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The Forum > General Discussion > Bronwyn Bishop's neo-Nazi comments on the Gaza/Israel conflict

Bronwyn Bishop's neo-Nazi comments on the Gaza/Israel conflict

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Canem Malem, the term I think is more "Feminazi"...not so much the "Femicom". Third (and more recently Fourth) Wave femininst dogma has pervaded and infected academia and the the legal fraternity for nigh on 50 years now. So much so that it will take several generations to wash out from the status quo in every private and public institution think tank. Under Whitlam, the manifesto we were foisted with in the form of The" Australian Family Law Act (1974)" - then co-written by Lionel Murphy and Gough Whitlam, we saw the erosion of the family compact you rightly allude to in the description of 'globalist'. The descriptors become blurred and this is not by accident, for that old Roman adage of "divide and conquer" becomes the imperative. Emasculate men, deify wimmin and their reproductive rights over men's, smash and atomise the family compact by applying Restraining Orders, custody variations and restrictions of all kinds to the detriment of the family. Their Great Social Experiment has been an abject failure.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Wednesday, 22 November 2023 2:55:03 PM
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Dear Paul,

I'm glad you read the link.

It struck home with me. I was raised to realize that
we shouldn't put labels on people.

I feel sorry for some of our fixated posters on this
forum. I feel that if they were able to think about
people in a less fixated way, perhaps that would
decrease their overall stress.

I can't be healthy having so much vitriol in their
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 November 2023 3:41:45 PM
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Hi Foxy,

No one, in the context of Australian society, is totally progressive or totally conservative. It very much relies on the individual, and on the particular issue at hand.

Not even our old forum buddies are totally one way or the other, but a couple do come close to being total conservative. Many conservative people look back in time through their rose coloured glasses, and hanker for those "good old days", which in reality may not have been as good as they now believe they were.

Wow Foxy, met a woman today, with her 'Carer', who is the subject of DV, not that old, but she has 7 kids under 15. Its easy to see how emotionally scarred this poor woman is from years of abuse. We don't judge, or ask invasive questions of anyone, so I don't know what the full story is, but I imagine its rather horrific.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 November 2023 4:50:36 PM
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I have read through Foxy's recent postings and noted this;
There's certainly a wide choice of people stuck in
various time-warps on this forum. And that's fine.
They're not going to be taken seriously in this day and age.
They're left-over relics. And we should be kind to them.
It's interesting to return to bygone eras from time to
I have read her posts for many a year and she always takes a soft line
on everything even when a hard response is well justified.
Of course she is very entitled to press that view.
However she is very often remote from reality.
She does not take into account that many here have read many reports
on actions that are repeated over and over again that are horrible.
There are societies that even teach their young children to practise
those actions.

Sorry Foxy, I find discussions with you like arguing with a damp sponge.
Anyway I feel better now !
A Merry Christmas to you and yours in casewe do not cross swords before then.
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 22 November 2023 9:58:02 PM
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Well said.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 22 November 2023 10:09:40 PM
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Thanks Albie Manton in Darwin for your comments on FemiNazi's. At least Foxy recognises that the political landscape is not Left-Right but multidimensional.
As Foxy says "They've become incapable of seeing a political reality that is multidimensional because they are captured by a model that is one dimensional."
Interesting Foxy's perverseness in saying that one should not use labels and then promptly uses labels to attack her enemies/ adversaries. Labels are necessary to define problems.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 22 November 2023 10:10:09 PM
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