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Obama, Wright and the BlackPower movement.
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Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 13 May 2008 10:17:23 AM
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“The point of bringing this for our discussion is that it shows how any 'liberation' movement contains a dominance theme rather than an equality theme.”
Sounds like socialism to me, the dominance of the indolent and incompetent “levelling” out, through tax and nationalisation, the rewards acquired by the energetic and able. Whilst I denounce the racism and elitism of the past with school segregation, reserve jobs, purchase rights based on race (like buying houses in a particular area), I equally denounce the inverted racism inseparable from affirmative action. We remain best served by a system which encourages the individual excellence from which we all benefit, rather than pursuing policies which stunt the potential of the able, in the name of equality. As dearest Margaret said “Let our children grow tall, and some taller than others if they have it in them to do so.” And she did not qualify that statement to any particular race. Personally, my gut tells me McCain, I do not believe the US electorate are ready for an Obama. They might be ready for a Colin Powell or maybe a Hilary Clinton but Obama is travelling with too many secrets. However, I could be wrong and since, ultimately, I do not get to vote, my opinion don’t count for much. But to guess the winning horse in a race does not mandate we should have a bet on it. Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 13 May 2008 10:19:19 AM
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Hi Col..... nope..not on about socialism here. Just a kind of *warning*
about ANY group which is claiming 'victimhood' which they then turn into a plea for more funding, more privilege, affirmative action, which all taken together equal "stronger strategic position".. and from 'that' we would see the 'inner core' become increasingly evident, as the layers of propoganda and misinformation, and 'happy friendly warm' public face it replaced by the tyranical, dictatorial, death camp mentality. The public face of such movements will make liberal use of congratulatory and 'warm fuzzy' interaction to win over the easily influenced and gullible. This could happen in a migrant group, indigenous group, religious group (including 'Christian') "eternal vigilance" is the price of freedom. Obama... as I said.. not really about him, but.. I tend to agree a bit.. my gut feeling is that Obama wins the 'populist' vote, in spite of his 'secrets'.. Hillary wins for 'guts and balls' .. McCain..hmm I kinda want him to win but he reminds me too much of an old chubby pooch which has had a good run, but now just wants to flop at ur feet by the fire and snoooze. DIGRESSION..... I've had the odd rant about this Philippino Pastor Quiboloy, but it seems to be getting worse by the day! Can you believe that young impressionable people are actually calling this bloke the "appointed Son of God" and are referring to him as the virtual second coming! It blows my mind. He declares himSELF as Son of God...and "The rapture is taking place right now" how? Simple..people going to Davao City.. "the new Jerusalem." <-inCREDible! The crowd there is not 'a few hundred'... its a few hundred thousand I'd guess. I'm waiting... for the clash between his movement and the politicians. Or.. the sexual abuse.. or.. the financial scandal...or.. the 'now we must all pass to the next life' thing. Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 13 May 2008 3:06:48 PM
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Colin Powell would have made a good president so would Ms Rice. But Obama is not only half white ,he is also only half American. Wasn't his father African?
Carrying too much baggage and one wonders what is in that baggage. Posted by mickijo, Tuesday, 13 May 2008 3:14:38 PM
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Oh Boaz, Boaz. You are so-o-o-o-o-o gullible.
>>The crowd there is not 'a few hundred'... its a few hundred thousand I'd guess.<< Truly, you should wean yourself off this YouTube habit - it is very bad for your health. Take another look. There was no doubt some form of rally at some time, where all those people in white made a bit of a showing. Could easily have been a "come in white" Hillsong gathering, for all we know. But it was held indoors, so the audience would have been limited to thousands, rather than tens of thousands. Let alone a few hundred thousand. You will notice that at no point in any of these videos do you see the Pastor and his "flock" in the same picture - the only shots of himself and the public show a handful of people only. And in all the outdoor shots, there was absolutely nothing to say they weren't at a political rally. The man is a con artist, and you have been royally conned. The videos - they have produced 68 of them since March 2007, that's one every twelve days - are produced by his in-house publicists, KingdomNation. I'm not sure why you have picked on this particular incarnation of a Christian evangelist preacher to complain about. There are literally hundreds like him, all puffed up with their own self-importance. Mind you, I could be wrong - after all, many were wrong about Jesus during his lifetime, weren't they? We won't really know for fifty years or so. Then a few people might get together and build a few myths about him. How he was a really compassionate guy who ran many charities, especially for the kids. And how many people followed him around (with many videos to prove it) listening to his every word. Shouldn't be difficult to manufacture a decent religion out of that, eh? Is that what concerns you, perhaps? Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 13 May 2008 3:47:30 PM
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Hi Pericles...
me... gullible ? :) nah.. my 'hundredS of 1000s might have been a tad over the top, for Quiboloy at that meeting, but there is the audience you don't see.. via TV. But glad you had a squizz at it all. Did you notice the ONE major issue which differentiates this moron from all the other 'televangelists' who we might consider questionable? You would have seen it in the last vid of the 3. "The 2nd coming has come (i.e...HIM)... The rapture is here.. " He is actually claiming that he himself is the 2nd coming of Christ. If he is prepared to promote such an awful lie, then a bit of skilful video editing would not be beyond them, but in this case, having seen HUGE HUGE rallies in Africa and the Phils with other evangelists.. some dodgy and some ok.. this kind of crowd is chicken feed. Now...THIS, is a crowd! "Red hot chilli ur heart out" :) Quite a contrast to the 'scattered individuals at ye old country Anglican church eh :) I cannot say much about this bloke.. a few concerns, nothing concrete. With all the same problems of the early church as shown by Pauls letters, the Church is still growing in Africa warts and all, in numbers you cannot even begin to imagine. Black...white...Asian.. all ONE in Christ. Even "Idol" is jumping on the bangwagon :) None of which is very relevant to the thread of course that it shows how a faith movement can be huge, and bring great change to society, apart from law, strife, violence and revolution. In that sense, true faith is a much better alternative than a liberation movement. Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 13 May 2008 5:27:22 PM
seems like you think I'm having a go at Obama ? read my 2nd post please.
This is not about Obama at all...its about 'understanding the Black Power' movement (which of course may just as well be a 'White' power movement.
I'm exploring the morphing from 'liberation' to 'domination' that usually occurs in such social phenomena.. it happens in feminism, Socialism and on the 'Right' as well.
Understanding this social phenomena, will equip us better to anticipate future directions in Australia of ANY seditious movement, which challenges the status quo in the name of some kind of victimhood.
Belly get's it.. I'm surprised you don't.