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The Debate

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A shot has been fired through the fence of the golf course where Trump was playing. He is OK, and a suspect has been arrested
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 16 September 2024 2:30:16 PM
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Dear ttbn,

Did I know what a ‘Dear John’ letter was? Let’s just say that when I saw you had started your reply to me with that, I got a little lump in my throat. You may be wrong all the time - abusive, even - but at least you’re sincere.

I’m glad you like my tumbleweeds, but they just look silly if you actually reply.

//As for “enlightening” you on your ignorance of the workings of abortionists’ butcher shops, any normal person wouldn't hesitate to tell me why I was wrong.//

And an honest person would request or invite you to elaborate or be more specific to ensure they didn’t straw man you.

You have made some big assertions in what appears to be your attempt to enlighten me, so I’m unfortunately going to have to ask you even more questions if I’m to tell you for sure if and why you’re wrong.

//We are all given life to spend in natural ways, and it is the role of women to bear children.//

This looks like a fallacious appeal to nature.

Who or what “gave” us life? Our parents? Not all parents of girls “give” their children life to bear children. I certainly didn’t have that expectation of a possible daughter when my wife and I were trying to conceive her.

You make this sound like an objective and absolute truth, yet give no reason to believe it is such.

//There are methods to avoid pregnancy.//

Yes, and none of them are foolproof. Nor do all women have equal access to birth control. White-knuckling it with abstinence has proven to be an even bigger failure than contraception, so that’s not a solution.

So, unless I’m missing something, THAT is why you’re wrong.

I do find it endearing, that a cold, combative, unforgiving, and harsh-sounding guy like yourself somehow manages to find a soft spot for foetuses, however. It’s almost as though your stance on the topic of abortion really just boils down to politics and a need to remain consistent with the conservative position on all issues.
Posted by John Daysh, Monday, 16 September 2024 5:09:56 PM
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Hi Foxy,

Please stop re-posting old fart octogenarian rubbish on this forum (smile). The 81 year old ttbn, can't stand some old fart octogenarian who doesn't know his Arthur from his Mather, coming on here and posting 15,877 bits of diatribe nonsense! It must STOP!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 16 September 2024 5:50:51 PM
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JD, who used the literal meaning of 'executed' to try to accuse Trump of lying, says that, when he used the literal meaning of the word 'executed' he didn't use the literal meaning of the word 'executed' but then tries to say that using the literal meaning has meaning....or something.

"you’re twisting Northam’s words to fit your narrative.” ". Standard JD there. Whenever information comes forth that he's prefer wasn't bought forth he ASSERTS, (JD always asserts) that its cherry-picked or out of context, without ever attempting to show how its cherry-picked or out of context. But if all you have is assertion...needs must.

"Late-term abortions are extremely rare".
Rare is one of those words that can mean whatever you want it to mean. OTOH 20 a year of live birth abortions in one Australian state seems quite un-rare to my thinking.

"Your cheap shot at "medical ethics", with yet another one of your debunked conspiracy theories, is as shallow as it is predictable. This time, it's the sale of fetal body parts. "

Debunked? Well there is video evidence of negotiations going on over the sale of body parts and that evidence was so conclusive as to result in court cases around it. But mere proof isn't enough to get JD to alter his assertions.

"But, again, it appears we're all for big government when it suits us."

Nup. You completely misunderstand the ethics here. (quelle surprise). Its not about wanting government involved in all abortion decisions - quite the contrary. But to my way of thinking, aborting and killing a living human even if that human is less than perfect, is murder. And enforcing laws against murder is a governmental function.

NB knowing that our oh-so-very-ethical JD (at least in his mind) will distort that last paragraph, let me note that I don't see all abortion as murder. I completely support unfettered rights to abortion up to 20 weeks but not thereafter.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 16 September 2024 6:07:19 PM
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They've had another crack at getting Trump. Where lawfare failed, warfare might yet succeed. They are truly terrified that his popularity might exceed their ability to rig the election.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 16 September 2024 6:10:06 PM
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The 'debate' would have brought the latest reptile out of its hole.

Even little old Australia has its share of mental cases - a couple of them here. Just imagine how many of them there are in the US.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 16 September 2024 6:45:34 PM
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