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The Forum > Article Comments > Education: Choice? What choice? > Comments

Education: Choice? What choice? : Comments

By Jane Caro, published 31/7/2009

It is unconscionable to give public money to private schools.

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Atlarak. How can it be fair that some children receive better education than others?

One of the reasons is that some of the children are the prodegeny of feral parents who have no interest in helping their children have a positive attitude towards school. That has nothing to do with the money given to schools. Feral parents = feral children.

Another is that some parents are willing to pay very heavy fees to a private school to ensure their children receive the best education. Then, at home, they help them with their homework & encourage them to do well.

What right do we have to deprive any child of the very best education?

No right at all & most of us don't. But, I can't speak for the ferals. It's not the Government that deprives a child of a good education it's the feral child & it's feral parents & their attitude towards getting an education.
Posted by Jayb, Friday, 31 July 2009 9:51:56 PM
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Quoted text :

"It would be nice to find the very best teacher, and clone them, that way your point about why should some child miss out on the very best is solved. Impractical but such is life, a teacher can only handle a finite number of students at a time."

No need to do that too expensive , what about 25 years ?

Much better way is to Pay the Teachers properly , Teachers are the lowest paid University Educated workers in Australia , madness really considering what they have to put with ; an Environ with NO discipline , bad language , aggressive behaviour , have to suck up to the Educrats or lose their job ; how bad can a work place be ?

I don't know about you but I know I would rather drive a night cart than attempt to teach the current lot of ugly ferals .
Posted by ShazBaz001, Saturday, 1 August 2009 12:26:58 AM
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As predicted runner made an anticipated comment particularly attacking one of the best evidenced supported theories in science.
We live on a small planet in a 4.5 billion year old second (or more) generation solar system in a universe three times that age. And where does runner's god exist except in his own head?
Government funding religious schools is middle and upper class welfare and the money wasted in this way could be better used rescuing the potentially feral children of feral parents from leading an unfulfilled life.
From memory, a writer (I cannot recall whom) once stated, "Nothing is more contemptible than the smug acceptance of the inevitable imperfections of society..."
Introduction of a philosophy for children subject from preschool age would go a long way to improving the performance and life prospects of all our future generations, potentially feral children included. Yet our education bureaucracy ignores this potential whereas in some parts of the word the outcomes of introduction of such a subject has been outstanding. Congitive ability improvements of 6.5% have been recorded in Scotland, with marked improvement in behavior as a major bonus.
Posted by Foyle, Saturday, 1 August 2009 10:24:50 AM
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Don’t think you will find the best teachers in private schools and the worst in the state system.

I have seen plenty of “trainers” training bright kids to pass exams and receiving glowing accolades from administrators and parents – in both systems.

I have seen plenty of educators burn out and leave teaching to the delight of the “trainers” – in both systems.

Ask a bright school leaver who their best teachers were and you will get a list of the trainers who helped them pass exams.

Ask the same person five years later and I bet you will get a much different answer.
Posted by The Observer, Saturday, 1 August 2009 12:51:26 PM
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The unspoken problem with those people who don't want public money going to private schools is the Religious part of the equasion. There are still people, & I see it has raised it's ugly head here, that hate Catholics. Now, of course, there are all sorts of Religious schools & the "Hate Catholics" Mason/Protestant thing has just carried over to people who don't know the history behind it all.

An interesting article in todays Courier Mail, Our Queensland page 64 (1 Aug 09) with a letter to the editor dated (25 Feb 1928. from "a bush woman, Ipswich) Worth a read to see what the real debate is all about.
Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 1 August 2009 3:34:41 PM
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This is a ridiculous debate. Of course private schools shouldnt get government subsidies. Why should any private enterprise. That is the essence of "private" in this context. Private = Not government!

Government has an obligation to provide ADEQUATE public schools for all children due to the mandatory education laws passed by said governments. That is all the obligation they have. Any government money given to private schools is waste and deprives another area of spending.

While ever private schools have auditoriums, pools, shooting ranges, tennis courts, horse riding, not to mention the classrooom, library and laboratory facilities etc and public schools have leaking taps, broken toilets, toxic heaters and general lack of anything then there is a critical breakdown of the basis of why we give governments the power they have and I would even say it is fraud and corruption and deliberately divisive and destructive. A leftover from the rule of johhny coward and his cultural war on progress and anything that might smack of social or community.

I believe for our countries wellbeing we must dismantle the private school system and its handouts and return to local comprehensive schools that serve the whole community. And while we are at it stop the little buggers travelling halfway across the country to school. Cluttering up public transport and being a nuisance or worse being driven miles by their parents in a glorified military vehicle, polluting everything while they drink their organic soymilk and glorify in their recycling of egg cartons for the spawns school project.

You choose to send your kid to a private school you pay for it.
Posted by mikk, Saturday, 1 August 2009 3:57:19 PM
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