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What's wrong with 'Islamophobia' : Comments

By Nick Haslam, published 23/12/2008

Prejudice flourishes among people who are cold, callous, inflexible, closed-minded and conventional.

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Contrary to TR's advertisement about Islamophobic truth-telling via ideological mentors (like Hitchens, Rushdie, etc.), we can identify not only several clear lies from that camp's recent posts, but we see the flippant disregard for another worldview as Islamophobic hysterics here not only fail to tolerate/put up with such another view; they cannot even summon the cognitive machinery to process simple new information about it, sometimes even that from their own cited news sources. The following dissects some of their latest provocational corruptions and efforts to mislead people:

1) Allegation that Islam's Prophet violated an underage girl [TR] (unexplained and gratuitous).

2) The Cronulla riot/pogrom as a multicultural, ecumenical 'hate-in' [spider]. Clear direct footage of cowardly mob attacks in Cronulla proved the assailants' primordial racist motivation, including non-Muslim south Asian and even black American targets, among others.

3) “Indonesian Malay Muslim call for jihad” [Tang], assuming particular ethnicity for Indonesian Muslim protest. In fact, news photos of Indonesian protests against Israeli violence in Gaza revealed distinctly ethnic Chinese Muslims among the protestors; ethnic Chinese make a significant minority of Indonesian Muslims, especially in metropolitan southern Sumatera.

4) “Indonesian Muslims not sending medical aid to Palestinians” [Tang]. The poster's linked article itself specified the Muslim protestors' demand that medical aid already underway was not enough – they demanded also military protection (to prevent the desperate need for medical aid, burials, etc.).

5) “...countries with a Muslim majority population have collapsed economically, politically and socially...growing Islamic countries...causing democracy and freedom to be threatened by religious irrationalism...caused those countries to collapse” [Tang]. Islamization in Indonesia (the largest Muslim-majority country and a democratic giant) causes Tang's claims to collapse fast. In recent years, syariah banking and legal reforms consolidated throughout Aceh, parts of western Java, and Makassar. While many overtly “Islamist” parties generally under-performed, other parties routinely exhibit “Muslim credentials”, including Megawati Soekarnoputri, recently taken to wearing a Muslim headscarf regularly.
- Even western sources note Indonesia's promised 4.5% growth amid the world's ongoing crash and financial system's disintegration; still a massive, stable polity despite repeated, elaborate external destabilization efforts.
Posted by mil-observer, Thursday, 8 January 2009 9:54:23 AM
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6) Islamophobe's claimed “Islamo-scepticism” [TR]. Islamophobe expresses absolute certainty i.e., no doubt/scepticism, about even the most outlandish vilification of Islam's final prophet, and flippant claims that Muslim believers are “insane”, “brainwashed”, etc.

7) “The ruling clerics...would lose political power” [TR]. The overwhelming majority of Islamic clerics in the overwhelming majority of nations does not exercise political power in any official or practical sense beyond their own religious organizations. Iran is a conspicuous exception, where Shiy'ah clerics compete by entering wider democratic elections.

I introduce above a re-diagnosis for the sickness here, more precisely termed “Islamophobic HYSTERIA”. [Merriam-Webster: 1: a psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychic, sensory, vasomotor, and visceral functions 2: behavior exhibiting overwhelming or unmanageable fear or emotional excess <political hysteria>] It is understated, and thereby inaccurate, to attribute mere “obsessiveness” to such extreme levels of hostility, vilification and persecution. Expression of this ailment offers no moderation as therapy, but would rather encourage intensification of the original hostility.

So where are you Haslam and Co? Do you claim to be not responsible for diagnosing such collective disorder, and advising on strategies for cure? Are you afraid of potentially negative political response to yourselves, as western oligarchs generally endorse this epidemic of aggression and its associated warfare?

