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The Forum > General Discussion > Why is there no action on hate preachers?

Why is there no action on hate preachers?

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"What next? Covid-like house arrest for Jews for their 'safety'?"
- All citizens have a right to feel safe, notwithstanding foolish choices;
That being if you want to walk around the worst part of town at 2am on a Saturday morning, and something bad happens well, you probably shouldn't have been out on the streets at 2am in the worst part of town, regardless of whether that 'bad thing' is directly your fault.

You could make the argument 'Is it Jews fault they are Jewish'?
You could also make the argument 'Is it the Australian peoples taxes well spent on Jews private security' when their former homeland is murdering tens of thousands of innocent people?

The government should stand against Israels actions and breaches of human rights, if they don't it's them that put Australian Jews at risk themselves, (The government has no control over that which individual Pro-Palestinian Australians and Australian Muslims do, as we all have freewill) and if individual Jews don't stand against breaches of human rights themselves, then why should this country care about their 'human rights'?

There's a line - civilised societies don't support atrocities.

Simply put, oppose the wrongdoings or you have little recourse to complain if wrongdoing is done to you.
You want to get out on the streets waving an Israeli flag around like you support genocidal acts...
- Well, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

No-one can protect another person from their own acts of stupidity.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 18 February 2024 9:44:37 AM
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Dear Critic,

Australian Jews have no control over the Israeli government (well even Israelis don't).
Their vast majority cannot even vote there, nor has Israel ever been their former homeland.

«You could make the argument 'Is it Jews fault they are Jewish'?»

Yes, that is a very interesting question and I will be very interested to learn of your personal answer to it.

«That being if you want to walk around the worst part of town at 2am on a Saturday morning»

Observant Jews cannot travel by car/train on Saturdays, hence they need to walk. Suppose they spent a long evening with their relatives having a nice Sabbath meal after Friday-night's synagogue service and then their straight way home happens to pass through the worst part of town: are they at fault?

«if individual Jews don't stand against breaches of human rights themselves, then why should this country care about their 'human rights'?»

Are you implying that ordinary people should not expect to be safe in Australia unless they are politically knowledgeable and active? Or does this requirement apply to Jews only?

«You want to get out on the streets waving an Israeli flag around like you support genocidal acts»

I would never be waving any flag, as they all are just idiotic sheets of cloth¹.

But being foolish is not a crime.

I also support Israel (within its pre-1967 borders), while not supporting any genocidal acts.

For a long time I have been thinking that designating Israel as a Jewish state was a mistake, which unnecessarily harms both Israel and worldwide Jews.

For the good of both, had it been up to me, what I would like to see, is for Israel to be converted from a Jewish state into a Jewish-friendly state.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 18 February 2024 1:06:08 PM
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¹ There was this professor who invented a machine to lower I.Q., so one genius once approached him and asked to be treated because his superb intellect prevented him from mixing socially. The professor agreed, placed his head in the machine and went to have some coffee, but as he was drinking his coffee he got caught up in some interesting program on the radio and lost track of time. When realising that the guy's head was left in the machine for too long, he ran and pulled out the plug, then asked the guy: "Are you OK, sir?", to which the guy replied: "Flag, Flag, give me an Australian flag".
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 18 February 2024 1:06:11 PM
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"I will be very interested to learn of your personal answer to it."
- It's not a Jews fault for being (born) Jewish, any more than it's Chinese persons fault for being born Chinese.
- None of us choose the terms of our being born.

"Suppose they spent a long evening with their relatives having a nice Sabbath meal after Friday-night's synagogue service and then their straight way home happens to pass through the worst part of town: are they at fault?"
- If something happens to them, no it's not their fault, that would be the fault of the person who commits the wrongdoing whatever that may be, but it doesn't change the fact that it's ill-advised thing to do.
- Swim with the sharks, and you might be bitten.

«if individual Jews don't stand against breaches of human rights themselves, then why should this country care about their 'human rights'?»
"Are you implying that ordinary people should not expect to be safe in Australia unless they are politically knowledgeable and active? Or does this requirement apply to Jews only?"

No I'm saying if you go out and protest waving an Israeli flag around knowing full well that Muslims and Palestinians are on edge...
And if you start antagonising them saying "You're all animals that deserve to be exterminated and Jews are glad you're being killed in Gaza"
- Then don't be entirely surprised if a Palestinian who feels just as strongly about his cause as you - stabs you.

"But being foolish is not a crime."
- No it's not, but doing foolish things can sometimes have bad outcomes, that's my point.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 18 February 2024 1:53:57 PM
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Don't expect equal opportunity laws or facts to protect you if you aren't in a group discriminated in favour of. Of course the government has long been pushing an immigration that the community doesn't support despite claims that Australia follows the principle of government of the people. The trick is to have a dictatorship but make people think that they have control. People need to ask themselves what they want and stick to it- and don't give up till they get what they want.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 24 February 2024 6:01:01 AM
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I think that they are the hateful ones. Those pointing their hateful fingers at others are usually the hateful.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 24 February 2024 6:02:58 AM
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