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Jacinta Price

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Nothing to do with truth - just berating white people.
My experience also particularly from non-indigenous indigenous !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 10 February 2023 9:50:31 AM
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In what Universe is the Guardian "politically centrist"? The SMH is left of the centre, the Australian is right of the centre, and the Guardian is left of the SMH.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 12 February 2023 11:50:20 AM
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According to the PM, the Voice is just a feel-good way for Australians to show they have an “open heart” for the plight of their Indigenous brothers and sisters. But if you’re not on board to rewrite our Constitution – which is the brainchild of a small group of lefty activists and politicians – you are hateful.

If it’s about “consultation”, what’s the point when there are more than 2700 Indigenous non-profit corporations, 145 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organizations and 120 Aboriginal Land Councils in NSW alone?

The truth is that the Voice is ultimately about a Treaty.
Greens leader Adam Bandt said his party would support the Voice – but only after Albanese promised money to fast track a Treaty.
Labor Senator Pat Dodson said just this week that “to have a treaty, you have to have a Voice…”
1 According to the activists the Voice is a constitutional change that will lead to a treaty, which they say is “unfinished business”.
2.But what’s in a treaty?
According to George Williams – from the government’s legal advisory group – that would mean “reparations for historical injustices”
3.According to Tom Calma – who drafted the book on the Voice – that would mean “land swapping” and “compensation paid”
4.Does all this sound “modest” to you?

This is an overhaul of our democracy and Constitution.
Even though a treaty won’t be on the ballot paper when you go to vote in the Voice referendum.

The PM must tell us exactly how expensive his Voice really will be.
Because the costs won’t just be in real dollars. They’ll be in the price we pay by putting race at the heart of our parliamentary democracy.

Matthew Sheahan
Executive Director
1. Quoted in The Australian, ‘Dodson: Voice needed first to advise on agreement making and truth telling’, February 6, 2023.
2. Uluru Statement website:
3. Quoted in SBS’s ‘Explainer: What is a treaty? June 22, 2916.
4. Tom Calma on the ABC’s Q+A, January 30, 2023


Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 12 February 2023 2:29:36 PM
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Pity a few of the "learned latte sipping" group supporting the voice did not actually get out around the country, they may have a huge change of heart, listen and take notice of what Jacinta Price has to say.
Having lived with and among aboriginal people for 50+ years the only answer is a big NO NO NO. Housing?? do an audit of vacant outstation communities around the top half of Australia, some houses built and never lived in, others wrecked and abandoned. One friend (Aboriginal I may add) was quite adamant when three houses were being built for his family out bush, "We are not going to live out there mrs " They have used it from time to time as a holiday camp but live in town where the kids go to school regularly.
Do an audit of the numerous Aboriginal organisations, who runs them and what have they achieved over the years. Plenty of vehicles, computers and flash offices, family well looked after but not much else.
Cant complain too much, we have done well out of the Aboriginal industry, the NT relies on it to survive, but if we didn't someone else would have. The overall waste is unbelievable and unknown to many who have no idea of what goes on.
Posted by gj123, Monday, 13 February 2023 9:39:12 AM
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By chance, you wouldn't be biased in any way, you just know its all bad. Some have a distorted view of where Aboriginal people actually live, 82% in cities and regional areas, Aboriginals living in remote or very remote communities account for 17%. The Aboriginal population in the NT is 79,000 in NSW its 297,400. The "learned latte sippers" are more likely to come across an Aboriginal down at their local cafe', than some fella wandering around the back blocks of the Northern Territory. (2022 Australian Governments AIHW Profile of Indigenous Australians)

Gota love those little anecdotal stories of "I know a bloke...." from that single instance you can extrapolate the same applies to a million other cases, every case in fact, they'll all bad!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 13 February 2023 10:27:30 AM
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gj123, a friend of mine who works with aboriginals in Katherine NT says they tell him they do not want houses with rooms as it allows for abuse. They just want a large A-frame roof to the ground with a fireplace in the middle of the room and a shower toilet block attached.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 13 February 2023 3:05:15 PM
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