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The Debate

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" White-knuckling it with abstinence has proven to be an even bigger failure than contraception, so that’s not a solution."

There's a bird involved in delivering babies. Its called the stork.

And there's a bird involved in avoiding babies. Its called the swallow.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 16 September 2024 7:06:23 PM
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John boy,

No access to contraception? But access to abortion? Come on!

You don't know who gave us life? You are not into creation then? More of a monkey man? No spiritual side?

You think that you are an honest person? Nothing self-aware about you.

You find me “cold, combative, unforgiving, and harsh-sounding”? Well, yes: when I'm dealing with knobheads. And, I am happy to tell you that I am not a ‘people person’. I am polite, friendly and affable most of the time with most people, but it's all an act learnt out of necessity to make a living dealing with arseholes.

So, buddy, don't think that you can insult me.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 16 September 2024 7:14:59 PM
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Usually your attempts to discredit someone are at least derived from something they actually say or do. It seems now you’re happy to just make it all up.

//JD, who used the literal meaning of 'executed' to try to accuse Trump of lying …//

Where did I do that? I haven’t said anywhere that Trump lied.

//… says that, when he used the literal meaning of the word 'executed' he didn't use the literal meaning of the word 'executed' but then tries to say that using the literal meaning has meaning...//

I’ve said nothing about the literal or a colloquial meaning of the word ‘execute.’ What drugs are you on?

Moving on, I see you’re using your tiresome old ‘assertion’ claim to discredit something I’ve said - which was still not an assertion - with, ironically, an assertion.

Boy, you get yourself tied up in some terrible knots sometimes!

So, you’re not going to tell me why I’m wrong about your misrepresenting or Northam’s words? You’re just going to deflect with a claim that I’m asserting something? This is what can happen when your only focus is winning debates and showing people how clever you are.

//20 a year of live birth abortions in one Australian state seems quite un-rare to my thinking.//

Perhaps you don’t understand percentages, then? You also conveniently overlooked the reasons I mentioned as to why these rare forms of abortion occur.


Yes, debunked. The courts found that the footage was deceptively edited to create a misleading narrative. Just because someone was prosecuted for illegally obtaining footage doesn’t mean the sale of fetal body parts actually happened. You’re clinging to a discredited conspiracy theory.

You claim I misunderstand your position on big government, but then go on to argue for government intervention in what are deeply personal, medical decisions, calling it "enforcing laws against murder." But here’s the thing: those laws already exist, and abortion, especially late-term abortion, is highly regulated.

Time to rethink your strategy, mhaze. The deflection just isn’t working.
Posted by John Daysh, Monday, 16 September 2024 7:41:40 PM
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American commentator and art critic, Roger Kimball, thinks the the biggest loser in the ‘debate” was the US ABC, and what he calls its two ‘immoderators’, who turned what was supposed to be for the candidates to expose themselves to the public into a repeated pecking and correcting of Donald Trump, while “passing over lie after lie, over lie after lie, over lie over lie committed by Kamala Harris”.

Very astute. Very true.

“Harris came to the podium with four or five set strength-through-joy speeches that she inserted into her performance. Substituting a contemptuous rictus-cum-moue for her signature cackle, she attacked Trump but never made it over the hard place that has her firmly tied to the disastrous policies of the last four years”.

Spot on. It's what I saw
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 16 September 2024 7:52:25 PM
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Yes, it’s entirely possible for someone to have easier access to abortion than to contraception.

In many places, especially in the US, comprehensive reproductive healthcare - including contraception - can be difficult to access, especially for marginalised groups. Meanwhile, states may have abortion providers available but not enough affordable or accessible contraceptive options. These aren’t mutually exclusive realities.

So, you're claiming a god gave us life and that creationism is an accurate account of natural history? Okay, now you just need to provide evidence of that. I certainly won’t hold my breath there.

//You think that you are an honest person? Nothing self-aware about you.//

I didn’t say I was honest. All I did was state what an honest person would do in such circumstances. But thank you for noticing that my behaviour was consistent with that.

You know what an honest person wouldn’t do? Change the subject with a personal attack.

//So, buddy, don't think that you can insult me.//

I genuinely wasn’t trying to insult you. I was simply pointing to the stark contrast between the cold, hard, and hateful person you at least show yourself to be here, and the expressed soft spot you hold in your heart for foetuses. The contradiction can undermine your position and your claims on the matter, so see it as constructive criticism.
Posted by John Daysh, Monday, 16 September 2024 8:04:22 PM
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mhaze Trumpster,

How are you going with that 60,30,10, Reuters lie you posted. Spoken like a real Trumpster, another one of your bloody lies from The Donald!

ttbn, you should take a chill pill, and toddle off to bed. Nursey will be along shortly to tuck you in.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 16 September 2024 9:55:19 PM
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