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A Culling Bloody Shame
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Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 11:57:03 AM
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Relocating kangaroos is an absurd idea.
Did they do anything with the meat? Posted by freediver, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 12:21:49 PM
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"....Their corruption has taken them over to the obscenity of homosexuality and lesbianism support.
I look to that day they get their Judgment with a smile." Posted by Gibo, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 8:55:57 AM ..on a thread about a 'roo cull? Giborish, you poor pathetic old sod! Cuphandle, I agree with the other posts, but having said that I am so sorry that this has caused you so much distress. Posted by Ginx, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 12:30:30 PM
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CJ. I dont mind that much about getting a hard time from some on this site.
I think its fine to look to the fall of obscene, sexually immoral governments. Its looking to God to bring Uniform Justice to corruption. Theres part of the Bible that says God will destroy those who destroy His Creation. This whole ugly thing was about money not love or caring for animals. Today we stand on the absolute edge of the Bibles "Tribulation period" brought about by man destroying Gods Creation. 3 Million acres of Amazon forest in the last 12 months and all of its animals who were unable to escape. How God must hate the fact that we tear down and rip up and hunt everything to death to convert to dollars. The signs of the times tell me you chaps are going to live to see the worst time in human history very soon...all of the born again christians know its almost upon the earth because its "in The Holy Spirit" living within them. I hope you receive Jesus before it begins so you can go with Him when He takes His people out in the Rapture. Thats a Bible based view by the way. Soon the King Comes. Soon the Judgment. Lets be ready for it. Posted by Gibo, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 12:49:51 PM
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You certainly have my respect Cuphandle and it is refreshing to learn that you are managing your lands in a sustainable manner and with a compassionate regard for the animals which cohabit your property. Your efficient management says little for an industry which claims it cannot live in harmony with Australia's bush-life.
The proposal by Defence was to shoot about 400 kangaroos at Belconnen and 2800 kangaroos at Majura so the slaughter is not yet over. At least the hunter will not have access to the ACT cull. These shooters would pull the joey out of his mother's blood spattered body, toss him to the ground and stamp on his head where he writhes in agony and is left to die. Older joeys who frantically hop away when their mothers are shot, have no chance of survival. They die a slow, lonely death from starvation or cold. The total exploitation of wildlife provides a financial benefit for Australians prepared to accept the needless killing of the species and I question the Government's claims that kangaroos are in plague proportion and their claim that there are over 1,000 road kills per annum in Canberra - a dubious claim indeed. There appears to be a constant orgy of animal slaughter by this nation. Australia now has the ignominious reputation for hypocrisy and the international community is objecting to Australia's inhumane treatment of its animals. Between '97 and 2000, hundreds of companies in Britain boycotted kangaroo meat. The Australian Government failed to persuade the British public to support its massacre of kangaroos for meat and so actively turned to other markets - eg Asia, the USA, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and EU countries such as Germany, France, Belgium and Holland. Despite the mass slaughter of wildlife by the heinous 1080 bait, trapping and shooting, successive Australian governments have been an abysmal failure in the sustainable management of our lands. These are the leaders who conduct their business under a mask of economic rationale which is devoid of any morality. Let them learn the hard way. Posted by dickie, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 1:07:39 PM
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Sorry cuphandle. This really doesn't cut it as a serious issue.
I know that sounds dismissive and harsh. But frankly, I think this needs to be put in perspective. Consider these points: Point 1): It's 400 kangaroos. To place it in context, here is the totals for Queensland's culls, over the last few years. This year's cull quotas for Queensland are over a million eastern grey kangaroos, 328,000 wallaroos, and 608,000 red kangaroos. And yet, here are people getting worked up over 400 kangaroos. The poor dears. Good heavens, we mustn't hurt the *cute* animals. Point 2): Australia is a country defined by its drought cycle. The natural order, is for kangaroo populations to explode, then die painfully of starvation during the drier periods. Yes it sounds harsh, but nature is harsh. Ask the gazelles getting eaten by lions in every second Attenborough documentary. Is starvation really a kinder alternative? Ask yourself - in Queensland alone, more than one and a half million roos are being culled. Why is it that these 400 get people worked up, but there isn't so much comment on the larger roo cull? Perhaps, some honest consideration of the facts would reveal that opposing these culls would be impractical. Aside from financial issues related to meat and so forth, the populations would return to the boom and bust starvation cycle. It would take a cruel mind to prefer this 'natural way' of starvation. But honest consideration is thin on the ground on this emotive issue. So these 400 make headlines. Sentimental puffery. - To be brutally honest, I don't have much sympathy for the animal lovers banging on about these 400 kangaroos. It sounds harsh, but I think they're sentimentally wasting their time, when they could either focus on endangered animals, or focus on issues more related to cruelty, such as the live export trade (an issue I do have some sympathy for, which is *despite* the efforts of a certain prolific organisation on OLO). Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 1:24:50 PM
Gibo: << I look to that day they get their Judgment with a smile. >>
And you wonder why you get a hard time from some of us. Hypocrite.