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The Forum > General Discussion > Covid - the current state of play

Covid - the current state of play

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So after explaining over and over why epidemiologists and statisticians prefer to use excess death numbers rather than covid death numbers to compare nations and jurisdictions (the reason being there is no standardisation in determining what is a covid death), SR goes right back to tallking about covid death numbers. Why? Because they're the only thing that can be manipulated enough to tell the story he wants to hear, and therefore the only thing he wants to talk about. So back to talking about covid deaths so as to ignore and pretend not to see the massive increase in overall deaths in Australia as a result of the lockdowns. Standard SR there.

But to be fair I do understand one of SR's points. While it is true that the lockdowns caused a massive increase in overall deaths, a massive increase in youth self-harm and suicide attempts, wrought havoc on the economy for decades to come, saw businesses destroyed and livelihoods unravelled, had freedoms withdrawn and the unwanted experience of police firing on peaceful least we now have more "internal migration which has revitalised country towns", so alls well that ends well.

Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 6 April 2023 10:16:16 AM
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The only way to gain closure on the Covid debacle and perhaps bring its perpetrators to justice, is to have a Royal Commission - not argue with idiots like SteeleRedux who, in his thankfully few appearances, never presents an opinion of his own, but merely attacks the opinions of others. A totally useless individual.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 6 April 2023 10:26:33 AM
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Dear mhaze,

You really are a sketchy person when you get challenge on posting rubbish.

My first post to you was entirely about excess deaths so why imply I'm haven't addressed it. I have.

The increase in excess deaths in Australia came after the lockdowns, not during it so why claim otherwise.

They didn't cause an increase in suicides as evidenced by the Victorian Coroner's reports which showed they instead went down during the lockdowns. They didn't cause an increase in business failures instead the rate slowed dramatically due to government support. I could go on.

It really is just lie after unsubstantiated lie from you isn't it. Do you think that by repeating these often bizarre untruths they will eventually become accepted? It is never going to happen.

Give it a rest.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 8 April 2023 7:04:58 PM
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Interesting, & indicative of them dodging the point, not a single response to my story of the effectiveness of Ivermectin, zinc & a simple antibiotic stopping my Covid infection in 52 hours for less than $20.

SR & his mates hate to face proof of their stupidity, so run for cover.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 8 April 2023 11:54:03 PM
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SR wrote: "The increase in excess deaths in Australia came after the lockdowns, not during it so why claim otherwise."

Clearly this is too hard for SR to follow. But let's try again. When the lockdowns were being enforced the naysayers who opposed those lockdowns pointed out that the isolation of individuals along with the then known fact that medical appointments were being missed, diagnoses were being missed, new cancers and heart problems were being missed because people were cut off from the medical services that would address those medical problems. Additionally, suicide experts were pointing out that adverse events like the lockdowns would still be flowing through the system 5 years hence.

So all this was predicted and the lockdown fetishists ignored it. Then post-lockdown, the predictions came true. A decline in medical support during lockdown did indeed lead to more deaths post-lockdown.

It takes a special type of cluelessness to think that all adverse affects related to the lockdowns stopped the moment the lockdowns were lifted. And then we have SR.

"They didn't cause an increase in suicides .."

Well I did provide you with a link to one of several papers that looked at the data rather than the hype and found differently.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 9 April 2023 9:43:50 AM
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Lockdowns don't work....
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 9 April 2023 1:30:34 PM
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