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Fatherhood and the love revolution : Comments

By Warwick Marsh, published 4/9/2009

Call it a renewal of fatherhood, family revival or a love revolution, but whatever you call it, it is happening.

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Anticeptic, I do understand your feelings after a nasty marital breakdown situation, as I have gone through it all with my parents and best friends' divorces.
I was one of four siblings in the middle of a feud in my own family.

Those family breakdown situations should not be used by men to call all women 'feminazis' or to see some sort of female conspiracy in the courts, schools or in society at large.That is a very narrowminded view of life.

Surely there must be some women you feel positive about in your life?
I do understand why people feel that way after a nasty divorce, but eventually we all have to move on and concentrate on the children.

What you seem to forget Anticeptic, is that all these 'nasty' women have male relatives- Fathers, sons, brothers, uncles and partners/husbands who are loved by them. Why on earth would they all hate men and construct society laws and values around this hatred of men?

If we are seeing posters about domestic violence depicting men, or broken windows depicting men as burglars, then it is because the bulk (but NOT ALL) of these crimes are perpetrated by men! Nothing more and nothing less.

If those posters you are upset about make some children aware that what is happening in their home is a crime and not the norm, then maybe the cycle of violence will stop against both boys and girls.
Posted by suzeonline, Tuesday, 8 September 2009 3:05:31 PM
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SUZEONLINE. I take it then, that since it has been proven by official government statistics that more mothers than fathers commit child abuse and neglect you would be quite happy to see posters everywhere showing a mother belting a child or a picture of a young child left alone while the mother is out at the pub boozing. As official government crime statistics show that the number of mothers committing infanticide or child murder is significantly higher than the number of fathers committing these offences i presume you would also be happy to see posters everywhere showing a mother shaking a child to death or perhaps as in dean shillingsworths case shoving a child into a case and throwing him in a duckpond.After all the bulk [ but not all ] of these crimes are being perpetrated by mothers not fathers, as YOU SAID yourself nothing more nothing less. Or perhaps you agree with statistics on child sexual abuse and DV being perpetrated by men because they agree with your ideas, but ignore the others mentioned because they don't.You can't have it both ways and retain any credibility.If you wish to see a narrow minded view on life i suggest you visit the facebook site, FAMILY LAW CAMPAIGN, LETS PROTECT OUR CHILDREN. They have an in memorium section there of children killed by their parents, EVERY ONE is a child killed by its father, not one of a child killed by its mother, not one. It is these people who are gendercising the child protection debate, little wonder they are termed feminazi's with all the lies and propaganda they turn out. Don't blame fathers when they fight back against this type of tyranny just as the feminists did years ago. These people are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Posted by eyeinthesky, Tuesday, 8 September 2009 4:02:01 PM
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Quite correct Pelican and your keen perceptions are valued as always.

Formersnag claims he has extensive contacts with the gay and lesbian community. That's a rather dubious claim and I'd be interested in knowing the ratio of lesbians in the Australian community. Perhaps I should ask my daughter-in-law's brother who's gay, however, this young guy has enough problems coping with the fact that his pious family don't acknowledge his homosexuality. As far as one can tell, his naive father isn't even aware of it.

Formersnag alludes to the gay and lesbian "lifestyle" which further compounds his ignorance. Homosexuality is no more a choice than heterosexuality. Who would "choose" to be a homosexual when poofter bashing and discrimination remains rampant, as witnessed on this thread.

And have the numbers of homosexuals remained static or have they increased? I choose the latter and rather compelling evidence reveals that homosexuality is determined before birth. One needs to investigate the reason for the hypothesised increase per capita and I would suggest an extensive research into the endocrine disruptors -the gender bending chemicals which impact on human and non-human embryos.

Scientists are also observing unprecedented levels of deformity and intersex conditions due to widespread pollution. Marine animals especially have been hard-hit due to high levels of estrogen-mimicking chemicals. Humankind is not immune to this phenomena, with male sperm counts in continual decline and undermasculinesed boys being born more and more often.

Furthermore, estrogen mimicking chemicals don't care whether you're a Christian, Muslim, bush baptist or an atheist, as my regional Anglican Bishop discovered when his progeny displayed a "flamboyancy uncommon in the male species!"
Posted by Protagoras, Tuesday, 8 September 2009 4:37:26 PM
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"Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Marlena and I thank you most warmly and sincerely for the honour you have bestowed upon us as National Marriage Ambassadors.
It is often because the family structure has broken down in a community that violence and social disorder can occur.

