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Albanese A Goner in 2025?
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 12 December 2024 9:29:29 AM
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I swear, the crap you lot try to sell is like 'One fearful Jew' should somehow should be more of a global catastrophe to the average Joe Blow than the horrible deaths of 1000 women and kids.
The idea you sell is that 1000 innocent women and kids lives are completely worthless and something that isn't worthy of mention, compared to the idea you sell that one Jews 'feelings' on any particular day is instead of paramount global significance. It's like you sell an idea that regular people should be more concerned about these Jewish peoples lives than they even should be concerned about their own lives and families. Straight out of an evangelicals 'The Jews are Gods chosen people' maniacal view of the world. Well only a third of the country are Christians, so you're only making yourself look irrational preaching to a choir that doesn't even exist. It's a sad and desperate exercise akin to blowing smoke up everyone's backsides. Like a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman, who hasn't woken up to the fact we can all just buy them from K-mart now. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 12 December 2024 9:51:28 AM
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When John Howard said that “we” will decide who comes to this Country, who did he see as “we”, as he continued with a large scale immigration policy. Himself? Bureaucrats?
It certainly wasn't “we”, as in the electorate. We have never been consulted on immigration, despite polls showing that we are not really in favour of mass immigration, especially now, when things are much worse than they were in Howard's day, and record immigration is making us poorer individually; not to mention the anti-West cohort that has been allowed in through both the Coalition's and Labor’s thoughtless immigration policies. Neither of the two rapidly-failing main parties has ever taken a population policy to an election. Both parties appear to be completely unconcerned about the same decaying infrastructure that can't cope with hordes of new people, nor the lack of housing; they just drone on about unrealistic intentions that never seem to materialise, because we don't have the right sorts of workers, their is too much red tape, there is no profit in building apartments that nobody wants to live in. Whatever. Then there are the vast differences among the hordes coming in - many of the differences out of whack with the values and culture of the host population. Just look at the current situation with foreign imports on the streets, getting away from hatred against Jews, when we have laws forbidding the incitement of hatred which, like the lack of infrastructure and housing, is being ignored by the Albanese government. The multicultural immigrants are not assimilating, not encouraged to - even discouraged to - by a government that is obsessed with differences and identify politics. So bad is the Albanese government and its lack of concern about Islamic (and other) anti-Semitism, that international organisations are putting out do-not-travel-to bulletins regarding our country. Albanese makes statements, but does absolutely nothing. He is interested in getting votes from 800,000 Muslims, and uninterested in 100,000 Jews, who actually have the same values and beliefs of mainstream Australians. Albanese's favours foreigners over locals. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 12 December 2024 10:17:10 AM
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Albanese's indiscriminate mass immigration is typical of a dictator replacing a population for one he can control better, and which will vote for him out of gratitude for bringing them in, and turning a blind eye to their often destructive behaviours and cultures.
Albanese will be gone when anarchy finally, but inevitably, replaces our already rotting social cohesion. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 12 December 2024 10:18:31 AM
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The Ethics Centre asks the question:
"Irael of Palestine: Do you have to pick a side?" We're told that: "Picking a side can shrink our view, making us see the world through that sides ethical lens and dismissing other possible valid perspectives". As the Prime Minister told us - he didn't know of any Australian who would not condemn acts of terrorism. I tnink that's something on which we can all agree. No matter which side perpetrates them. There's more at: Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 12 December 2024 10:29:22 AM
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It is reported that Austria is planning to deport Syrian refugees now that Assad has been kicked out. Assad was the reason they were given asylum.
Many European countries have suspended asylum applications from Syrians for the same reason. Australia took in 12,000 Syrians in 2015. Will Australia deport them? Will pigs fly? The international understanding is that people cease to be regarded as refugees once the reason for their status no longer exists. However, as with all things, Australia is not on the same track as similar countries, preferring to be “virtuous” and easily bluffed by aliens, to the detriment of locals. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 12 December 2024 11:11:27 AM
- Explain to me why the whole of victoria has to chip in while the premier passes around the obligatory hat for 100k?
That's not unity, its state sanctioned theft.
Don't they have insurance? and if not then they'd be fools.
They were smart enough to insure their torah scrolls with a fireproof safe.
You carry on like you just won't be satisfied unless Albo puts on a yamaka, kneels before the AIJAC and Zionist federation of Australa, takes his free trips to Israel, visits a Holocaust museum for re-education and guilt programming, passes laws that have the New Gestapo kick my front door in and cart me away due to some infraction of 'You're not allowd to say what you think' and write a blank check to every 'fearful' Jew in the country.
And for all we know it could be some Jewish person themselves who committed these acts, (plenty of form for these kinds of things) with the help of Mossad, to try and push Albo to 'vote correctly next time' at the UN.
It's merely a criminal matter, really par for the course considering how Israel are acting in the world right now, (pushback should've been anticipated) but you act like it's a nation stopping event, like the whole world needs to stop and pay attention, like Niel Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have just stepped onto the moon.
If pushback in one form or another should have been anticipated,
Then all you are doing is trying to squeeze every last bit of juice out of the orange.
'Don't ever let a crisis go to waste'.
I'd bet stuff like this goes on in indigenous communities every night of the week, somewhere in our country.