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The Forum > Article Comments > 'Balibo' cover-up: a film’s travesty of omissions > Comments

'Balibo' cover-up: a film’s travesty of omissions : Comments

By John Pilger, published 21/8/2009

The Australian government’s complicity in the journalists’ murder and East Timor bloodbath has been cut almost entirely from the film 'Balibo'.

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I have an explanation for you, daggett.

>>[Pilger] has inexplicably failed to even once, as far as I can tell, ask questions about that other raging controversy, that is, 9/11,<<

It is because the only place that 9/11 is a "raging controversy", is inside your head.

But I sincerely hope Graham does not delete too many of your posts on the topic.

>>I should inform readers that Graham Young has objected to my raising, on this forum, "[my] conspiracy theories about 9/11", as he puts it, and has deleted one of the three posts I previously made on this forum and has threatened to delete any more which raise that issue.<<

They provide useful background colour to your contributions on other subjects, and enable us to determine, with some precision, the intellectual weight we should give to your views and opinions.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 24 August 2009 9:35:57 AM
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dear Mr daggett,

So much to say about a film you HAVE NOT seen. Saying others willl not bother to check the actual historical truths after seeing the film is a rather arrogant and snobbish discourse.

You sir/ madam are the lazy one.........

Posted by trizzie, Tuesday, 25 August 2009 7:00:32 AM
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trizzie wrote, "Saying others will not bother to check the actual historical truths after seeing the film is a rather arrogant and snobbish discourse."

trizzie, firstly, as I already said, I acknowledge and appreciate the effort made by those who make the effort to go to see 'Balibo' and would not cast judgement upon them if they do not then take the additional effort to find out, for themselves, the knowledge that was deliberately withheld from them by the film producers. In fact, why would they see the need to? If I was in their shoes and had many other priorities in life and had not read John Pilger's article and therefore had no reason to suspect that vital information had been removed from the script, why would I go out of my way to find out that additional knowledge from elsewhere?

The fact that more people, for whatever reason, don't check the facts for themselves, is an unfortunate reality.

If more people did, there is no way that the corporations, which guide the destiny of this country and their glove puppet politicians, would get away with as nearly as much as they do.

Also, I am dumbfounded to have been labelled 'lazy'.

I spend much of my waking hours trying to learn the truth that is deliberately withheld from us and distorted by our newsmedia and making that truth know to others as you would surely know if you followed the link to my home page, or looked at the articles I have contributed to OLO or looked at my other posts.

That is one reason why I don't get to see as many films as I would like to, including, most likely, 'Balibo'.


Pericles wrote, "the only place that 9/11 is a 'raging controversy', is inside [my] head."

Posted by daggett, Tuesday, 25 August 2009 9:24:54 AM
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Pericles, as just one of many examples I could give, 9/11 is a "raging controversy" amongst New Yorkers, 66% of whom want a new and proper inquiry and 76,267 of whom have signed a petition which asks that the question of setting up an inquiry be put to New Yorkers at the general elections to be held in November (see

So, to restate my point, given this and given that 9/11 is the principle justification for a number of the wars that John Pilger rightly opposes, if he was to be 'consistent', as Foxy put it, with his stance on the Balibo massacre, he would have either:

(A) stated clearly why he rejects the case of the 9/11 Truth Movement; or
(B) raised his voice loudly in support of the 9/11 Truth Movement,

... but he appears to have done neither.


I certainly agree with one point in Pericles's previous post:

"[My posts] provide useful background colour to your contributions on other subjects, and enable us to determine, with some precision, the intellectual weight we should give to your views and opinions."

I would certainly encourage anyone, who may find what I write to seem confronting and over-the-top (as I once did the case of the 9/11 Truth Movement) to look at my other contributions, articles I have written for OLO and my blog.

I suggest that people do the same in regard to Pericles (should he ever get around to making a substantial contribution, one way or the other, to the debate on this thread).

A good place to start would be his contributions to the still ongoing discussion "Money from nothing: supplying money should be a public service" at

Also, if anyone wants to see an example of Pericles' extraordinary persistence in efforts to obfuscate and employ debaters' tricks, please check out the forum discussion, please check out the forum discussion "A crisis in housing affordability" of at which lasted almost two months until October 2006 and consisted of 166 posts.
Posted by daggett, Tuesday, 25 August 2009 9:25:53 AM
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All this attention, daggett, on li'l old me [blush]

>>9/11 is a "raging controversy" amongst New Yorkers, 66% of whom want a new and proper inquiry...<<

I guess I was thinking that "is" relates to the present. That poll was conducted more than five years ago.

That makes the survey closer in time to 9/11, than we are to the survey.

"The call for a deeper probe was especially strong from Hispanics (75.6%), African-Americans (75.3%) citizens with income from $15-25K (74.3%), women (62%) and Evangelicals (59.9%)"

>>...and 76,267 of whom have signed a petition which asks that the question of setting up an inquiry be put to New Yorkers at the general elections to be held in November<<

That's debatable, as you very well know.

52,000 signatures were submitted, half of which were rejected.

Where did you get the number 76,267 from? Your own web site? I see.

Or was it this one?

It's a very precise number, by the way.

Corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative, as Mr Gilbert would say?

Talking of numbers - in the sense of a "raging controversy - even your 76,267 represents less than one percent of New Yorkers.

You will note, by the way. that I have only used the exact same information resources that you supplied. How come we each come away with a different understanding of the events in question?

And how flattering that you have drawn attention to my previous modest scribblings - ah, those battles fought and won, those pretentious swaggerings brought low.

Happy days indeed.

Whatever happened to the delightful Ms Newman? Still gracing the halls of academe, I trust? Still researching the Australian housing market by holidaying in France?

I guess somebody has to do it.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 25 August 2009 2:31:53 PM
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Dear Mr daggett,

Take 2 pills and have a good lie down...........

There was no information deliberately left out of the script by the producers of the film BALIBO.

You are lazy because you make points and big assertions about a subject ( re film) you have not bothered to see.

You have NO argument,,,,this discussion is over!

Posted by trizzie, Tuesday, 25 August 2009 6:07:09 PM
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