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Jacinta Price

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Changes to laws are meant to change how people act.
A law will REQUIRE people behave in a certain way.
The proposed 'voice' does not do that.
There is no REQUIREMENT involved.
So it is a pointless exercise.

And anyway, who is asking for this absurdity?
A few persons who are predominantly european with SOME native australian heritage?
Why are they not beholden to their european ancestry too?
And they haven't been here very long anyway.
I have been here longer than most of them.
And as I have been here longer, I should have more 'rights' than they?

There is only one country here.
One parliamentary system.
One flag.
One people, all with the same rights and responsibilities..
We don't need 'recognition' or 'treaties' or other nonsense.
We just need people who comply with the law, and get on with life.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Thursday, 9 February 2023 2:51:53 PM
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I did some more thinking.
Recently, I heard a well known journalist on Tv.
It is relevant to my comments that his bloodlines are not only european, but are also closely aligned with australia.
I cannot remember the exact words he used, but he was explaining that he did not feel comfortable in his 'own' country.
Outside the country he felt more at ease.
My immediate thought was that if he couldn't adjust to living in this country of opportunity and comfort, his thought processes must be wrong.
Which means the principles which underpin his life, the principles by which he lives, his belief system if you will, all lack some vital truth.
A lack of truth in fundamental policy has caused the downfall of many (otherwise) advanced civilisations.
A lack of truth could certainly bring down a single individual.

My next thought was that he might benefit from counselling.
But that is not a given.
It could be that his thought processes are so tangled or irregular that he cannot change.
If that is the case, he will continue to be like a square peg in a round hole: a bad fit for this society.
Which is sad, because he was born here.
He is also one of those pushing for 'change'.
I have difficulty understanding 'why'.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Thursday, 9 February 2023 3:06:52 PM
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The racists and bigots continue to sing from the same old song sheet of denial. They speak of "truth telling" then retreat back into their delusional position of lies with "nothing to see here". The latest poll shows support for the 'Voice' at 65% in favour, and only 14% a hard no vote, with 21% undecided or wavering one way or the other. I hope Dud Dutton does demand a No vote from the electorate, just like the Cow Cocky Hicks have already done, this will demonstrate how out of touch with the mood of the general public these racially motivated reprobates actually are.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 9 February 2023 3:18:14 PM
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Hi Paul

The Guardian reported, 7th Feb 2023:

On the face of it "With 65% of respondents supporting the change, survey suggests Peter Dutton’s soft no campaign is failing to shift sentiment"

However the figures are more nuanced and far less encouraging for the YES VOTE:

"The latest fortnightly survey of [only] 1,000 respondents...asked to be explicit about the nature of their support or opposition to the concept.

Of the yes cohort, 38% of respondents characterised their position as a hard yes while 26% said they were a soft yes.

In the no camp, 21% characterised themselves as hard no and 14% as soft no.

...The data says only 31% of respondents feel well informed about what the change means and 37% say they don’t feel informed."

More see

Cheers Mavs
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 9 February 2023 5:14:26 PM
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The nutters rabbiting on about those of us against the Voice being 'racists' are too stupid to get the fact that the Voice itself is the most racist bit of crap ever presented to the Australian public.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 9 February 2023 5:53:37 PM
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Hi Mavs,

Dutton very much needs to be on the winning side, Labor is united in their support for a 'YES' vote, their constituency is as well, the Coalition not so. The hard right of the Liberal Party are in the negative camp, that's Dutton's factional support base within, but a significant section of progressive Liberals like Bridget Archer are defiantly 'YES' supporters, as are small 'l' Liberal voters. If Frydenberg makes a return to federal politics, and that's likely now Tudge is out, then Dutton is looking to be on very shaky ground.

p/s Albanese can't lose, if the 'YES' vote gets up then its all warm and fuzz for Albo, if the'NO' wins, then its down to all the divisive rednecked bastards and not the fault of Albo.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 10 February 2023 6:16:33 AM
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