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Labor and Liberal

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I have stopped listening to Mr Albanese.
He is not making sense.
Especially when he talks about 'the voice'.
I find myself being smothered in smoke and confused by mirrors.

Just who are these people who need this extra advantage he talks about?
Where do they live?
Do they have a committee or other body which represents them all?
I think not.
The truth is they are a few persons, lightly scattered throughout australia, who offer no consistent policy.

And a change to the Constitution?
That should only be done when there are profound aspects of life being considered.
To create, instead, a division amongst the population because of racial background?
That is almost criminal?

Mr Albanese also makes it sound as if these persons have been here forever, and have greater entitlement because of that.
But it is not so.
I have been here longer than most of them.
Compared to me, they are new kids on the block.
My longer life here should entitle me to greater privilege?

And the flag?
We are one nation under one flag.
Why do I see two flags quite often?
Why is a minority allowed to display a flag as it does?

My own observations indicate that these persons already enjoy the most amazing advantages.
And I have a hole in my fence to show this is so.
It is very clear that the tail is wagging the dog.
That is WRONG and ABSURD.
So if Labor can't get it right, the Liberals must step in.

It is time for The Liberals to LEAD.
Time to pursue policies which are LOGICAL, rather than those which placate a restless electorate.
Time to say 'enough it enough'.
Appeasement never works.

So Liberals must stop the dilly-dallying, and say it like it is.
Stop the nonsense before it gets out of hand.
Labor seems incapable of doing so.
And I say again: appeasement never works!

I realise few will read these words, but they had to be said.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Thursday, 30 March 2023 12:32:59 PM
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Ipso fatso,
Hole in one ! And, as I stated in another thread, what doesn't get a mention ever is the effort required to produce the things the Indigenous are demanding from the descendants of the colonisers.
This acknowledging the elders past, present & future & acknowledging of country never includes any acknowledgement of the facilities in which many of the activists roam & make demands. I have only extremely rarely heard of Indigenous acknowledging the effort made by non-indigenous to provide Health facilities, sporting facilities, cheap or even free travel, Art facilities, media facilities etc etc etc.
The "Gap" will not close if the activists don't want to close it ! Perpetual blame by activists is the biggest stumbling block on the path to reconciliation. The activists who are the architects of the VOICE are THE cause of constant failure in making the relationship work !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 31 March 2023 10:16:52 AM
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Just VOTE NO to the Voice. Don't waste time pondering it. It is evil and a threat to democracy. The political class - Liberals, Labor, whoever, are also a threat to democracy; emboldened by the pathetic obedience to lockdowns, masks and vaccines, they are now getting ready to take away our liberties again in the name of the mythical 'climate emergency'.

Did you know that the WEF had plans for attacks on our freedoms long before Covid?

Did you know that seemingly benign governments - globally - with the help of the likes of Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the WEF etc, had a scenario for, and plan ready two years before Covid was even heard of?

Of course you didn't. You can't read, or won't read, and you have your heads stuck up your bums.

We, the people, are supposed to call the tune in a democracy, but we have handed the job over to incompetent, self-serving and corrupt thugs called politicians, and to an unelected expertocracy that thinks it know what is best for us.

Just voting every three years for the same rubbish isn't going to change a thing. Those of you young enough and smart enough are going to come up with with something better. My generation won't be here to give a s..t.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 31 March 2023 10:47:40 AM
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Ipso Fatso

It was with interest I read your comment, so I draw your attention to an article written by Vern Gowdie along the same lines that you express. You might like to read it here published by the Daily Reckoning.
Posted by snake, Friday, 31 March 2023 10:54:26 AM
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Here we go again, the same old, same old, banging on about the 'Voice', not since this mob told us the sky will fall in if gay marriage is approved, fellas the sky is still where its always been, have we had such a concerted effort by the same old, same old, to discredit a worthwhile proposal.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 31 March 2023 12:10:59 PM
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Thank you for the link. It was informative, even though a bit negative. I think the writer was letting off steam with a rush.
But the facts he quoted are enlightening.
It confirms what I have thought for a longish time. That an exorbitant amount of money is being spent on just a few persons.
If and when the general population realises this, they might have a change of mind on how to vote.
The hip pocket is a very sensitive area.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Friday, 31 March 2023 12:12:01 PM
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