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The trouble with liberalism : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 30/3/2009Liberalism is not so much an ideology but the vacuum left after the implosion of Christianity.
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Right on cue.
Posted by AdamD, Tuesday, 31 March 2009 11:24:20 PM
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I think even so prominent a churchman as Peter Sellick has lost sight of the fact that Christianity is a form of government. Liberalism is the reduction of that form of government to a vote every three years. Because the Church is shy about its governmental function, it has been replaced by a communist State, that has all the characteristics of a Church, but none of the intellectual underpinnings.
It has not helped that the mainstream Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches are sometimes at loggerheads, but since nature abhors a vacuum, there are some churches that are thriving and growing exponentially. In Sydney on the 29th March 2009, one such church recorded an evangelical service with song and dancing, that will be heard and played all over the world. They took over the Sydney Entertainment Centre, which holds about twelve and a half thousand people, and there was not a spare seat in the place. The governments we currently have in Australia are all out of whack with the fundamentals of Christianity. Christians believe that there can only be one Almighty God. Governments have created about a thousand of them, and called them Judges and Magistrates. Most if not all of these quasi gods, are not humble men and women. Most of them have been let down by their alma maters, their schools, where they should have been taught Christianity is a form of government, but instead have been taught that the government is democracy. If the students at Roman Catholic and Anglican schools were taught that Christianity is a form of government, and shown why this is so because the Bible sets it out clearly, then they may not leave the Church is such numbers. They say that nine out of ten students never regularly attend church after leaving a church school. A liberal has no higher being than himself or herself. He or she cannot accept that an account must someday be taken. He or she has never been taught that the Holy Spirit is present when twelve disciples decide a case. Juries are truly Christian and awesome Posted by Peter the Believer, Wednesday, 1 April 2009 4:38:51 AM
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life provides some background for a more nuanced view of the relationship between individual believer, Christian church, and state.
A brief biography prefaces the posthumously published collection of DB's prison writings, the Americn edition of which is available at: Prisoner For God Letters And Papers From Prison (1959) Author: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Publisher: The Macmillan Company Language: English Call number: 9969 Book contributor: Universal Digital Library Collection: universallibrary Posted by Sir Vivor, Wednesday, 1 April 2009 5:00:49 AM
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AdamD, you're absolutely correct, Hitler was definitely not a true Scotsman.
Still no comment from any "Liberal Protestants"? Just the atheists and runner et al going around in circles. Posted by Johnj, Wednesday, 1 April 2009 7:53:53 AM
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Unbelievable. Absolutely freaking unbelievable. The future of Australia is in grave danger, if all the nuts on this forum are any indication.
Hitler was a devout Christian, was he? Until when? Was he still a "devout Christian" in the 1940's? More importantly, what were the goals of his party in relation to religion? They were completely atheistic. He banned all seminaries in about 1937 IIRC. Sounds like a religious agenda, doesn't it? So really, who cares about a quote made in 1922. Look at his later life, and look at his party's overarching goals Posted by Trav, Wednesday, 1 April 2009 8:04:33 AM
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According to David F, "Murder is much more a Christian than a secular tradition".
This gets us into a bit of a dilemma, because it shows that poor old David is either completely ignorant, or is deluding himself to a point few have ever reached. My accumulative experience reading his work suggest that the latter is more likely. The other alternative of course, is that David is stuck in some bizarre twenty dimension time warp and has never read a thing about the twentieth century. However his ability to use a computer rules this third and unlikely possibility out. In conclusion, I have a recommendation to other OLO users: in the interests of prioritising your time towards things which are actually worthy of your time, I suggest you ignore any future posts by David F. Posted by Trav, Wednesday, 1 April 2009 8:15:47 AM