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The Debate

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Who knows what to believe these days, but the latest story on pet-eating illegal immigrants in Springfield, Ohio is that one woman “was told” that a single cat went missing, and the animal had been eaten by immigrant neighbours.

This poor, silly woman decided to post the story on social media, and now regrets it.

In another story, Donald Trump has vowed to deport all immigrants in Springfield “back to Venezuela” - even though they come from Haiti!

Lord love a duck! The mainstream media (the deportation threat comes from the BBC) means that they cannot be taken seriously in these days of total wankery.

Paul 1405. You really need help. You posts are getting more bizarre and loony. You are drunk, drugged, or insane.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 15 September 2024 9:10:58 AM
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Talking about mental illness?

Allen Frances M.D. who was Chair of the Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University
writes about Donald Trump's alleged mental disorder,
which has become a popular pastime not just among mental
health professionals but also among politicians,
journalists, pundits, comedians, and ordinary people
gathered at coffee breaks.

Allen Frances tells us that Trump's consistently bizarre
sayings and rhetoric in general as well as his doing
things have triggered a bill to establish a commission
"on presidential capacity" and a suggestion that a
president be removed from office via the 25th amendment
on the grounds that he is mentally unfit to be

Allen Frances argues that it was a mistake to elect Trump
in the first place but that Trump's disagreeable traits
in no way indicate that he's mentally ill.

Instead they reveal Trump to be the ruthless self-promoter
he's always been.

We're told that Trump is an undisputed poster boy for narcissism.
But that's nothing new. Think most celebrities, many
politicians, a fair percentage of writers, artists, lawyers,
doctors and professors.

Trump's conspiracy theories have been, and continue to be
his political success. His past-long standing claim that
former president Obama was not born in the US launched
Trump's presidential run. His "crooked Hillary" claims
helped win his election. And "fake news" holds his base
in his thrall.

Trump repeats the same rhetoric and words over and over
again - because they successfully work up the crowd.
Trump is crazy like a fox.

If we based things on the assumption that mental illness
should somehow automatically disqualify someone from
high office if this was policy according to Allen Frances
then Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill both would
have been lost to history - due to their battles with

cont'd -
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 15 September 2024 11:28:47 AM
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cont'd -

Allen Frances writes:

"Trump is a mirror of the American soul and a surface
symptom of our deeper societal disease. He may not be crazy,
but we certainly were for electing him. We must not waste
this Trumpian dark age. If we don't learn from it - we will
keep making the same mistakes."
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 15 September 2024 11:31:41 AM
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It is worth stressing that, in the US, the choice in the coming presidential election is between a career politician and a successful businessman, disinterested in any personal advancement from attaining the presidency. Indeed, in his last term, Donald Trump gave his salary away.

Come to think of it, for our own upcoming election, we have a similar choice between our own candidates: Albanese, who has absolutely no experience outside of politics, and Dutton, who has: police and his own business.

The trouble with most politicians is that they don't have a clue about the realities of real life.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 15 September 2024 1:42:28 PM
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Talking about successful businessmen?

Donald Trump?

There are so many news reports from various sources on the
web. It's interesting how they all say the same thing.

"Given that Donald Trump is the same man who bankrupted two
Atlantic City casinos, launched a short-lived airline, and
was recently charged with fraud, The former president's
finances have consistently been an adventure in accounting."

" Of course Donald Trump's status and wealth are critical to
his public image. He's sold people on the folly that he's a
successful businessman who could engineer an American

"Much like everything involving Donald Trump this was and is
pure fiction, a con. One that's continuing to unravel
before our very eyes."

We're told that for Trump the presidency has always been
performative. Standing behind the podium, before adoring
crowds - We're told that is what Trump lives for.

We're told that:

"The actual business of the job - holds little interest
for him. We're told that the world knows now for sure that he's
consistently teetering on the brink of financial ruin. Therefore
it isn't hard to believe that he'll focus even less on his
presidency and more on sharing up his personal fortune and

We're told that:

" that means that the American people will once again take a
distant back seat to Trump's personal concerns and needs of
fighting the courts et cetera. While Americans continue to
get sick, and die. "

And finally we're told that:

"Trump will do what he always does - he will put himself, his
interests, and needs at the head of the line."

There's more at:

Kamala Harris made it quite clear - she cares about the
American people. Trump only cares about himself.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 15 September 2024 2:49:48 PM
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The BBC in 2017 reported that an estimated 30 million dogs and 10 million cats throughout Asia – including stolen pets – were killed and eaten. China was the worst culprit. The reports came from the Humane Society International. There were no stats on Ohio.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 15 September 2024 3:16:10 PM
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