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Opus Dei And Twenty Million Dollars

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"But these aren't curriculum issues. There's no suggestion that these schools aren't teaching the 3R's so-to-speak to the approved level"

What do we make of a school that teaches their young people they will literally develop holes in their brains if they masturbate - this lesson, replete with pictures of brains, erroneously identifying features of the grey matter as holes generated by such action.

I wonder what "approved level" box that sort of religo-science claptrap that would tick?
Posted by Poirot., Thursday, 2 February 2023 8:44:11 PM
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I disagree with your claim that kids going to private
schools saves the government money.

An analysis shows that:

Private school funding has increased at five times the
rate of public schools.

We're told that " government funding for independent
schools increased by $3,338 a student over a decade,
compared with $703 more per student for public schools."

The new analysis shows "predictions of a $74 bn shortfall
in money for public schools this decade despite the shft to a
needs-based scheme."

There's more at:
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 February 2023 8:57:34 AM
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From the ABC reports which teachers were interviewed on the claim that pornography created holes in the brain, or was it immature schoolgirls?

It is a known fact that pornography gives false expectations and demonstrates multiple partners with no sexual security and commitment to real love and relationship. Men can imagine they thrive on multiple conquests, but it is destructive and has high risks of disease and abuse including a probable pregnancy for women. It has been demonstrated that girls are currently the largest viewers of pornography and have the highest incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, including poor self-image.

I trust the men posting here have told their wives of their secret partners
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 4 February 2023 8:32:58 AM
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It was the schools that provided the false photographs
of the brain. The girls were simply relating what they
were being taught. And providing lies and misinformation
should not be on the schools agendas. Surely you do have moral
scruples and would not want your children educated with
falsehoods and lies?

But what the heck - you probably believe in pregnant virgins
and snakes promising fruit-based diets.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 February 2023 8:56:10 AM
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Go start your own discussion - please.

Stop trying to divert mine.

You're becoming a real pest.

So as I said before - Shoo - go away!
Or I'll take out the Mortein!
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 February 2023 8:58:35 AM
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Foxy, I neither believe in your aspersion of pregnant virgins and snakes promising fruit-based diets. I imagine you are quoting your understanding of ancient records included in Genesis - which in fact comes from Babylon and also represented by the Dragon in Chinese belief.
The serpent represents false religion, or deceptive beliefs. Jesus used the analogy.

As for the virgin you should talk to your Priest about that, as Mary was a young unmarried girl bearing a child to be especially raised for a mission to Israel and the World. The practice of mensurating virgins being pregnant first happened in ancient Egypt where they were artificially inseminated to ensure the child born was the next Pharoah. This was to show the hymen was not severed till birth. We used artificial insemination all the time to heifers on the dairy.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 4 February 2023 3:25:49 PM
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