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The voice squeaks to a halt.

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As realities of the voice and the vast levels of bureaucracy become apparent, the approval for the voice is shrinking to the point where it has dawned on Labor that without the support of the coalition, the voice referendum is doomed.

Albo is now in the unenviable position of having to flip the bird at the "voice" working group and accommodate the coalition's concerns and amendments.

"Labor and the Coalition are locked in last-minute talks to ­secure bipartisan support for the referendum machinery bill, allowing a national vote to proceed, as Anthony Albanese steps in to finalise the government’s preferred wording for the constitutional amendment on an Indigenous voice to parliament.

Voice campaigners will converge on Canberra in the next two days as members of the government’s referendum working group meet the Prime Minister to provide their advice on the best form of words to alter the Constitution.

Dozens of Aboriginal people opposed to the voice – led by conservative Indigenous leader Warren Mundine and Nationals senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price – will also ramp up their campaign on Wednesday and lobby politicians to vote No.

Mr Albanese told his colleagues on Tuesday there’d never been a successful referendum without bipartisanship, as Liberal senator Andrew Bragg called on the government to “urgently” act to achieve cross-party support.

Addressing Labor’s caucus, Mr Albanese set out the size of the challenge by citing three historic facts. “One, we’ve had no successful referendum in 50 years,” Mr Albanese said. “Two, only 20 per cent of referendums put by Labor have been carried. And thirdly, historically there has been no success without bipartisanship.”

Mr Albanese also told his MPs they needed to minimise scare campaigns about the voice to ensure the referendum passed.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 1:20:02 PM
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Thanks Shadowminister

Since your report the fair and reasonable moderates at SKY NEWS reported 4 hours ago:

"Labor has struck a deal with the Opposition to back the Voice referendum Machinery Bill
but not everyone is happy within the Coalition with at least one senator [JACINTA PRICE]

threatening to cross the floor.

The Opposition Leader Peter Dutton was involved in these discussions – the bill will go through the senate with the Coalition’s support, meaning the government does not need to bargain with the crossbench’s demands.

Details of the deal brokered this morning – the government previously agreed to provide the Yes and No pamphlets


and now they have agreed to change the tax deductibility status of the No campaign – donations over two dollars will be tax deductible.

The Coalition has caved over the equal funding for the Yes and No campaigns for administrative costs which could cause concern within the Coalition."

Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 6:25:01 PM
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The Liberal section of the Coalition cannot be trusted. They should have announced that they were against it right at the beginning, instead of Dutton whinnying about 'details'.

Now, they are going to support the 'machinery', and Dutton is so piss weak, he will probably fall down and support the whole caboodle. All the courage in the Coalition is now with the junior partner, the Nationals. The Nationals, the last skerrick of Conservatism in the Coalition, should be standing candidates in all Liberal-held seats at the next election.

With all due respect to shadowminister, I think that his claim that that "The voice squeaks to a halt" is about as valid as the one that Ukraine is winning the war against Russia. I wish he was right about the Voice, but I am not convinced.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 7:48:13 PM
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Dutton agreed to the working bill for the referendum to stop the Greens and their radical amendments being put in the Bill. Dutton won the case for a pamphlet outlining the Yes and No positions to be given to every citizen. The Greens wanted voters to be able to register as Citizens on the polling day. No checks.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 23 March 2023 8:26:04 AM
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No excuses for Dutton, please. He should have announced that the Liberal party was against this divisive rubbish, just as the Nationals did. It's up to the people now to vote NO. Unfortunately, too many of them don't understand the effect of this change to our Constitution and our general governance would have, with more power going to judges. And that's assuming they know what the Constitution is, and that we have one!
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 23 March 2023 10:11:10 AM
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Now we are getting, from SkYyNews of all places, that it would 'break Albanese's heart' if the Voice didn't succeed!

This BS was a result of a lip-quivering sob show put on for the cameras by Albanese. The performance was likened to Hawkes cry-in at the time of the CCP killing of Chinese people during Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Hardly the same or even similar.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 23 March 2023 11:29:24 AM
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