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Sorry too limited

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As usual, Pleasure to read.

No we have not missed the point. We work with Aboriginal people and have done so for a long time.

Sorry isnt enough unless its backed up with good projects to bring about 'real changes' and all promises kept.

We wanted to highlight the problems after Rudd dumped Obrien and broke his pre election promises.

You 'think' you are insulting me for what ever reason you choose but your actually insulting the Aboriginal people themselves because its their MOUS!

Here are Brads details and if you have an once of common decency you can apoligise to him yourself but that still leaves dozens of people giving up their time insulted.>

Bradley Saunders
A/Assistant Director
Partnerships and Innovation
Strategic Partnerships Office
Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy

Sorry Doesnt go Far Enough!
It can even make things worse and deepend the rift if thats all there is.

The tireless work done to deliver the wishes of the aboriginal people have been left in the dark again!
Brad of course is Aboriginal himself and you can see out site to view him speaking with leaders world wide about aboriginal affairs.

Each meeting held on the Gold Coast is officially opended with a welcome from aborignal represenatives and is received warmly by international guests.
This is our live style Tanyjo and your comments are both insulting and out of line.
I am also proud to say I know Collin Dillion and Graham his uncle as friends.
I dont think we have been unreasonable given we actually have the results of broken promises coming in here daily by phone from angry heart broken Aboriginal people.

Rudd Saying Sorry on one hand while withdrawing "other promises made pre elections" that directly effects "their" MOUs towards bringing solutions on the other, isnt good enough.

"Its nowhere near good enough."
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 16 February 2008 6:35:15 PM
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Tammy Joe may I say thanks? I am fighting so hard to avoid the host who post as pale.
I would SO much like to talk to yabby Nicky pf so very many about animal welfare and live exports.
I can not.
Pale invades threads I am involved in to taunt me, no other reason.
This thread is memorable to me, it is like destroying tombstones to degrade it.
My country has finally under my proud party said sorry.
We can start to rebuild to continue to build on that.
It is a forum rule, it truly is, not to divert threads C J Morgan is right ,the thread is dead.
And you highlight another truth, it appears some one knows no better.
I am away for a few days but how hard is it to open a thread?
We are approaching the day when yet another car park battle must take place in this forum a debate about thread diversions.
About others rights to think as they wish, about why so many never get involved in threads about live exports and animal welfare
Be proud of Australia I am
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 16 February 2008 6:39:25 PM
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I am Aboriginal I have a large family cousins uncles aunts the usual. I first met the pale people when they helped my family with accomadation by a programe that I could only dream of. Nobody had ever assisted us that way before. Practicle help training a job even someone to help after my last baby. When I found out about their work with animals I was over the moon because I love animals.

After a while I was asked if I would like to help with getting some of my people in their own business. Aunty May who is like everybodies Mum is growing herbs and she has got several of the others doing likewise.Then they are all going with the people who run pale and I am proudly going along as well to Austrade meetings to export not only herbs but the bush tucker sources dome of the men are getting into.

For the first time people have started talking about their own bush tucker and vegetable export business with much pride.

The Abattoirs being run by our own people and the farms would be fantasic. Sorry From Kevin Rudd has made some feel better but as a aboriginal person I know some are just after money that would be best spent on establishing the business to give our people their own sense of pride.

As a aboriginal lady who knows far more than anynody on this thread I am sad at your attacks on a group that I chose to be part of.

pale did not barge in at all. We are really upset that Kerry Obrion was dumped. pale are the only ones on this thread that work with our people. please take it from us. Sorry is not enough if the promise of a future is taken away in the other breath.
Posted by TarynW, Sunday, 17 February 2008 8:32:08 AM
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Back from my trip lets get this on track, claiming you know better than the rest of us Taryn W is a symptom of the problem.
Here in one of a few threads that for some of us is like a church, true, historic events have taken place, you claim inside understanding.
And maybe you have , but you , the group know as pale, here in this thread insult the intent of the thread, that Australia may not have done enough in saying sorry.
Can you take the time to review for me your groups actions in thread after thread?
Is it not clear for most Australians animal cruelty is appalling? but that most of us understand it is not and never will be your property?
That most are not looking for a meat processor to have the protection of animals as its property?
Start your own threads do not please turn other subjects with constant and rude diversions.
And understand like most Australians I look closely at who I support , your group , just judging on how you conduct yourselves here is not going to see me stand with it on any issue.
Pale went to great lengths to show me I could not have rational debate with them, let me have my views as I leave you to yours.
Taryn W do you not feel just a little concerned about busting into a thread like this? about your peoples past?
Is it not like an advertisement for pale?
To me it was the warning label on a packet of cigarettes, stay away from this brand.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 3:31:10 AM
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This is the apology that should have been given:
I'm sorry your black.
I'm sorry you have received numerous funds and benefits from the Australian Government - guilt money for perceived wrongs.
I'm sorry you can't handle alcohol.
I'm sorry you abuse your children.
I'm sorry you kill yourselves in custody.
I'm sorry you don't have to work a single day to get paid.
I'm sorry you are a burden on the Australian taxpayer.
I'm sorry you weren't all wiped out the day Captain James Cook first discovered this beautiful country.
Posted by wassup, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 7:08:01 AM
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I'm sorry that we still have a minority of whining racists with vile ideas like those expressed by wassup.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 20 February 2008 7:51:28 AM
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