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The Forum > General Discussion > The fight between Media and Sheikh Haron in last three days! Who is right? Who is wrong?

The fight between Media and Sheikh Haron in last three days! Who is right? Who is wrong?

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Thanks- Good to have someone come on here with knowledge.

Thought these might interest you.

Yep but they havent run out of ideas why it haram.
Talk about telling porkies.

I think for memory AFICS web site reads its all in 'the ears.'

Just goes to show you cant make a silk purse ut of a sours ear.

Where are you Ozzie.
Will I tell them all the truth about working with Muslim Leaders in AFIC so far after five years? Ah Ozzie. What do you reckon?
No you would know of course.
Well let me tell you all how it REALLY Is working with Muslim heads of Australia because as far as I know we are the only members of the public that held a MOU with them.

There have been many experiences - some good - some not so good.
Funny times friendships frustration patience trust anger etc.

But if I had to pick out just one experience I would have to say lies and back stabbing. Totally untrustworthy.

They look you in the eyes and tell lies that flow out of their mouths.
' They are polite and friendly. Basically they have NO RESPECT for us its as simply as that.
They are of the belief that their God is better- their ways and their culture.
Unlike the greeks and the wogs this lot in gerneral will NEVER except our way of life withut trying to change us.

Now they are pushing to turn Australia into a ritutual slaighter country through federal Government.

If you know anything about Muslims you will know its fanitical and controls their food as well as dress.

Not to pre stunn an animal is barbaric and cruel.

If you dont give a stuff about animals then - think about Allah taking over Australian meat supplies because ladies and gentleman - Thats just what the Muslim Leaders AFIC have asked for and it looks like they are getting it
Wake up Aussies!

ps How did I go Ozzie?
Posted by TarynW, Tuesday, 11 December 2007 6:57:14 AM
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Hey PALE (TarynW) how are you my dear friend? Long time no see :)
I didn't get it, you asked for help. How can I help? I wish I could.

Regarding the fake Sheikh Haron, I think the guy will be in jail at least for 20 years because of the fake letterheads of Australian government on the site. Or as I said before, if the letterheads are not fake, people who believe Sheikh Haron is fake are stupid.

All these people can't be stupid, they are smart and educated. So it might be the other option: Sheikh Haron doesn't exist!

I hope he doesn't exist. If he exists, all these people who say Sheikh Haron is fake look stupid for the public and it's not good for Australi's reputation.

No I don't think so. Australians are NOT stupid. They know something for sure. Australians don't say anything with no evidence and proof. They have a nice culture and they don't lie, they don't accuse people. So Sheikh Haron might be fake, because Australians can't be stupid. No WAY.
Posted by ALJAZEERA_OZ, Tuesday, 11 December 2007 10:46:24 AM
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If you look up Sheikh Haron on the 'Austrolabe,' website it will tell you that: "The Sheikh would be more convincing (as a Muslim) if he could spell his own name correctly. 'Haron' comes from someone not conversant with Muslim names - 'Harun' or 'Haroon.' The Arabic equivalent of the Hebrew 'Aaron.'..."

Also if you visit his webpage - it becomes clear he is fraudulent.
He does not begin with, "In the name of Allah, the most beneficient, the most merciful.." it would be impossible for a religious scholar to fail to do so.

The Fatwa section is the real giveaway. "A religious scholar gives a fatwa, or religious opinion, the same way a QC gives a legal opinion: in a highly ordered and codified manner, quoting verses from the Qur'an and Hadith, and offering religious consensus before finally coming to the scholar's own opinion. The Sheikh, however is not conversant with Islam and therefore can't do so, and so merely has written a short response from an opinion he believes reflects Islamic doctrine."

It doesn't. Proving him to be a fraud.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 11 December 2007 2:26:15 PM
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Hi Foxy
I know what you mean.

I want to add a reason. I think the main reason that this Sheikh doesn't exist is this reason:

It is impossiple that Australian Media and Aussie people to be stupid. When Media. Austrolable and Aussie people including the members of this forum say: Sheikh Haron is fake, we must accept it. Because it is impossible to say that all these people are stupid.

Foxy do you like my reason?

but I am scared, what if 10%, no 5%, no what if even 1% in the future we find that he is not fake. In that case we all look stupid, and I don't want such a thing happens. The home page of the website has a notice for Biography of Sheikh, have you read it?
Posted by ALJAZEERA_OZ, Tuesday, 11 December 2007 3:41:48 PM
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Maybe you should re-read my post. The part where I say that I believe this Sheik from Scrubby creek is part of somones imagination.

Al-Oz and I have history, he threatened me on this forum.

He has learned after being banned to be more moderate in his approach.

I was just saying hi to him.

Ali-Oz said :You asked me why I have named myself ALJAZEERA
When I was joining this site I was thinking to choose a nick name which show two important facts: 1. being Muslim 2. being Australian citizen.

And as for what soldiers talk about.... Well, you just wouldnt understand mate you just wouldnt. But pretty much the same stuff they talked about in every war. Think, rag, camel, goat, sand, virgin, allah, boy, crispy
Posted by SCOTTY, Tuesday, 11 December 2007 5:23:16 PM
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So I would not know SCOTTY? are you sure?
I find your posts heated always and very much one sided sorry but that is how your every word presents you.
Now AL what ever are you fair dinkum? do you agree this fraud does not exist? or are you saying he is true?
Such rubbish as this fraud writes can indeed be well crafted racist rubbish, just consider a fraud not unlike this one used in the last election campaign.
Now I find the term wog, unneeded, true it is a term we should have grown out of.
Some who use it throw tantrums if we are called Skippy's.
Lies? well yes some use them far too freely , even believe it is not crime to tell us non believers lies.
We too tell lies this thread is based on a lie maybe from like me a person born WASP.
Lies how ever leave a poor image, I think many no longer believe much some say on any subject because lies are too freely used.
The western world or at least the best of it, regard lies as an insult to honor, my word is my bond is one of thousands of sayings based on that high regard we hold for truth.
I am aware we all lie but know some do more than others, this zero regard for honesty is very important in the way we judge some sections of some cultures.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 11 December 2007 8:18:06 PM
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