And we know the home environment is the most important influence on a child's social and intellectual development.

We also know that it has a most significant effect on the child's early learning, school attainment and overall well being, and in particular a child's feelings of self worth and sense of identity.

Children are too inexperienced and impulsive to direct their own lives, so they need the guidance and loving support of their parents.

Ideally, this support will be provided by Mum and Dad living happily together and offering those essential masculine and feminine perspectives which balance and complement each other.

In a happy relationship, each parent can bring their full emotional, financial and other resources to bear on the critical task of parenting.

These days there are various forms of family relationships and some of these outside marriage no doubt are successful.

Nevertheless, I think the majority of our society still holds to the view that, in the main, the best form of relationship in respect to the long-term wellbeing of parents and their future children comes through a life long commitment of a man and a woman to each other, typically through the solemn personal and spiritual commitment made in the marriage ceremony.

It is also a simple provable fact, however unpalatable to its detractors.
As a society, we have a responsibility to ensure that to the best of our ability, every child is born into a caring, loving and sensibly disciplined environment.

One of the best ways we can achieve this is by encouraging and preparing people to enter loving, stable and long term relationships based preferably on the time-honoured institution of marriage.
Thank you."
Posted by Magoo2233, Tuesday, 8 September 2009 4:42:00 PM
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Hope you’re not superstitious, Mr Magoo. You appear to be the thirteenth person who’s signed up to OLO specifically in order to barrack for Warwick Marsh in this discussion.

It would be interesting to know how many engagements Mike and Marlene have attended in their roles of Mr and Mrs Marriage Ambassador. I’ve been able to find just one, on 13 August. Doesn’t look to me like there’s much interest in it.

In his Dads4Kids newsletter on 17 August, Marsh bemoaned the lack of interest:

> The mainstream media ignored the fact that 500 people filled the
> Great Hall from all over Australia to show their support for
> marriage. The appointment of former Governor General Michael and Mrs
> Marlena Jeffery (43 years married) as Marriage Ambassadors was also
> ignored by a media obsessed only with bad news.

While endorsing the current legal definition of marriage, Senator Ursula Stephens, Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector, was careful to place marriage in its current social context, as shown by this excerpt from her published speech to the breakfast function on 13 August:

“Before I begin, I would like to acknowledge the Ngunnawal
people, the traditional owners of this land, and pay my
respects to their Elders past and present.

The Australian Government believes that people are entitled
to respect, dignity and the opportunity to participate in
society and receive the protection of the law regardless
of their sexuality or marital status.

The Government’s commitment to this belief was demonstrated
through the Government’s audit of Commonwealth laws in 2007
to identify discrimination against same-sex couples and
their children. This was followed in 2008 by the passage of
legislation to remove discrimination from 84 Commonwealth

These reforms mean that same-sex relationships are now
treated in the same way that opposite-sex de facto
relationships are treated for the purposes of Commonwealth
entitlements and programs.”\~Pg171.asp

Finally, as this ABS report shows, the nature and role of marriage in Australia is changing, and changing rapidly:
Posted by woulfe, Tuesday, 8 September 2009 5:46:35 PM
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Houel: “Hey is that a secret message to AS?”

Yeah you said that out loud, I’m going to provoke you until you snap baby.

There is a constant buzzing noise of the disadvantaged and notably there is plenty of evidence with the “posters” and “ads” etc depicting males as the bad people and a sad and hurtful lack of Fathers Day salutations along with judges who have been accused of frequently backing the weaker sex.

It is no surprise you have borrowed and run with some more tried and tested feminine traits like constant nagging, whinging and repeatedly acting accusatory and indignant to try and get your collective voices heard.

Your forefathers may well weep with the shame but without the understanding that your metrosexual sons could soon reap the benefits of eventually basking in the glory of a completely balanced society. One where man throws off the shackles of the ground dwelling primates that protect their females and offspring to embrace a new technological and frictionless society that attempts to ignore biology as a definer of gender roles.

You fathers with precious young children must teach them that if they are ever alone, frightened, and lost out in public, they need to approach the first adult male they see and take their hand, ask them for help. Put your faith in your gender boys, for the future, for a new society that is so titillating close to your hairy knuckled grasp.
Posted by The Pied Piper, Tuesday, 8 September 2009 8:36:34 PM
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