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Bastardisation in the armed forces

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When I was at HMAS Leeuwin, Fremantle WA back in the 60's one of the popular Friday night events was for senior recruits to grab junior recruits and put them through "the gauntlet". The seniors would line up down the length of one of their barracks and the junior victim would have to run the length of the barrack getting hit with whatever the seniors had a hand. One night a junior was knocked unconscious with half a house brick wrapped in a pillow case. Another popular event was boot polishing the testicles; out of which one recruit reportedly lost a testicle due to infection (this popular sport carries on even to today in all services). And no one in authority ever stop these events from happening (they are part of lore). Forty years later the bastardisation still powers up the warped humour of Australias military leaders. People are still being victimised and sometimes brutally. Women in particular are unsafe in the services because of the sexual harrassment/rape potential. The federal government likewise turns a blind eye. John Howard uplifts the larrikin in the services: yet larrikin also means hoodlum. Peter Cosgrove, when in power, said he loves the irreverence of the Australian fighting man. So here then is the real problem. Its in attitudes...PM attitides/military leader attitudes/national attitudes. For the services to function properly they need to drastically clean up their acts. Parents need to think twice before allowing their teenagers to enlist. If its not safe for your youngster in our services dont put them through the misery of joining the servcies. Let the PM and the Defence Department change their hearts! How do the girls feel about their safety in Australia armed services? Parents be aware of what is going on!
Posted by Gibo, Thursday, 4 October 2007 8:41:37 AM
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the chinese have a saying: don't use good iron for nails, or good men for soldiers.

soldiers are people who are willing to go where politicians tell them, and kill the people the politicians say kill. since politicians have the moral sense of mafia dons, their hired gunmen are no different from mafia goons. they show their quality in many ways, bastardization is typical.

pollies and goons will try to tell you they defend the nation. in fact, when the nation needs defending there is mass enlistment, and conscription. the pros are just necessary for government control of the people. they act as strike-breakers and general purpose thugs.
Posted by DEMOS, Friday, 5 October 2007 7:48:05 AM
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This is a slow moving thread?
Im thinking the reason the army, navy and airforce get so few new recruits is because of the bastardisation.
Can anyone else see this?
The youth, though lacking in wisdom and disrespectful, are by no means without the knowledge of the persecution one can fall into in the services. Shivers...its been on tv for incident after another. Would you go for a career where those you work for can be as dangerous to your health as the enemy?
And all the defence department has to do is end it! Thats all.
I would like to see a public statement from the PM about this problem and a noble end to the troubles recruits and women go through in the military. As a parent I wouldnt let my son join any of Australias military services without a signed agreement by the federal government that he wouldnt be bastardised. At the present time, despite being somewhat equiped and looking like a first world defence force, I think in truth we are little more than a third world defence force. Defence force traditions (bastardisation processes/leanings) are paganism.
Posted by Gibo, Friday, 5 October 2007 7:50:02 AM
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Posted by Gibo, Friday, 5 October 2007 8:35:14 AM
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We had been there a week, we were all around 16... a new intake at RAAF Laverton Apprentice school.. it was great.. new mates.. away from home... money... and good training.

Then...they came.

A Saturday night.. the 2nd years arrived back, drunk... aggressive..violent.. uncaring. I awoke around midnight, to the sound of loud banging.. sticks on empty metal drums.. and many thumping crashing sounds.. along with the unmistakable sound of fist on flesh..then..yelling.. agonized screaming..coming closer... to my room about half way up the barracks.
In they came.. raging wide eyed freaks.. turned my bed 180 with me in it...and ordered me to re-make it 'perfectly'...
Anyone who spoke up was mercilessly thumped into near inconsciousnes, one bloke had a nervous breakdown.. they came back about half an hour later.. and then again.. and again...
Such was our introduction to 'Air Force Life'.
Bashings...Torture.. brutality.. humiliation..sexual abuse (forcing a bloke to masterbate in front of them).. it all happened.

I felt the brutality of one sadistic moron.. being belted so badly that it constitutes 'Assault and aggravated battery'. I've often felt like persuing that bloke through the AFP, and I know where he lives today...another king hit me in front of the drill instructors office, and his assembled intake, and tried to 'educate' me that it only took 1 of 'them' to give 1 of 'us' a royal flush. That was the point where I snapped.. and although I had blood from neck to navel from the king hit to the nose.. he ended up with 2 black eyes and the associated humiliation for a week. That was the day I became a 'man'. I was never touched again.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 5 October 2007 9:11:33 AM
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I remember the nightmare of the Easter weekend of 1966 and a large group of recruits from HMAS Leeuwin, Fremantle WA travelling on the Commodores launch over to Rottnest Island off the coast with only an Able Seaman and a Petty Officer. No sooner were we barracked than the Able Seaman and the Petty Officer disappeared into one room of the barrack to get bombed on beer. Much of the rest of the weekend us recruits wandered without supervision. At night some of the recruits got plastered themselves (some recruits were always jumping the fence at HMAS Leeuwin and going to local bottleshops. There were always drunken brawls in the Officers Mess as well)... and began to take it out on the local Quokka population (a Quokka is a small furry marsupial...lovely little things). With sticks and stones some of the recruits began bashing in the heads of these totally harmless little creatures, some of the mothers had babies. These then were some of my experiences with Australias armed services. In 40 years I see no change. Army morons is KKK outfits, sailors greasing and whipping juniors as they cross the Equator, women being abused by men, men being abused by men, soldiers killing cats... there is todays military. And idiot superiors doing nothing!
Posted by Gibo, Friday, 5 October 2007 10:03:10 AM
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