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The trouble with liberalism : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 30/3/2009Liberalism is not so much an ideology but the vacuum left after the implosion of Christianity.
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However as the mob in Chicago used to say, you cannot make an omelet without cracking an egg. I was intrigued to see a poster set out three criminals, One robs a bank because he is a professional, one because he has a starving family, and a third because he is a cop. In the Satanic mode, all three go to jail. How many of you know that in Protestant Christian Scotland, a man who stole a sheep to feed his family, was never convicted! They had 15 man juries in Scotland, and even if a jury convicted a murderer by an eight to seven majority, he went free because the verdict was not unanimous.
Jews used to have 25 man juries. If a man was convicted unanimously, he was acquitted because the Jews believed if 25 Jews agreed something was wrong. Holdsworth in the History of English Law, details how Protestant Christianity government started to flow in the Tudor period. In the time of 46 Edward III 1372, the Parliament took up the Biblical damnation against lawyers, and banned them from Parliament for 492 years; 1372-1870. In 1472, one hundred years later Henry VII had the parliament ban Judges from deciding criminal cases. Only a jury could acquit an accused criminal, but a fine was always offered instead of jail.
The Satan Church steals, and has continued to steal since the lawyers crept back into the parliament. It has no justice mechanism, because once a person is convicted a lawyer shoots him off to jail or bankrupts him. Satan in his temptation of Jesus, said: Matthew 4:8, after showing Jesus all the Kingdoms of the world: All these things I will give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
By default all atheists and liberals are worshipping Satan