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Just to summarise AC's rants about the US college tantrums...
the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

These college students are somewhat more ignorant of the history of the Levant than the Hamas cheer-squad here. There are any number of videos doing the rounds showing students being asked about the slogan "from the river to the sea" where they know neither which river nor which sea is being referred to.

Then we have the idiocy of members of the Alphabet community (LGBTetc) joining groups called "Gays for Palestine", seemingly unaware that gays in Gaza or the west bank would be killed within a week.

Douglas Murray was recently in Australia and I managed to go to one of his talks where he spoke of the videos on the 7/10 atrocities he's seen among other things. One of the highlights of the event was during the Q & A where he was asked for his opinion of the best gay bar in Rapha. Hilarity ensued. I hope I don't need to explain the joke here although I do know that for some here, sarcasm is a foreign language.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 7:57:10 AM
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Back to immigration....

The news from the 'experts' today (as reported by the ABC so we know its true!!) is that the current "incredibly strong net overseas immigration" is one of the main causes for the continued high inflation rate and the inability of the RBA to reduce interest rates.

The government is fond of misinforming its flying-monkeys that it rooly-trooly wants to improve housing affordability. But one of the major ways it could do that would be to put the clamps on immigration.

Some of the affects of reducing immigration:

* lower inflation
* lower interest rates
* lower unemployment
* less pressure on the housing market therefore cheaper housing

Why won't they reduce immigration? Well I've already explained that. Basically, while they say they want to help struggling young families they in fact want to help the immigration lobby that is one of the ALP's main supporters.

Of coarse, they tell us that they have little control over the immigration rate. They tell us they can control the weather by tweaking the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, but the reducing the number of legal immigrants (let alone illegal ones) is, it seems, beyond their ability.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 9:16:38 AM
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“Hopeless” does seem to be the only word to describe the mess that Australia has brought on itself via inappropriate mass immigration. The people responsible never asked us if we wanted it; more than 70% of Australians want it stopped, but the political class is not listening. Both major parties are guilty; only One Nation and the solo UAP Senator are brave enough to speak against it.

I hear/watch ‘conservative’ commentators saying that the worm is turning. No, it is not. That’s just wishful thinking by people who still believe that the Liberal Party is the answer.

On immigration, censorship, digital ID, digital cash, zero emissions and expensive and unreliable energy, with its environment-wrecking and farmland confiscation - on all of those things - the Liberal Party and the Labor Green Alliance are in lockstep.

I will still vote for people other than the LNP or Green Labor because it's the only thing we plebs have. But, I know that it's not going to change anything in my lifetime.

Australia is rooted - by Australians who are too complacent.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 10:20:03 AM
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Nuremberg Dan, its Nimbin Paul here.

I'm a bit concerned with this talk of "Abortion has some fundamental positives in retrospect as well" Is this forced abortions, which may well be something akin to forced sterilisation. Then one of the regulars from the rabid right chimes in with talk of a "final solution". Was popular with some of his past folk hero's.

Nice touch, calling out Adolf for special attention "abortion", but at what year of life were you thinking of applying that solution? Was it just an afterthought? That wont go down well at party meetings, hor should it.

DD still getting those unsafe warnings about this site. You would think they would do something about it. But fortunately its not Facebook!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 5:03:26 PM
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"Why won't they reduce immigration? Well I've already explained that. Basically, while they say they want to help struggling young families they in fact want to help the immigration lobby that is one of the ALP's main supporters."

Democracy at work, donors come before voters.
- So basically only the people who pony up the cash have any real 'say'.
Which means immigrants get the benefits and existing Aussies get a slap in the face.

Just like in the US the Speaker of the house gave 14bln to Israel and got a 95k 'donation' from the AIPAC.

At what point do the people on the left and the people on the right come together?
At what point do we realise that democracy isn't about what we want?
We're all just being used as pawns, and it's only the people who open their wallets who are the ones who actually get any real say.

At what point do we question whether or not this system is working for us?
Maybe it's not meant to work for us - maybe it's meant for the ones who can pay to have the real final say;
and for the ones who are willing to take that money and then make their decisions accordingly for whatever is in their best interests to stay in power.

Before we go bragging and celebrating democracy;
We at least deserve to all know and be aware of it's faults.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 May 2024 2:18:21 AM
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"Democracy at work, donors come before voters."

Well I wasn't for a moment talking about donors here. The ALP is indebted to the VOTERS of the immigration industry. Most people in Australia, it seems, are opposed to the current massive immigration levels. But its not a first order issue for them ie they won't change their vote based solely on a party's stance on the issue.

OTOH there is a section for who it is a first order issue and these people will change their vote based on a party's immigration position. So ALP will pander to those people to obtain their vote, knowing that, while they may piss off the majority, they aren't going to be electorally punished for that. T'was always thus. Anyone who's conversant with the last century or two would recognise this.

So the aim is to make immigration a first order issue for the majority; an issue where they will change their vote. This is where the Liberals are utter failures. Howard could do it. Abbott could do it. The current crop, it seems, can't.

"Before we go bragging and celebrating democracy;
We at least deserve to all know and be aware of it's faults."

Yes, democracy isn't perfect. Let me know which system is. In the adult world we know that utopia doesn't exist. As always we come back to Churchill to remind the kiddies of the realities of the world....

"Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…"

Democracy isn't perfect. It doesn't always follow the will of the people. But its the best system ever found to preserve the liberties of its people (again imperfectly) and give them the best chance at "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 2 May 2024 6:52:50 AM
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