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Sorry too limited

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Belly, I am sorry you are leaving this thread. I agree with you- the symbolic gesture of saying of sorry to the Aboriginal people was a very emotional and proud moment for our nation. There is still a long way to go, but my goodness, what a great start.

Now may I offer some advice as far as PALE is concerned Belly- please do not let them get to you. They are absolutely not worth the effort in fretting over. Take comfort in the adage “Studid is as stupid does”

Posted by TammyJo, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 5:12:25 PM
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I sit here wanting to respond to the diatribe of Wassup. Words fail me- the only thing that comes to mind is Why? Why? Why? Why would someone write something that cruel and misguided. Why?

I voiced this question out loud and one of my sons said " Mom - that person is just an idiot." That is 11 year old logic for you.

It will be interesting to see if Wassup has the integrity to step up and explain those comments. Or is Wassup going to hide like a gutless coward behind those words.

I have recalled a quote from Mahatma Gandhi and shared it with my boy to help him put some perspective to the comments by Wassup.

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."
Mahatma Gandh
Posted by TammyJo, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 7:05:05 PM
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I love going fishing, I did expect a few more bites though and yes, I am in a minority since I am of Aboriginal heritage. It's you whining civil libertarian tree hugging hippies who are contemptible.
For those who wish to know, what I typed before was a copy of an SMS that's getting around. I was curious to see what sort of reaction it would I said....I love going fishing.
Posted by wassup, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 9:24:25 PM
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Yeah, well I suppose trolling is a form of fishing.

I've commented before about racist trolls and rocks in relation to the Apology.

'Nuff said.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 9:34:07 PM
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That wasnt an apology and as for your weak attempt to distance or justify your actions by posting such discusting offensive comment it only serves to show your cowadly nature of one who strikes at innocent people who have suffered greatly.

I am just wondering what might happen had you directed that at Muslim people.

I would put money on it that it would be on the 6 Oclock News.

I doubt it would still be up on the forum either.
So Why should we let it go because it was aimed at aboriginal people.

I am sick to death of people thinking oh well its only the aboriginal people they are talking about= It doesnt matter they are used to it.
Well heres news= It does matter just as much or perhaps even more! than if you said it for example about Muslims.

BTW Belly Apoligies= It was Morgan who called or organisation Racist Pigs.

On another thread they are talking about freedom of speach.
Freedom of speach is 'very important and so is some control over what irresponsible people say on public forums which needs a much closer ; look at

You need look no closer than wassup, comments.

You will be identified wassup, and made answerable that much we promise the Aboriginal people who will read this for many years posbly after suffering death of their loved ones
Shame On You.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 10:00:40 PM
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"I agree CJ. I think the sentiments Wassup expresses are contemptible."
Posted by GrahamY, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 8:30:19 AM

Really? I think you are being a little politically correct...? Those of us who have the same sentiment, have been sadly swayed by the demon PC.

Washed up was simply exercising freedom of speech.

Wasn't he?
Posted by Ginx, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 10:55:02 PM
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