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Fatherhood and the love revolution : Comments

By Warwick Marsh, published 4/9/2009

Call it a renewal of fatherhood, family revival or a love revolution, but whatever you call it, it is happening.

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Lets not get bogged down in a long debate about which gender commits more domestic violence. Both sides have their favourite statistics and there are too many complicating factors, such as play fighting/real fighting, psychological damage/ physical damage, defensive violence/ other violence. We could snipe back and foward all week and at the end of it all, most people will believe what they believed at the start.

The one thing that you would find it hard to disagree with is that domestic violence is more complex than the 'women are the victims and men are always the baddies' picture that certain people peddle.
Posted by benk, Monday, 7 September 2009 3:41:38 PM
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“SJF, is a femanazi and therefore, incapable of honesty, even some of the more moderate ones, who have been softening their rhetoric lately, are incapable of getting past the indoctrination, inflicted on them, for 40 years now, and still go along with the stats their sistas rig.”

Official statistics are not commonly “rigged” Formersnag and you really should get over yourself and refrain from spouting such ignorance. The feminist movement happened well over forty years ago and perhaps you should ask why.

Feminists in Australia in the late 19th Century faced an unsympathetic media. They were labelled the "shrieking sisterhood” by misogynists like yourself.

The courageous men who supported these women fared no better. They were called poor wretched creatures and accused of being illogical and absurd. According to letters to the editor and editorials in newspapers at the time, men who spoke about women's suffrage ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Well of course women could not even vote until the turn of the 20th century and the male wanted to keep it that way.

This was an era, after all, when it was still lawful for a man to beat his wife "so long as he does not use a stick thicker than his thumb!"

“I think you can be sure that just like the disease rate among homosexuals is kept secret.”

Balderdash Runner! There have been more publications and statistics on AIDS than any other STD. You have a very short memory too on the plagues of syphilis and gonorrhoea which were once rampant and killing off the heterosexual community. Syphilitic chancres in the mouth and on genitals then insanity, culminating in death.

There is no moral difference between a promiscuous heterosexual and a promiscuous homosexual. The difference between AIDs and syphilis/gonorrhoea is a medical one – penicillin does not cure AIDS!
Posted by Protagoras, Monday, 7 September 2009 6:12:39 PM
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“Personally I'm happy to believe that there are as many abusive, vindictive women out there as there are abusive vindictive men but when it comes down to it, the abuse that women dish out tends to be psychological and its scars psychological, whereas the abuse that men dish out leaves scars that tend to be of the kind that are far easily recognised by the courts and police.”

What a complete load of stinky Andrew. Like a kid being hit by their father prefers that to their mother saying nasty things to them. You really want to know the worst and most soul destroying type of abuse? Neglect beats Abuse hands down in the permanent damage game. And it is the hardest to prove in court. And now I am going to ignore you and your beliefs.

Hey Benk, it’s all a bit of a mess and same old comments over and over that I have read in the General Threads. I’m not normally over here in Articles so have no idea about previous articles critiquing men and if some build up of resentment has been the result.

Runner that is much more interesting – domestic violence stats relating only to gay couples. First google result I had:

"According the American College of Pediatricians who cite several studies violence among homosexual couples is two to three times more common than among married heterosexual couples.[2] In addition, the American College of Pediatricians states the following: "Homosexual partnerships are significantly more prone to dissolution than heterosexual marriages with the average homosexual relationship lasting only two to three years."[2]..."
Posted by The Pied Piper, Monday, 7 September 2009 7:14:08 PM
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Pied Piper, Interesting info about higher rate of violence between homosexual couples and one wonders if this is replicated in other studies?

Child abuse experts in Australia are presently highlighting findings that if a parent is/has been physically violent toward their spouse there is a significant correlation and hightened risk that the same parent may perpetrate violence against their child.

Does this hightened risk of violence against children apply to homosexuals as well as hetrosexuals? This seems like a logical question which should be considered in the debate about child adoption.
Posted by Instep, Monday, 7 September 2009 7:58:32 PM
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Fractelle, "And you place a link to a piece of saccharine USA pap? You are a constant puzzle, Cornflower"

The real puzzle was that I couldn't find kind words about Father's Day by any Australian government minister. How poor is that? The only statement I could find was a very patronising, backhanded compliment pre Fathers Day by Chris Bowen:

'2 September 2009
Father's Day: Minister thanks separated dads for their child support

Australian fathers who are separated but who “do the right thing” by paying their child support have been thanked for their efforts by the Minister for Human Services, Chris Bowen MP.

Mr Bowen, whose Portfolio responsibilities include the Child Support Agency (CSA), said while the number of mums paying child support was growing, more than 87 percent of child support payments in Australia were paid by men.

“On behalf of the 1.1 million children in our child support system who benefit from those payments, I want to say ‘thank you’ to the dads who do the right thing,” Mr Bowen said.'

How churlish of the minister, Chris Bowen MP that his only contribution to Father's Day 2009 was an indirect spray of fathers who don't pay child support.

Fractelle, if you can find any statement by any Australian government minister that says anything worthwhile and kind about Father's Day I will gladly quote it. That would be much better than having to find a more generous soul from another country to quote.

BTW, what sort of a life do you live that you can only find two men to say something kind about on Father's Day, namely your brother-in-law and "The father of my best friend's first baby". What stops you from offering a few kind words to the many fathers and other male role models who are making a sterling effort towards guiding and supporting youth?
Posted by Cornflower, Monday, 7 September 2009 8:05:14 PM
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I wouldn't waste your breath Protagoras. Fomersnag continually shows his hatred for women and his strong language about feminazis is ironic given his own extremist position on gender issues. There must be something true about the old adage "we hate most in others that which we see in ourselves".

That is what is wrong with gender debate in Australia (or maybe just on OLO) today. Extremist viewpoints without any substance that fail on a humanistic level seeking only to build a position of self-interest ie. what's in it for me.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 7 September 2009 8:34:58 PM
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