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The Forum > General Discussion > What's happening to our pronouns?

What's happening to our pronouns?

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Jack The Lad: "Today's teachers and lecturers are mostly the product of leftist university professors whose purpose is to bring down the west. An assault on good language usage is one of many attacks."

It worries me that people actually believe this.

I disagree with many individuals on both sides of the political divide, but I'm not so foolish as to believe either side are fighting to 'bring down the west'.

The notion that university professors are part of some ideological conspiracy designed to destroy western civilisation is ludicrous.

Then to say that a fall in language standards is also a cog in this grand design... honestly it would be quite amusing if it wasn't so concerning.

Still, I dare say that throughout history, those who fear change have expressed the exact same sentiments time and time again.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Monday, 1 October 2007 1:53:40 PM
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The reason why "I" is used my many people instead of "me" is because they actually think it is correct and are basically uneducated. It is the same as using "there's" in the plural when it should be "there're" in "there's lots of people over the other side"
We also seem to have an increasing habit of using "than what" as in "it's better than what I managed" In this case "than" is redundant and bad grammar.
Posted by snake, Monday, 1 October 2007 5:27:51 PM
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TurnRightThenLeft, before you dismiss my statement, read 'Why Johnny Can't Think' by Robert W Whitaker. He is a former professor so was part of the 'system' and has all the inside knowledge.
Do you seriously think that the political Left don't want to see the downfall of the West.
I don't fear change as long as it's progress. Backward sliding educational standards are worrisome.
Another good reference is Patrick J Buchanan's 'The Death of the West'.
Posted by Jack the Lad, Monday, 1 October 2007 5:51:46 PM
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This is just getting funnier. From pronouns to White Supremacy.
Onya Jack, you old sock.

Posted by Bugsy, Monday, 1 October 2007 6:38:58 PM
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I'm glad that the future of the language isn't in your hands, Bugsy, as you are a prime example of its degradation. Onya.

I like how you used LOLDONGS but couldn't explain its meaning. I suppose that the same goes for LOLSTIKA.

Where did anyone mention 'White Supremacy", or can't you answer that either? You must be one of those who, when faced with criticism of leftist policies, automatically yells, 'racist', 'Nazi' or 'fascist' without any forethought.

Your're right, it is getting funnier.
Posted by Jack the Lad, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 9:16:51 AM
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Allow me to clarify, jack. With the advent of text messaging and internet communications software, the term LOL was adopted as an acronym for 'laughing out loud.' As far as the STIKA goes, I would say it's being likened to the word 'swastika' in an effort to highlight the paranoia of your belief that the academic establishment is some kind of evil conspiratorial junta attempting to bring down the west.

I find it interesting that you express concern at backwards sliding educational standards, but you're not aware of the significance of LOL. This is a term that has evolved in recent years in response to rapidly increasing use of technology.

I suspect that the youth who you say are the product of reduced educational standards, are far more adept at using this technology than you are, which leads me to hypothesise that perhaps, it isn't falling educational standards as much as changing educational standards - which would indicate this it is change you're fearful of, after all.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 9:30:06 AM
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