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Fatherhood and the love revolution : Comments
By Warwick Marsh, published 4/9/2009Call it a renewal of fatherhood, family revival or a love revolution, but whatever you call it, it is happening.
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Posted by MartinsS, Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:43:35 PM
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TPP:"The message that is clear is that more females than males have custody of children but in the end the males still manage to neglect them plus emotionally, physically, and sexually abuse them with their limited time."
Anti:”How on earth do you arrive at that? The data aren't complex and they don't show anything like that at all.” I read the numbers and added them up, it didn’t say anywhere what Paul said about custodial parents. Are we just putting links together will nilly? Aboriginals are the better parents hands down according to that chart though. Oh and I added up male vs female stats not mums vs dads. Might have made a difference. None of these things have stated how much time spent with female and how much with male before abuse occurs. Anti:”Do stop trying to take the p!ss Jewels.” Can’t help it, my nature and all… next minute I’ll be taking you out the back for a damn sound thrashing Anti baby. So anyway, if we all just ease up and decide to go with it – women hurt their kids. Then what? Just hand all the kids to the men and watch those stats rise as the pressure builds? What is it the menfolk want? Rodcub, wow what a bombshell. Oh god that makes the regular males look bad, I can’t stop smiling. They’re going to come back going “it doesn’t matter how we got here it doesn’t change the facts…” , it’s going to be so funny. For shame Warwick FOR SHAME! Posted by The Pied Piper, Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:50:02 PM
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Pied Piper "What about you Ross… what is going on with you”. I checked out one link (sad story) and listened to the other link (misinformation gone nuts)."
what about me? There's this massive public outcry and grief when Darcy Freeman died, yet no one knows the name Oliver Garcia or his fate, just six months prior to Darcy, Oliver's mum strapped him into a carryall, climbed the guard rail and jumped off the very same bridge! How about James Topham, who died in WA when his mum attempted suicide? Then all of a sudden this group appears "safer family law campaign" and if you look at their website or FB, there is no mention of Topham or Garcia, only kids killed by their father. I've lost a child to SIDS, there’s no excuse for harming a child, be it a mother, a father or a step parent, but ignoring the basic facts wont help one single child, bias groups like Biggs SFLC are doing more harm to children than the good they claim. I set up the Safer Family Law Hoax site at FB , hoping to get people to see the bias of individuals like Biggs and her cronies, so suzieonline et al, how many more excuses do you want to make, time spent with kids, PND, etc How do you excuse any person who intentionally harms a child, Warwick at least turned back from that and should be congratulated, not ridiculed. There's this huge discrepancy when the law deals with child abusers/killers, I've no doubt Freeman will see life in jail, yet Topham gets time served with the judge commenting "where justice ends, mercy begins", the only difference is Topham is female. You people are welcome to believe all the lies in research but ffs keep an open mind, VicHealth recently perpetrated the same "DV kill more woman than anything else" lie, worldwide HIV is the biggest killer of women, here in Aus its carcinoma’s(cancer ABS 2007 Mortality) with Victoria having one of the highest rates, maybe they used it for "illustrative purposes"? Posted by Ross M, Sunday, 13 September 2009 10:43:06 PM
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suzeonline, Sunday, 13
One must wonder though why all these mothers are acting this way towards their children? tisk tisk you get what you sow. You all want them so the father can’t see them. Then it gets to you because you don’t have any free time. If you weren’t so stubborn about not giving time to the father situation it would be ok. You just bring it upon yourself. What were the ethnic and socioeconomic circumstances of these families? All of Australians Black and White, rich and poor. Were the women beaten/neglected by their parents? Oh please. Come on you can do better than that. I though you could think of more things than just these few. What has happened to your gray matter? I think its slipping a bit. Are they in turn being abused by their partners? Ha-ha blame game, ha-ha poor me pity me ha-ha. It must be someone else’s fault, because it’s not my fault. Ha-ha bloody ha Are they left to fend for themselves and their children after being deserted by their partners for another woman, or the joys of the single life? Yes, it’s what they wanted. No. they are just the greedy ones. Want their cake and eat it too. But can’t get it. Were mental health issues or substance abuse evident in the mothers? Yes they didn’t get what they wanted. So poor me syndrome. lets spong of the ex and the Govenment. Why weren't the fathers around to help protect the children? Because the mothers lied and put the fathers in geol. Or said that they are rapists or paedophiles. But know have no contact what so ever. Why weren't the children removed from their violent mothers by the authorities? Because they don’t care what the father says. They only believe the lying and conniving mother. What goes around comes around. We are here for the children, NOT you petty little girls. The sooner you realise this, the better. I want a better life for my children than what I had. Make that for all children of the world. Posted by maximum, Monday, 14 September 2009 12:49:22 AM
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<When all these questions are answered and reported on by reputable groups such as the Health Department statistics, or the Australian Medical Association, then we will have the true picture.
Militant men's group websites or facebook sites are not reliable.Posted by suzeonline, Sunday, 13 September 2009 7:54:11 PM> Such report use to be published in the various dept of human services or doc's reports. But have since mysteriously disappeared from the annual reports. Posted by JamesH, Monday, 14 September 2009 7:13:52 AM
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To all the 'caring' menfolk.
Clearly women's violence has gone too far. You must urge the Child Welfare Agencies to rip all children away from their mothers immediately. Only fathers should have care of children - if the claims made on this thread are even remotely true. I mean next, women will be forming gangs and raping and pillaging, bashing people at football matches, attacking people on the street, drunken brawls at night clubs, driving aggressively - the road toll will increase, gays will marry, cats and dogs will live together. Paedophile priests will turn into paedophile nuns, night will turn into day (and vice versa) but no-one will notice because women will take over all governments and declare war on men in order to drive men into extinction (after storing gallons of sperm in test-tubes of course). Then women will start to exterminate all males of all animal species. After that, women will take over the universe and eliminate any living creature with a penis - although with some alien life-forms that's a bit difficult to tell, but if it looks like a penis... well it has to go. We must take action now to avert this terrifying apocalypse from ever becoming reality. Men, if you see any woman with a child, take the child from her immediately and lock her up - she's female and cannot be trusted. Posted by Fractelle, Monday, 14 September 2009 9:50:05 AM
(LOL. Pardon me while I pick myself up off the floor. Greenies, Liberal Party, Labor Party, feminists, the gay lobby, big business, shooters party, unionists... in fact pretty well EVERY serious interest group does it. But we’ll just keep it our secret, OK, because perhaps rodcub didn’t know that.)
Now that this sinister conspiracy has been finally revealed, CJ, God bless his paranoia-driven soul, can rest in peace.
(But wait, maybe these same newbies are somehow implicated in the disappearance of Harold Holt? But I digress...)
As far as I am concerned CJ, you and rodcub can Facebook, Twitter and broadcast to your vast group of supporters and like-minded friends and tell them ALL to register, post and disagree with Warwick’s sentiments or whatever. The more the merrier.
In fact, I would have thought you would be excited by the opportunity to dialogue and put forward your case and opinions to a new audience. But you seem to me more afraid that the argument may be lost, rather than won, because all of a sudden your little hegemony is threatened and not everyone is bowing to your superior wisdom.
So as they say in the legal system - "make an argument." Who knows, if you stopped your bleating about the newbies and got on with formulating an actual opinion on the subject matter we all might be a little bit the wiser.