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One voice

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Which political party has been in power the most in this
country? That's the party that needs to take responsibility
for the problems that our Indigenous people have today.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 22 January 2023 2:45:29 PM
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I've been reading an article about the "careful editing" by the Prime Minister's office of a transcript of an interview between the PM and 2GB Radio about the Voice and whether or not Albanese had sought any legal advice on the matter. The PM told the interviewer that the person who gave legal advice to the government was the Solicitor-General, but when he was asked if he had sought the SG's advice, he said "No. No … We got advice from a range of High Court judges, former High Court judges are on the record, such as Justice French and others."

"No?!", said the interviewer, but this was "edited" from the transcript.

Bad enough: who expects anything different from Labor. But worse is the article's comments on the lack of action by the Opposition Leader, who "has lost sight of his job as a conservative Liberal leader – to protect the nation from racial revenge-style Marxist attacks on the most important legal document in Australia, the Constitution".

This week, with the unconvincing stumbling waffle from Albanese, plus the transcript fiddling, he has loads of ammunition to get stuck in.

But no, he just keeps bleating for 'details', at a time when Australians are so fed up with the whole thing, that "popularity for the Voice is sitting at about 95 per cent against".
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 22 January 2023 3:04:45 PM
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One commentator asks advocates - who claim that the Voice is to be a 'unifying force' to 'heal the racial divisions between Australians' - "why is it going to "represent only one lot of Australians and be paid for by the other". And why the Voice is threatening the substantial racial unity that already exists, "with the major of Aborigines assimilated into living the same westernised life as everyone else" with the Voice to remind them that they are ‘different’".
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 23 January 2023 5:47:22 PM
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Is it 1 and 2 and 3, or is it 1 or 2 or 3 ?
As far as decent is concerned we probably all have ancestors that go
back to Africa.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 23 January 2023 6:42:56 PM
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There is a difference between being consultative and representative. Talking to lots of people does not mean that you represent them.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 24 January 2023 2:58:22 AM
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Bazz I arrived in Australia in 1959. Few of us spoke English so we were not really able to engage with Australians. That did not stop us from discussing our experiences among ourselves. One anecdote may be of interest. One of our number had been sacked. It turned out that the boss had sacked another worker who then complained that as an Australian he should not have been sacked in preference to a Migrant. Naturally we were not impressed and we asked ourselves what makes him an Australian? He certainly was not an Aborigine. I do now know how you define Aboriginal. But I do know that most of us have a very recent Australian heritage and it seems that it is about time that we started listening to the people who have much longer links to this land.
Posted by BAYGON, Tuesday, 24 January 2023 10:33:34 AM
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