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Foreigners Committed 77% of Solved Rape Cases in Paris in 2023

Only people who 'identify' as immigrants;
Or who are so brainwashed with fairytales of global kumbaya (like one would expect from universities) would ignore this.
If they don't care about the existing population of women being routinely raped by foreigners, what does that say?

Be interesting to find out what the statistics are here.
Religion and immigration related details, source country and length of time here in the country.
If the statistics were bad, I think the government would try to hide or suppress it.
- Because it's all about 'promoting multiculturalism'

The worlds so freaking dumb.

You have 'Christians for Genocide'; and 'Western Women for Immigrant Rapists'.
Why don't they stand out there with signs that say 'Rape ME!' instead of 'Immigrants Welcome here'?
What next Aussie girls going to form a group called 'Western Wombs for Islam'?

I'm sure there's some dumb Australian women who would go for it.

I think we just have to face the fact that within every society, every government, every group, every race and every family, there's at least a few people putting their hands up vying to be take the title of the Champion Idiot.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 30 April 2024 8:53:18 AM
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Hi Armchair Critic,

We're lucky in Australia. The link that you've provided
deals with the problems they have overseas. What happens
in Paris does not happen here. According to the Australian
Institute of Criminology which has collected a large
amount of data on migrant types and the nature of problems
they encounter and has issued 3 reports. The major conclusion
of all 3 reports was that the incidents of serious crime was
lower among migrants than in the Australian population
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 30 April 2024 9:27:31 AM
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cont'd ...

Many researchers crunching the numbers have found that
there is no connection between immigration and crime.
Some have even found that immigrants are less likely
to commit crimes than people born in the country.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 30 April 2024 9:31:28 AM
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Hi AC,

According to the Crime Statistical Agency ( CSA),
in more serious offences the vast majority of
offenders were Australian born. In cases of
alleged rapes or indecent assaults the figures
given were - 71% of offenders were Australian born.
2.5% of alleged offenders in rape and indecent
assault were Indian-born followed by the UK and
Ireland at 2.5% and New Zealand at 1.5%.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 30 April 2024 9:52:46 AM
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“What Can be done about it”?

Well the havoc already caused by mass immigration, multiculturalism and the inclusion of Muslims in the sh-t show cannot be fixed, apart from authorities growing a backbone, jailing the anti-West types, and deporting those who can be legally deported.

Then, a cessation of all immigration until the political class gets the truth, and imports only people needed by Australia, and then only those of appropriate cultures, from the Anglosphere, and carefully considered European countries.

Now, how did Jews bring it “on themselves”?
What is the “situation” that “plenty of non-Muslims” are “displeased” with?
Do you have examples of these ‘displeased’ people “speaking out”?

Documented, proven examples only, please.

Australia is not “at fault”. The people at fault are (mainly) Islamic imports and local Leftists and anti-Semites.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 30 April 2024 10:18:41 AM
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Anti-Semitism has found a comfortable home with the Left. These Leftists try to hide their anti-Semitism by claiming not to be anti-Semitic at all, but just anti-Zionist!

The Left have alinged themselves with Nazis.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 30 April 2024 10:26:56 AM
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