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Fatherhood and the love revolution : Comments

By Warwick Marsh, published 4/9/2009

Call it a renewal of fatherhood, family revival or a love revolution, but whatever you call it, it is happening.

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suzeonline:"If those posters you are upset about make some children aware that what is happening in their home is a crime and not the norm, then maybe the cycle of violence will stop against both boys and girls."

All they've done to date is increase the rate of offending by females. They also make no mention of the fact that most abuse and neglect of children is carried out by their mothers, not their fathers and in fact, a biological father present in the home has a strong protective effect when compared to "single" mothers. By focussing exclusively on men, we are doing those children no favours.

Dane:"I think you should consider taking your child out and placing him in an all-boys' school."

I've considered it, but it brings its own set of problems. I prefer to work from within at present. I'm waiting for a response to my verbal request for them to be removed and if that comes to nothing, as I expect it will, I'll write to the department and escalate as appropriate.

Let's face it though, any organisation that can publish this apologia for failing to educate boys to the same standard as girls

isn't going to be much interested in a dissenting view, especially from a man.
Posted by Antiseptic, Thursday, 10 September 2009 7:55:50 AM
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Hey Anti, yeah this increase in female violence would be right, even watching how teen girls act now is a big contrast from what I remember. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with feminism, maybe more to do with Angelina Jolie.

And the “playacting” of domestics between teenagers in groups would be funny if it wasn’t so damn serious. Might blame Home and Away or similar for that one.

But say we concede both males and females have the mindset these days for physical violence… it reminds me of a friend who punched his boss (male boss). The Judge went nuts, my friend is a black belt so considered much more dangerous – aren’t we looking at the same thing here?

I don’t know how feminism got started but if the well-off wives wanted to vote or own land, that’s okay isn’t it?

This idea you have that feminists consider men “low life brutes” where does that come from? What do the chauvinists consider women? The extremes are out there and always will be I guess. I don’t make fun of men for being men or women for being women at home… Oh that was a big fat lie, I make fun of everyone, equally.

Must say though, have had some interesting discussions back at home with hubby about this stuff, he doesn’t see what you do. He can see where if you look you will find whatever it is that keeps you angry but has yet to be in a situation where being a male is a disadvantage in any profound way.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Thursday, 10 September 2009 8:13:14 AM
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It looks like Warwick's cheer squad are about as honest as he is. Unsurprising, really.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 10 September 2009 9:50:47 AM
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great article warwick, you should be praised not pursecuted.

as someone that has worked with the data in the past, it is very real that 5 men a day kill themselves, yet very few organisations or charities are doing anything about it.

children have a father and a mother (children can't be born without a sperm and an egg). Children deserve and are owed a relationship with both parents.

as all children model their behaviours from their home life, it is important to have a leading male role model and a leading female role model.

if your a same sex couple and you want to have a child then make sure the children have access to male (or female) role models - like grandparents, uncles or aunties and even junior sport coaches.

fatherlessness costs this country $13billion dollars a year.

fatherlessness contributes to voilenc, substance abuse, gambling etc and all these things will get some young kids in jail.

for the sake of our nations children, fathers, get involved!
Posted by dadof4, Thursday, 10 September 2009 10:26:37 AM
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There goes another one. wierd.
Posted by Bugsy, Thursday, 10 September 2009 10:35:32 AM
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Why the snide remarks Bugsy?
And who provided you with the ability to judge people’s integrity Mr Morgan? And remotely over the internet too - quite a talent, were it true.
I thought this Forum was called On Line Opinion and so that is what I and many others are doing... merely voicing our opinions. It seems that anyone who disagrees with your opinions is only worthy of contempt, not respect.
Yes, I believe strongly in the power of Fatherhood as a force for good, for binding families together, one that provides loving and beneficial leadership. A Fatherhood that earns rather than demands respect, serving sacrificially rather than expecting to be the Master.
Fatherhood should be championed and honoured - at least equally to Motherhood. Our society is littered with consequences of families missing their fathers - a fact that is just starting to dawn on many of us.
So for men willing to stand up for that noble cause, I say “Good on ’yer!”

Guys, play the ball, not the man and stick to the topic, not bagging Warwick Marsh or anyone that happens to agree with him.
At least then the level of understanding between the many various participants may rise, not plummet to levels of personal insults which I have read all too often in this current Forum.
Posted by MartinsS, Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:31:28 PM
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