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The Forum > Article Comments > 'Balibo' cover-up: a film’s travesty of omissions > Comments

'Balibo' cover-up: a film’s travesty of omissions : Comments

By John Pilger, published 21/8/2009

The Australian government’s complicity in the journalists’ murder and East Timor bloodbath has been cut almost entirely from the film 'Balibo'.

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Pericles you need to view the evidence before you pass judgement about They are listed prominately on Sydney Uni's website as a call to action.There are now 786 professional architects and engineers who know a lot more than a mere accountant.

They are coming to Sydney on 12-14 Nov 09.Be there and learn the truth.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 25 August 2009 7:50:06 PM
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Arjay, I know you love conspiracy theories. They are clearly a hobby for you, just as other folk collect stamps or model trains.

The predatory plans of the World Bank and the IMF, the evil genius of the Banking system, the masterminding of the 9/11 tragedy by the CIA or whatever. All grist to the mill of your imagination.

The list is becoming significantly long, by the way. It is starting to tell its own story. Know what I mean?

But what is obvious is that you must have an infinite regard for the almost supernatural ability of these people, to cook up the most dastardly, devious and incredibly complex plans against humanity - and amazingly, keep them secret from the world at large.

How do they do it?

Time after time, as we poor peons go about our daily lives, these wizards-of-Oz are plotting behind their curtain. How can we escape their evil clutches, and discover their heinous plans...

I see people very differently.

I see them get up in the morning, go to work, do the best they can in the circumstances in which they find themselves, go home, have dinner, grumble a bit about how tough it all is, go to bed, then start the whole cycle again a few hours later.

It doesn't matter if you are Arjay or Barack Obama, the pattern is the same.

I don't see them sidling off into air-conditioned enclaves, plotting to rule the world, and coming out with the most incredibly complicated plans to do so, that rely upon absolute secrecy (in a world of few secrets, these days) as well as the kind of pin-point precision in execution that you only see at the movies.

But most of all, I don't give any group of people on this planet credit for having the intelligence, intellect and organizational ability, all in the same place, to do any of the stuff that you appear to give them credit for.

So that just leaves us with extra-terrestrials.

I guess it must be them dam' Martians again, am I right?
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 26 August 2009 9:41:47 AM
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I suppose it may be a bit late to point out the bleedin' obvious, but that has never stopped me before:

'Balibo' is a movie NOT a documentary.

It is not even a 'docu-drama', what it will achieve is entertain and perhaps move some of the more curious among us to seek the facts surrounding the events in Timor L'este.

Or we could continue to conjure conspiracy theories and harp about how 'factual' a movie 'Balibo' is supposed to be. Believe me if there was no artistic licence taken with films like Balibo or even the 'Killing Fields' we would be bored out of our brains and the movies would run to days instead of a couple of hours.

But having a good bitch is more fun - ain't it?
Posted by Fractelle, Wednesday, 26 August 2009 10:09:39 AM
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You are basically INcorrect when you said:

"I don't see them sidling off into air-conditioned enclaves, plotting to rule the world, and coming out with the most incredibly complicated plans to do so, that rely upon absolute secrecy (in a world of few secrets, these days) as well as the kind of pin-point precision in execution that you only see at the movies"

While I also don't believe in (non-governmental) conspiracy theories when a government is determined it can set out an intricate plan and coordinate its overt and secret instruments to acheive results like "the movies".

The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 came at the end of almost 25 years (since the 1979 loss of Iran) of US Government contingency planning to dominate an oil rich country. Planners from the NSC, CIA, State Department and US Defence did meet in "air-conditioned enclaves...plotting to.." carry out this foreign policy/energy security task. Cheney and Rumsfeld, as senior apparatchiks since the 1970s, remained leading lights in this task. 9/11, an unrelated event, became related through secret and overt means, to herd the US public into agreeing with the Iraq task.

"in a world of few secrets, these days" Wrong. There are whole layers of government see this that do 95% of their work at a high level of sececy (Secet and Top Secret) - including 1,000s and public service and military in Canberra.

Those who have been one of them...steadily are made aware of a vast amount of information that the public will never know - and hence won't suspect.

Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 26 August 2009 10:29:39 AM
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It must feel really good to be so sure, plantagenet.

>>Pericles You are basically INcorrect<<

Not much room for doubt, is there. Especially with the capitals. Most emphatic. And convincing.

So, what's the real story, pete?

>>when a government is determined it can set out an intricate plan and coordinate its overt and secret instruments to acheive results like "the movies".<<

Just like the movies, eh? Oooo-er.

Like TV too, I suppose. "24" was no doubt based on real events. As told by "an insider".

>>The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 came at the end of almost 25 years (since the 1979 loss of Iran) of US Government contingency planning to dominate an oil rich country<<

And it was such a great plan too, wasn't it? Good job they spent all that time on it, eh. Not smart to cut corners.

>>9/11, an unrelated event, became related through secret and overt means, to herd the US public into agreeing with the Iraq task.<<

Unrelated? Are you sure? We'd better check with daggett and Arjay before making such rash assumptions. All that planning, and 9/11 just "happens" to come along. Nope. Must have been planned, by the same guys.

>>"in a world of few secrets, these days" Wrong. There are whole layers of government... that do 95% of their work at a high level of sececy (Secet and Top Secret)<<

And then leave them on the train,21985,23854548-663,00.html

and oops, there's some more

or they send a copy to the Pope - presumably for safe keeping.

Or is he in on it as well?

You can't be sure these days, can you.

>>Those who have been one of them...steadily are made aware of a vast amount of information that the public will never know - and hence won't suspect.<<

Thank goodness we have you to keep us informed, plantagenet.

By the way, I suppose you don't have any evidence for this?

No, of course you don't.

Which just proves, doesn't it, the lengths that they will go to, to keep us peons in the dark.

My goodness, yes.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 26 August 2009 4:55:09 PM
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Dear Pericles

Thanks for working so hard on your reply.

The wicked Spartans and I just love it.

This is for you


Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 26 August 2009 5:58:54 PM
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