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The Debate

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"Trump's threat to punish countries that drop US dollar will speed up de-dollarization"

He won't need to. Subsuming their economic well-being to the geniuses in Beijing or the Kremlin will be punishment enough.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 16 September 2024 10:54:56 AM
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We're told that apparently there's been another
attempt on Donald Trump's life in West Palm Beach.

We still don't have all the facts but after watching
"60 Minutes" last night - it seems that the general
political climate in the United States has become
more heated and more vitriolic. Where violence is
part and parcel of daily life. A horrible outcome -
that can't be excused, condoned, or brushed aside.
Something needs to be done. There's a lesson for
our country - not to allow this kind of thing
to happen here.

Obviously it's what sells in the US, and it is part of
the social media age, where being moderate doesn't
get you any clicks or followers.
What horrified me after watching
"60 Minutes," was that it seems that in the US people
do believe violence is justified to advance political

And many of these people are gun owners.

It's concerning that Trump stokes anger and fear on a
daily basis with his political rhetoric. This hasn't
softened after the first attempt on his life. It will
probably only increase now.

A responsible leader would talk about uniting the
country instead of dividing it. But from what we've
seen we can't expect that from Trump.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 16 September 2024 11:19:45 AM
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Well as usual when they know they're on the wrong side of any moral stance, the fascists of the left revert to semantics. This time around the word "executed". Oh the baby wasn't given a blindfold and cigarette before being put up against the wall therefore it wasn't executed. Trump is such a liar!!

"Asked Wednesday about Democratic Virginia delegate Kathy Tran’s admission that her bill would allow for abortions to be performed up until the point of birth, Northam defended the legislation and suggested that women should be able to determine whether their born-alive infant should receive life-saving care.

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam said"

Late term abortion is an abomination and a crime against humanity. Democrats and their flying monkeys won't defend it, yet support legislation to allow it. Trump has said he favours a limit beyond 20 weeks and for this the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) assert he's anti-woman. Fools or liars? Probably both.

"The change was designed to reduce unnecessary state oversight of medical procedures and shift responsibility to healthcare professionals who are guided by medical ethics. "

How wonderfully naive. The change was done to hide the abomination of late term abortion from the public's view knowing fully well that only rad-fems and anti-human radicals were in favour of it. "Medical ethics"...Bwahaha. Are these the same ethics that allowed the sale of body parts from aborted babies?
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 16 September 2024 11:30:04 AM
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No, this isn’t about quibbling over the word “executed.” Of course, you knew that. This is just more of your trademark deflection. Accuracy is important, nevertheless. I bet you’d be all over some lefty if they used similarly inaccurate terminology. Boy, would you ride that one for all it was worth!

Unsurprisingly, you’re twisting Northam’s words to fit your narrative. His comments were about complicated, rare cases involving non-viable or severely compromised infants, where families and doctors have to make difficult medical decisions. His statement was not advocating for the neglect or killing of babies. Cherry-picking quotes and distorting their context doesn’t make your argument any stronger.

It is, however, a prime example of just how unwilling you are to ever engage in a topic honestly.

Late-term abortions are extremely rare and usually involve severe fetal anomalies or threats to the mother’s life, but you talk about them like they’re routine. They're anything but. The public isn’t being shielded from "the abomination of late-term abortion"; it's being protected from your misleading fearmongering.

Your cheap shot at "medical ethics", with yet another one of your debunked conspiracy theories, is as shallow as it is predictable. This time, it's the sale of fetal body parts. The repeal of these reporting laws doesn’t abolish medical ethics; it ensures that complex medical decisions stay between patients and doctors, not bureaucrats or political ideologues.

But, again, it appears we're all for big government when it suits us.
Posted by John Daysh, Monday, 16 September 2024 12:10:15 PM
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Dear John,

Perhaps you are not old enough to know that a “dear john” letter was. They were sent by girls to tell the boyfriend that it was all over between them.

Well, I'm no girl, but I'm all over you, mate, and your twice-sent tumbleweed video.

As for “enlightening” you on your ignorance of the workings of abortionists’ butcher shops, any normal person wouldn't hesitate to tell me why I was wrong. You don't, because you can't.

Like Trump, I believe abortion is OK only in the case of a threat to the mother's life, and in the case of rape - plus if the baby is found to be disabled and would have a miserable life. As for the it's-my-body-and-I'll-do-what-I-want females: bullsh.t! We are all given life to spend in natural ways, and it is the role of women to bear children. Some women don't like that role, and choose not to be mother's. Fair enough. There are methods to avoid pregnancy. But killing babies in the womb, or letting them die when they are living when aborted, is a bloody disgrace.

Also a bloody disgrace is Foxy’s post blathering about a psychiatrist, a disgrace himself, “alleging” that Trump has a mental disorder without having examined Trump himself.

And of course, the allegation has “become a popular pastime not just among mental
health professionals but also among politicians,
journalists, pundits, comedians, and ordinary people
gathered at coffee breaks.”

All experts on mental problems of course, being politicians, journalists, pundits, comedians and ordinary people.

The psychiatrist in question is an octogenarian, older than Trump, older than Biden. It would be interesting to know what all the “experts” think about him.

Someone drew a cartoon showing Trump escaping from immigrants with two kittens under his arms. The caption: “Grab the pussies”.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 16 September 2024 1:29:05 PM
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You posted:

"Also a bloody disgrace is Foxy's post blathering about a
psychiatrist, a disgrace himself "alleging" that Trump
has a mental disorder without having examined Trump himself."

And you went on about it.

Well, I can only be held responsible for what I actually do
post. Not how you interpret it.

Dr Allen Frances argued in fact that Trump's disagreeable
traits in no way indicate that Trump is mentally ill.
That instead they reveal Trump to be the ruthless self-
promoter he's always been, and more.

Go back and re-read what I actually did post.

Apology accepted.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 16 September 2024 2:16:36 PM
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