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Refugee Issues

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I think our Snotty is best regarded as a racist, bogan troll who is beyond redemption. His posts are caricatures of the hateful drivel that his more intelligent cohorts post in this forum, and are simply designed to provoke outrage from more reasonable, coherent and rational people - of whom Spotty is clearly very envious.

Engaging with such trolls is simply a waste of energy, and actually encourages them. I don't intend to provide any more oxygen to this troll, and I suggest that if others adopt a similar approach he'll eventually tire of spitting bile at himself and go back to Stormfront or wherever he came from.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 9 October 2007 9:03:36 AM
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Why do those of a conservative nature generally see the need to handle the issue of refugees and immigrants according to how well they can relate culturally to them?

All human beings are different, why do conservatives generally want to maintain the homogenity of a society?

Immigrants from as many different sources as possible are desirable. Yes, they must conform to our laws but the diversity they bring us is in large part what gives Australia such a rich tapestry of ideas to draw from. Often these ideas are responsible for maintaining Australia's success in buisness and the like, through emulating ideas that have originated in cultures vastly different than our own. One only needs to look at the way Japanese buisnesses manage purchasing and procurement and how this has been emulated by many Australian companies.

What a boring and uncompetitive country Australia wiould be if we were all white, middle class and of European ethnicicty. It is our uniqueness from each other that is the most remarkable thing about human beings and this should be celebrated. Who cares what it means to be Australian and how this should dictate where refugees come from. I have had friends who were refugees, so if I can make friends with people of other cultures surely you can too.
Posted by D.Funkt, Tuesday, 9 October 2007 5:05:50 PM
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Ad nauseum, you've called everyone with whom you disagree, 'selfish pricks'. Is there something you want to tell us about your personal life that might help you?
Posted by FrankGol, Tuesday, 9 October 2007 7:09:32 PM
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D.Funkt, you ask "why do conservatives generally want to maintain the homogenity of a society"...but that's obvious, the whole point of conservatism is to maintain the status quo, and if that means society is currently relatively homogeneous, that's how they want it kept. Conservatism never holds out long though, as reality tends to move ahead regardless of its protestations. Virtually every major issue that conservatives have protested against over the last few hundred years are now essentially uncontroversial. No doubt in 100 years time the idea of objecting to immigrants on the basis of their skin colour will seem just as silly as the idea of objecting to them on the basis of their sex or favourite colour would be today.
Posted by wizofaus, Tuesday, 9 October 2007 7:46:59 PM
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Oh No Im gutted, CJ called me a troll and wont feed me oxygen.

This is an online opinion CJ I merely state my opinion and attack your dangerous beliefs. You leftists dont own OLO YET.

If one person catches on to what idiotic and dangerous beliefs the left have of what our country should be, well all and good then.

You bloody yuppies think you can get me to go away? Think again

The leftists are trying to legislate the average Aussie and our way of life out of existence. Im offended and so are a lot of other people.

They are trying to come to terms with thier white guilt and they want the rest of us to pay the price.

It wont be thier kids who have to fight the black gangs like The African Kings in Perth. Thier kids are nicely tucked away in private schools.

Its the average smoking, drinking loves a punt and a day at the footy type folks who will suffer through immigration of third world diaspora.

Your leftist views are selfish in the extreme, redemption of your guilt of being white is selfish if the rest of us have our standards of living lowered and higher crime rates against our person.

If I offend anyone then tough.
If I cant spell or structure my sentences to academic level then tough titties latte sippers.

And no Im not a Nazi of any kind and I dont like what stormfront is about so get stuffed.
Posted by SCOTTY, Tuesday, 9 October 2007 9:27:39 PM
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Scotty, I'm curious - can you give me an example of a piece of legislation introduced by a "lefty" that has diminished your ability to live "the Australian way of life"?
In fact, it's hard to think of a single piece of legislation introduced successfully by a "lefty" in the last 15 years at all, given that despite the nominal progressive leanings of the ALP, in recent years they have been barely less conservative than the Coalition, at both State and Federal levels.
OTOH, I'm sure a lot of Australians see WorkChoices as a piece a legislation that diminishes the "Australian way of life" - and that was introduced by about the most right-wing Government Australia has ever seen. And given that same government has been responsible for immigration for the last 11 years, in which time they have boosted the numbers of non-UK/non-NZ migrants from ~75000 in 1996 to nearly 90000 last year, I fail to see how you can blame "lefties" for the gradual dilution of Australia's ethnic homogeneity. Indeed, it's generally been "lefties" that have argued for that number to be lower, given the questionable ability of Australia's natural environment to support such a population increase.
Posted by wizofaus, Wednesday, 10 October 2007 6:27:20 AM
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