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One voice

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Dear shadowminister,

You wrote, "Talking to lots of people does not mean that you represent them."

However, talking to a lot of people and listening to what they have to say is what you should be doing if you are their representative and want to do a good job.
Posted by david f, Tuesday, 24 January 2023 11:03:27 AM
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Dear BAYGON and David,

I also remember the experiences of my parents who were
not considered "Australians," by our neighbours but were
looked upon as "foreigners." They were expected to
give up their culture and totally assimilate in those days.

"Speak English." was the slogan that was heard on buses and
trains. Dad spoke several languages. So I can't even begin
to imagine what our Indigenous folk must have gone through.
And now when all they are asking for is to be an advisory
body regarding laws and programs that affect them - people
are still arguing not to allow that?

I can't understand the logic behind that way of thinking.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 24 January 2023 11:42:41 AM
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David f,

A representative should consult, but someone consulting is not necessarily a representative. If I as a white man consulted in Aboriginal communities I would still not be a representative.

Activists seldom represent the community, more likely an extreme fringe.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 24 January 2023 11:57:25 AM
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250 representatives were also chosen by their communities to
represent them. They worked on the co-design process of
the Uluru Statement. They and all the others consulted
in this process over so many years finally presented the
report to parliament. Your denying that they don't represent
their people is mischief making and ignorant.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 24 January 2023 12:16:28 PM
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Hi Foxy

GOOD NEWS for the NO VOTE based on the Lack of Information issue I've been on about.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported Jan 24, 2023

"Support for Voice slips as voters await more detail"

"Australians’ support for an Indigenous Voice to parliament has fallen from 53 to 47 per cent after a political row over how it would work, putting the proposal in danger of defeat at a referendum later this year.

Only 13 per cent of voters are confident they understand the plan for constitutional change to give First Nations people a bigger say in national affairs, heightening the debate about whether the government should reveal more details to build popular support."


Poor Albo may need to release details even if that threatens the hopes of leading urban radical, rather Caucasian-looking "Aborigines" who look forward to cash from the coming Reparations Rent Tax (already spruiked in Victoria).



see ie the Daily Mail article of January 25, 2023 at which states in part:

“Australian property owners have been urged to start paying a weekly 'rent' tax to indigenous groups based on their ancestral claim to the land.

Under the 'Pay the Rent' model proposed by a campaign of the same name, and backed by celebrities, homeowners would voluntarily pay a percentage of their income to a body led by Aboriginal elders and administered without any government oversight or intervention.

…The scheme could then be extended further to all users of the land - people having weddings or holding concerts would also be encouraged to hand over money.

…Supporters of the scheme include feminist author Clementine Ford and high-profile Greens senator (for VICTORIA) and activist LIDIA THORPE.

…The organisers of a website which already collects this type of rent for traditional owners in Victoria, say the scheme could go further than taxing homeowners."


More on the Lidia Thorpe angle here

Cheers Mavs
Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 25 January 2023 4:00:31 PM
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Hi Foxy and Paul


I must say I've been on the money for months in focussing on Lidia Thorpe's tendency to disrupt Voice Referendum dreams, eg. see my October 2022 post

Its as if Lidia were Dutton's Agent Provocateur in working against the Voice Referendum push.

Lidia Thorpe’s anti-Referendum position could see the Greens oppose the Referendum, effectively lining up alongside Liberal and Nationals opponents.


"PM’s call comes as Greens face party split on issue and Liberals signal they will oppose the proposal"

"Greens senator Lidia Thorpe signalled she could break ranks and vote against legislation enacting the [Voice] advisory body unless Labor provided “guarantees” that First Nations sovereignty would not be not ceded, the prime minister made a public appeal for parliamentarians to prioritise the national interest.

After a Greens party room meeting on [January 25th, 2023], Thorpe signalled she could break ranks if her party locked in. “Regardless of the final party room position, I have informed party room I will not support the legislation for voice to parliament unless I am satisfied that First Nations sovereignty is not ceded.”

She added: “It would take a lot for me to change my personal and long-held view that I don’t think First Nations justice will come from being written into the coloniser’s constitution.

It opens the possibility that the Greens will be split on the final vote...Guardian Australia understands numerous Greens members had privately expressed concerns that Thorpe’s position could see the party oppose the referendum, and effectively line up alongside Liberal and Nationals opponents."
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 26 January 2023 4:48:37 PM
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