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Halal Terrorism and Haram Terrorism

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Some people believe that terrorism is devided to Halal and Haram.
Haram is antonym for Halal in Arabic language. They believe that there are Halal terrorism and Haram terrorism.

Do you think terrorism are two types or just one?
Posted by Angela84, Monday, 10 September 2007 1:01:02 AM
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Hi Angela
as I've said in the past.. we would do well to avoid the term 'terrorism'... it is a covenient term which we use to seek to establish the following:

1/ We had the moral high ground.
2/ The terrorists do not.

in short.. 'We are good, they are evil, thus we must fight them'..

I prefer to speak in terms of 'allies and enemies'. Ultimately, it is not so much about the moral worth or lack thereof for a particular enemy, it is about independance, freedom, and the opportunity to shape OUR future in our own way. We might not be 'there' yet, but to be dragged and clubbed to 'there' (which might be the vision of our enemy, rather than our own) is not my cup of tea.

The problem with defining "enemies" is our own lack of self identity.
So,.. like a good flow chart.. we need to define our variables up top.

Once we have a sense of who we are, we can then better define our enemies and those who threaten our freedom to chart our own course.

Having defined ourselves, and our enemies, then it becomes much easier to prevent enemies and those who support them from destroying that very freedom.

Sadly, our 'allies' sometimes do things which are repulsive. But without them... we are toast.

The Islamic hadith authorizes the killing of women and children.. 'as long as it is not deliberate' and 'during night raids'. I find this rather curious, because they continually claim that 'Islam only authorizes defensive fighting' yet the hadith speaks of 'night raids' where women and children are likely to be killed.

But also depends on which Muslim you speak with.
If we speak with Fellow Human.. bless him... he will take the 'defensive only' viewpoint.

However..if you speak with this person..Bassam Zawadi (Educated at Woolongong)

He agrees with offensive war to establish Islam. He admitted this to me in personal email.

Food 4 thought.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 10 September 2007 8:07:34 AM
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Rather than seek to wax eloquent myself about the reasons and justifications which inevitably draw flack, criticism, charge of 'obession' etc.. why not look at an actual letter.. written by

who drove his car into a crowd of American University students in order to kill as many as possible....


and then evaluate this information.

The scary thing about this, is that people LIKE this man could be lurking in our universtities.. just waiting to the 'switched on' by sufficient human/Quran interaction and daily newsbites. time, when I claim 'this verse justifies' such and such.. specially Pericles and CJ (Peppy, Ginx also).. before you tell me "You make very selective use of Islamic scriptures to justify your own religious hatred" ...howwwww about.. reading this 'very selective letter' and see how close my claims are to the mindset of people DOING the kinds of things I warn against.

I will add one point though. The only way THIS person could have been prevented from doing what he did, (apart from physical restraint) would be to show him that the Quran, Mohammad and Islam, are questionable themselves.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 10 September 2007 8:55:54 AM
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I understand what you mean. I also believe that we must fight with terrorism. I believe that terrorism is evil. Here I am talking about different topic, I am talking about two kinds of terrorism. I think I should explain more.

Some people trying to prove that terrorism in Islam is devided to two types: 1. Halal terrorism 2. Haram terrorism.
Their reason is : If there is discrimination for anti terrorism law between Muslim suspect and Non Muslim suspect (as the Australian cleric has mentioned) will result in creating the division of Haram terrorism and Halal terrorism by the Australian government.

So deviding the terrorism into Halal and Haram in Australia by John Howard will result in giving chance to Muslims to have TWO kinds of terrorism, Muslim will take advantage of that and say to John Howard "Oh Johny if you have cut the terrorism in half Halal for Non Muslims and half Haram for Muslims, we Muslims are more professional to make things Halal. If you have two types of Halal and Haram terrorism IN AUSTRALIA , we will also have two kinds of terrorism IN ISLAM, Oh John! we love to devide terrorism into the Halal and Haram, thank you for giving us this great opportunity by supporting discrimination in anti terrorism law between Muslims and Non Muslims"

This idea first started by Sheikh Haron , later some Muslims tried to conclude there are two kinds of terrorism.

I believe there is only one type of terrorism, Haram terrorism, but discrimination in terrorist acts between Muslims and Non Muslims will result in two kinds, and that would be dangerous for national security.
I think it is very important that Australian government avoid any discrimination in terrorist acts otherwise the result might be a serious threat to the nation.
Posted by Angela84, Monday, 10 September 2007 11:00:30 AM
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Yes we have Halal and Haram terrorism.
If anyone wants to deny it or doesn't know what is the definition for Halal terrorism or what is the difference between Haram terrorism and Halal terrorism , I can explain all these things.

but there is an important point that we should consider it. "Halal terrorism in Australia" is different with Halal terrorism in Islam" , so if anyone has question about "Halal terrorism" , must specify "in Australia" or "in Islam".

I think it is better I post a new thread about it and answer the questions about this important topic.

People Against Live Exports

what do you think?
Posted by ALJAZEERA_OZ, Monday, 10 September 2007 12:58:48 PM
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There you are. I was getting worried you and my old buddy Boazie might have had a beef up at APEC.
Well to be really honest with you I would very much like to talk to you about something apart from having an interest in this thread.
Its about Halal meat and world supply.
I can understand why or understand why you suggest to start a new thread. A new heading too ah. Angerla you asked what we think but I dont quite understand you question to be honest. What do you think ?
From a first glance I must say I think your heading is a bit irresponsible.
Very possibly without any intention but many old school Aussies are just starting hear the world Halal.
We dont want them relating the word Halal to terrorism until they understand the word and the meaning behind that word.
Halal means lawful [ allowed]
I am not sure we should be allowed to display irresponsible public material which could mislead the average Aussie.
Thats what I think.

Perhaps you could supply more details of what you really mean before asking this question.
I will look forward to it
Yo I`m Aussie to the bone so shoot!
oz boazie off to meeting- let talk about this soon
Blessings to all.

Angerla you might find this helpful but if you want to control STOP AQIS giving out accreditations to the highest bidder!
)ne Halal accreditation in Australia authority working with "Humane"! Muslims
I`ll personally chase the reast off myself Angeela[ with a big stick ok!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 10 September 2007 1:33:43 PM
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