it! They want to shut livestock farming
down too! Its a bit like a religion to alot of these people.
Thats why I call them the Animal Taliban
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 6:36:05 AM
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*Yabby, which words are they that you suggest I should eat? I'm a bit mystified about that. Animals Australia worked with the Jordanian Royal family*

Sheesh Nicky, you are not the brightest at times, when it suits you.

I remind you that the Jordanian Royal Family are from the Middle
East. Time and time again on animal welfare threads, I've pointed
out to you that if you want to improve animal welfare in the ME,
work with people there to achieve it. You've claimed that they
were all a bunch of savages and that there was no hope. I pointed
out that people are not all the same, be it in Australia or the ME,
that all types exist and to write them all off as a bunch of
savages, as you do, is wrong.

Now perhaps you should eat your words and agree with me, unless
of course you would like to include the Jordanian Royal Family
in your "bunch of savages" statement
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 7:05:42 AM
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Today I will start a thread on PETA and Animals Australia. Then we'll see what arguments come up.
Posted by myopinion, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 8:10:06 AM
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Hi all
Myopinion, all I can say is shame on you. There was a case of a bull in Tasmania who reached national prominence when he broke his back exiting a chute. According to the nationally televised story, he was forced, by means of kicks to his face, head and body, to drag himself with his front legs to a truck (comment from that State's Chief Veterinarian was that some of the kicks were to his eyes, and even Harry Cooper said he was sickened - Cooper has commercial interests in animals too). He was left there for over an hour, from the reports, before any form of assistance arrived, then it was a vet nurse, who just said "you'll have to shoot it". He was then driven away rather than disrupt the "enjoyment" of the barbarians who find such spectacles amusing. And that's just the beginning of the story. What of all the calves who are maimed and injured and killed, nationally, in "calf roping"? And all the animals maimed and killed in "practice" activities, that are never made public? Collateral damage? As for mulesing, everyone knows the truth about it now, and that's why you people have been forced to find a solution. Try anaesthesia and analgesia.

Yabby, you really are tragic. The Jordanian Royal Family has been prevailed upon to see the awful cruelty to which animals are subjected, and have decided to take a stand. They are something of a minority, don't you think? The rest of the savages will just continue as they always have, although I suspect it will only be a matter of time now. None of that had anything to do with MLA's little band of "pretenders" (you could probably fit them all in a phone box). Animals Australia is not about fraudulent "improvements", they are about putting a complete full stop to this disgraceful element of Australia's international activities. Does international profile not worry you people at all?

Posted by Nicky, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 7:04:50 PM
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Ah Nicky, so now you seem to be excluding the Jordanian Royal Family from your
“savages” inclusion, but calling the rest of them savages. What about the many
people who might live in the ME, who might not be “savages” by your definition?

But then you describe most of us as savages lol. If somebody is not a veggie
nut like yourself, you seem to include them, given that most of us eat meat and
wear leather etc.

The thing is, my point has been proven, change is possible in the ME, if you work
with the locals in a sensible way, to bring it about. Australian farmers have been
the only ones, doing anything active on that score, now AA are joining the party.
I have no problem with that, I have suggested it all along. Perhaps somebody has
pointed it out to them.

Sure they are opposed to the live trade, as they are to eating meat. Hey that is their
problem, not our problem. What we can show is that floating feedlots, where animals gain weight, are just as good or better then land based feedlots and far more
regulated. Two weeks on a boat is no big deal in the life of a sheep, which it has spent outdoors for most of the time.

If there is a problem with animal welfare in the ME, as AA have now shown, something can be done about it, if animal welfare groups get off their little
butts and don’t just spend their days rattling the proverbial tin in Australia or
America. 20 million $ as raised by Peta, is big bucks, its about time they spent
it in a sensible way, rather then just trying to send Australian farmers broke.

But then as you have said, you think we should not be farming livestock at all.

If you think that farmers are doing nothing for animal welfare,
should we take back the 70 slaughter boxes installed in Indonesia
and let them go back to the old ways, like in the ME?
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 28 May 2008 7:51:54 PM
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