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Sorry too limited

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Belly SAID

I will not be around....

PALE comments.

wassup, your comments are pretty on the money.
GY I agree the apology hasn’t gone far enough but not in terms on billions of dollars in pay outs.

Belly speaks of Rudd keeping his words. Yey Sure he did. He promised to say sorry if he were elected. He was elected so he kept his promise.
Now considering Rudd is so interested in a future for Aboriginal people and that most of these people grew up on stations you’ve just got to look at Rudd’s past on 'all' promises made pre elections.

ALP Rudd’s promise to the Australian public that very much affects aboriginal people was broken within two weeks.

Mr. Rudd ALP promise was = “A Labor Government would Ban Live Exports if the public demanded it"
They would reopen abattoirs is regional and rural areas where there are high degrees of unemployed. Many of these being our aboriginal people.

So Mr. Rudd ask yourself this- If you are going to help aboriginal people then why did you break your pre election promise knowing its the aboriginal people and regional areas that stood to gain more than any other community.

Why did you lie to the Australian public and dump O’Brien who you approved to appearing on ABC Landline just two weeks prior to the elections.

More importantly Mr. Rudd when are you going to reopen abattoirs in outback areas and give aboriginal people a chance to operate their own business.

Saying Sorry doesn’t go far enough you have to have a back up plan.
Once you reopen plants you employ not only people in kill rooms but employment is packing and manufacturing of goods transport IT electrons plumbers Drs nurses and before you know it aboriginal people are self stuffiest.
Handle these people with great care Mr. Rudd. Now more than ever they need strong kind but firm leadership.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 16 February 2008 8:10:16 AM
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You're right, Belly. A sure sign that a thread has passed its use-by date is when PALEIF jumps in to hijack it.

What on earth do live exports have to do with the Apology, except in the minds of fanatics?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 16 February 2008 9:07:18 AM
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It has everything to do with it. Rudds apoligised one one hand but behind the face of public he broken his promise to get regional and aboriginal areas up and running.
You cant just say sorry and then opt out on other promises to return his work to the bush and regional areas alowing the "aboriginal people to move forward."

If hes really sorry then stick to pre election promise that will enable these people to have a future.

You have need then for plumbers electrians packers cleaners drivers boners.
This is the root of any area. This is what aborignial people NEED a furture and he sraight out lied to the public.

Clearly you do not understand ecomony and what makes a nation great.
it is by supplying people with training and their OWN business oportunities.
I dont hear Rudd speaking of that!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 16 February 2008 10:52:38 AM
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Another thing BTW. I am sick to death of people like yourself and belly carrying on each time we make a comment.

It just so happens that Aboriginal affairs are very much in our area.
We have MOUs with Aboriginal Elders to establish training and programes and not just I the last ten minutes.

We have worked with QLD State Government and others over a long period of time.

So If you can not see the connection between Rudd saying sorry then dumping Obrien who was prepaired to work on aboriginal programes in full support of RSPCA push to reopen plants in areas where they provide training and a job and ownership of their Own business futures then thats your problem.

So we say yes we agree with GY Sorry isnt enough. Give these people a future and stick to your promise Mr Rudd. The other promise!

We have not made comment despite the fact we are probably the only people on this thread to have actually been working with Aboriginal Leaders.
Thats was because we knew you would or someone would try to claim we were off topic.
Well we are very much on topic!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 16 February 2008 11:18:31 AM
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In any course of events there has to be a starting point. When the first Aboriginal was killed in a far-off country which nobody knew much or cared about, it was the start of something the person who pulled the trigger or wielded the club could not possibly foresee. The action itself was not even significant and reflected an entire corpus of "knowledge" which was considered valid at that time.

In and of itself the word "Sorry" may seem just as insignificant in the light of the knowledge we possess to-day. But to me its value lies in the fact that it may be the definable starting point to something else.

Elsewhere I posted on the effects that have been seen in my corner of the globe. Since then my students have devoted a two-hour discussion period in class to the topic. The only things most of them knew about Australia before related to the Opera House and koalas. They have moved on to human rights, history, culture, law...all because of a word. Their focus has changed and their interest and concern been aroused. In this way we ensure that people, actions and policies are not forgotten.

One word can represented the first step in a very long journey.
Posted by Romany, Saturday, 16 February 2008 1:28:04 PM
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PALE- You have so missed the point of this thread. However, as difficult as this may be, we must have compassion for you – you just do not know any better. You consistently prove your ignorance and lack of moral fibre on any topic that is not about cows, sheep and the like. Furthermore you do not do your cause justice because of your narrow-minded views. You are a walking and talking example of an organization NOT to support because of your nasty outlook on just about everything.

You have manipulated this thread to highlight your own cause. You really don’t give a rats toss about Aboriginal people. You simply view them as nothing more than a cheap labour source in the abattoirs- which is in your best interest- not necessarily theirs. The fact that you think you know what is good for them only confirms your disassociation from reality. Shame on you.
Posted by TammyJo, Saturday, 16 February 2008 2:21:18 PM
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