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The Forum > General Discussion > What's happening to our pronouns?

What's happening to our pronouns?

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Bugsy, it's fast becoming apparent that your 'educational' level is a pretense. Without actually understanding the content of my posts, you launch into a mouth-frothing diatribe, hurling insults (the last resort of an intellectual cripple). Or could it be that intelligence and education do not have to be mutually compatible
Everyone else on this site can contribute their views sensibly, whether I share them or not. You, on the other hand, are acting like a spoiled kid, hurling the 'racist' tag at an authour just because 'Bugsy doesn't agree with him'.
If that's an indication of your 'superior education', I don't think that I've missed out on anything.
Now, before you light your fuse and blow off into another tantrum, take a deep breath, count to ten, then go for it.
Posted by Jack the Lad, Saturday, 6 October 2007 12:19:43 PM
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Now we are getting somewhere Jack. I notice no new 'evidence' or even really a denial of the presented evidence that your argument of declining educational standards is a farce. Instead, merely a critique of the manner in which I express myself. Well done.

I understand the content of your posts just fine. I called your favourite author a racist, because that is what he is, not merely because I don't agree with him. Take a look at his own website blogs, that guy has a lot of chips on his shoulders, and you have stated your support for his views.

And seriously, your inferiority complex about tertiary education and educators is showing very strongly, what happened to you in school? Did a schoolteacher or lecturer humiliate you or something?
Your assumptions on my 'superior education' may have had some effect if they weren't so off the mark. You can give up that game, you're no good at it.

Why don't you go and visit a library and read something USEFUL for a change, or are librarians part of the leftist conspiracy as well?
Posted by Bugsy, Saturday, 6 October 2007 2:10:23 PM
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Jack The Lud: "What I should have elaborated on was that the original professors in the 50’s and early 60’s were consciously promoting the views that led to political correctness and dumbing down of our young. Those educators and professors that were, in turn, taught by the original lecturers probably believed in what they were passing on to the next generation of students."

Yes you should have. That's quite a different claim to "Today's teachers and lecturers are mostly the product of leftist university professors whose purpose is to bring down the west."

Just how was "promoting the views that led to political correctness" the equivalent of being someone "whose purpose is to bring down the west"?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 6 October 2007 8:35:39 PM
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Hey, even David Duke loves "Coach Bob".

If you don't know who David Duke is, he is one of America's best known racists and former Grand Wizard of the KKK.

But, Jack, you can go right ahead and say that these idiots are saying something important and not racist at all, I'll believe you, truly I will.

Posted by Bugsy, Saturday, 6 October 2007 11:00:55 PM
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Actually, CJ, it isn’t a different claim, merely a clarification for those who misunderstood. ie ‘Those educators and professors that were, in turn, taught by the original lecturers’ = ‘Today's teachers and lecturers are mostly the product of leftist university professors’. A handy wee equation to remember.
What’s a ‘Lud”? Is it another obscure acronym or a mistype? I hope you’re not going down to Bugsy’s level.
Political correctness is another name for Intellectual Marxism. Marxism is anti-west.

Bugsy, Bugsy, Bugsy, correct me if I’m wrong but I wasn’t promoting David Duke. All I did was mention Whitaker’s book and (evil old me) state that I agreed with it.

You seem to think that preferring to spend your time with your own people and wanting equal treatment for all is 'racism'. The logic of the Left.

While you wrote, ‘I do not yell "fascist" or "Nazi" at all’, you yell ‘racist’ at an author who you claim, in your own mind, to be my ‘favourite author’. I don’t think you have read his book. Don’t be afraid, you might learn something.

I criticised your manner of expression as it is a bit childish and doesn’t directly address the topic but rather shouts out little retorts. As for chips on shoulders, you would appear to have a whole fish supper.

As for my ‘assumptions’ about you, your last few posts have crystallised that for me.

I don’t mind librarians at all – in fact I once knew a female one and she went off like a fire-cracker. That speaks volumes.

In the meantime, unless you start posting sensibly, I will turn my back on you as there are other threads to visit, especially as the other sensible posters have abandoned this one. So you can have the last word, if that makes you happy.
Posted by Jack the Lad, Sunday, 7 October 2007 1:09:47 PM
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Yes, it makes me very happy. Next time you try to say something stupid, just think twice about what you are saying.

Cheers, and LOGDONGS mate.
Posted by Bugsy, Sunday, 7 October 2007 2:41:36 PM
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