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should Australia be duty bound to take a heap of Ukrainian refugees,
Just saw on TV that a whole group of Ukrainian dancers arrived in Australia. All fit of fighting age coming here to dance ? Will some of them try to stay here or will they go back to fight for their country ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 5 May 2024 10:29:06 PM
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Oh Dear, here we go again !
It seems like the technique is to get into boys schools and radicalise
them in the class room.
Some parents notified the Federal Police.
Surely the boys of those parents could tell who was the driving
force behind it.
I am sure that is what the Police will be doing now. Might be a bit late.
Posted by Bezza, Sunday, 5 May 2024 11:12:59 PM
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I saw the same thing and thought that it was incongruous that Ukraine was at war with Russia while able-bodied young Ukrainians were cavorting on states overseas. I think that I saw that the government was going to restrict travel to all military aged people - perhaps it was just males: females have been fleeing, despite all the equality BS. I'm amazed that anyone is allowed to leave Ukraine at all while their country is at war.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 5 May 2024 11:36:59 PM
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"I wonder how many European fighters hid behind women & children" nah none, they just put them in gas chambers, or burnt them to death with saturation incendiary bombing ....millions of them. Fess up Indy, you came to Australia as a refugee after your mob turned your country into a sh!t hole through war, correct!

Bezza, any kind of religious fundamentalism is a bad thing, it often leads to radicalisation by a minority and then acts of terrorism. Having said that, fundamentalism is not the only ingredient necessary to bring on acts of violence, it's often the catalyst, add in injustice, poverty, inequality and prejudices, they then create the perfect conditions for violence to occur.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 6 May 2024 6:05:13 AM
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Ukraine... do you remember what they told you?

US Secretary of State Blinken said Russia claimed it had the 2nd-best military in the world, but now 'many see Russia's military as the 2nd-strongest in Ukraine' Jun 3, 2023
>>Blinken said in a speech on Friday that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a "strategic failure."
Blinken said Russia is "significantly worse off today than it was before the full-scale invasion."
"Today, many see Russia's military as the second strongest in Ukraine," he said.<<

Look what they say now:

The US spent so much time fighting insurgents that it forgot 'what it means to actually fight a war,' a US vet in Ukraine says - May 2, 2024

>>An American veteran who fought in Ukraine said the US "kind of forgot what it means to actually fight a war."
He said US training has long been heavily focused on fighting insurgents in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.
He said his own training wouldn't have prepared him for a war like Ukraine.<<
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 6 May 2024 9:04:57 AM
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[From article above]

>>"We've gotten so used to the idea of just fighting guerilla wars and fighting terrorists and everything else that we kind of forgot what it means to actually fight a war," he said.

The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan were real wars that came at a severe cost in human lives, but the war in Ukraine is industrial warfare at levels of destruction like the world has not seen in a long time.

With the focus on the wars in the Middle East during much of this century, the US and some of its NATO allies in Europe allowed the skills needed for this kind of conflict to atrophy.

The veteran said that when he went through training, he never got any real training for peer-on-peer conflict. "A little bit of talking about it and just a little bit of training, but nothing to the point that would have prepared me for the war in Ukraine," he recalled.

He said that he has seen a lot of Western soldiers struggle in Ukraine as "they already have a set idea about how things should be and everything, and it's just not that way out in Ukraine."

He said that US soldiers are used to fighting at an equipment and manpower advantage, but against Russia in Ukraine, "a lot of time I've fought at a disadvantage compared to the enemy."

In the US military, he explained, "I believe that a lot of the training that we have is tailored more to fighting in a guerilla warfare nowadays than it is to actually fighting a near-peer adversary like it would be with Russia or China." He said that it is an issue that many NATO members face.<<

Think about that.
What's it tell you if the boots on the ground are telling you that US / NATO training is not sufficient to fight peer on peer conflict?
And in many instances the Russian weapons are superior to the western ones.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 6 May 2024 9:30:12 AM
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