For those who hide behind the “free speech” banner, think of similar claims about the euphemistically termed “Kristallnacht”, where fascism's diplomatic spin doctors expressed their regret for “excesses”, but emphasized the “popular groundswell” of the public anti-Jewish hate campaign. This parallel should not surprise, because history's genesis for this Islamophobia is indeed “anti-semitism” stretching back to periods of the Crusades and the early Roman Empire.

There is an important moral dimension to consider here. Diagnoses identify the problem, but they do not address how Islamophobes often clearly transgress civilized norms. The more vilifying and provocational hysteria are deliberate incitement for others to apply discrimination and other persecution, including violence, whether through communal mob rioting or state militarist aggression. It profoundly corrupts Australian society, but is typically met by political leaders' meek silence or even indirect approval.
Posted by mil-observer, Thursday, 8 January 2009 9:58:21 AM
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'For those who hide behind the “free speech” banner, think of similar claims about the euphemistically termed “Kristallnacht”, where fascism's diplomatic spin doctors expressed their regret for “excesses”, but emphasized the “popular groundswell” of the public anti-Jewish hate campaign. This parallel should not surprise, because history's genesis for this Islamophobia is indeed “anti-semitism” stretching back to periods of the Crusades and the early Roman Empire.'

Mil-observer, criticising a religio-political figure is not hate. All politicians are fair game - even those who use and abuse God. Critising Mohammed is no different to critising Bush, Howard, Rudd, or even Hitchens. Same dog different leg.

If you use so-called 'hate speech' against Chrisopher Hitchens and call him a 'coke fiend' then I too can point out the fact that Mohammed boned a 9 year old (see Bukhari, Book 5, Volume 58). But at least I'm sympathetic to the poor girl and her tiny pelvis. Forty year old men do tend to be heavy. And have I mentioned Rayhana yet? God, I hope her decapitated husband was at least cold before the 'good' Prophet dragged her into his tent (see 'Sirat Rasul Allah' by Ibn Ishaq, p466).

I'm sorry, but the only Fascism being peddled globally at the minute stems from the Koran, the Hadith, and the interpretations there of. For in these writings we find a monolithic ideology drenched in totalitarianism - "There IS no god but God, and Mohammed IS his Prophet."

People like me oppose Islam (and the other monotheisms), not because we are bad people, but because we consider it is the right thing to do. I hope you understand that.
Posted by TR, Thursday, 8 January 2009 9:32:15 PM
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mil-observer, I have not excused any wrong behaviour by a minority of those there on the day. You though, appear to ignore the fact that people of non-white skin were also protesting alongside the whities.

You also appear to ignore that the white Australians were they serious, would have mowed down the police instead of stopping when an isolated police officer instructed them not to pass. This demonstrates just much they are lawful citiznes, unlike the muslim filled cars carrying guns, knives, bats, machettes, etc who, by the way, spent the next 2 to 3 days bashing up white men for being white. You know, like that man who got beaten up in front of his 10yo son for putting out his bin or, the white man who cowardly attacked by a mob of Muslims who stomped on his jaw and skull.

No, Islam must be eradicated from civilised society.
Posted by Spider, Thursday, 8 January 2009 9:41:25 PM
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Spider, The revenge attacks were stone cold sober and went for a few days, with masses of very expensive vandalism and violence... and pride in it... What absolutely disgusting people.
Posted by meredith, Thursday, 8 January 2009 10:29:11 PM
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Frankly, anyone who participated in the Cronulla riots, whether they were within the events which precipitated it, within the climax, or within the conclusion, should all be damned. Sensible, decent people locked their doors and waited for the police to sort out the situation.

I get that the situation was about bottled anger boiling over. However, I thought that one of the Christian precepts was all about 'turning the other cheek'.
This is one of the stereotypical Christian traits I respect and admire, which doesn't tend to be reflected by many of the more aggressive practitioners in these threads (with notable exceptions, though I admit it's harder to notice an absence of vitriol than an excess).
Of course, Cronulla wasn't an issue of Christianity - however, given certain Christian posters use it as a sledgehammer against Islam (most of you know who I'm talking about), then they need to accept that it will therefore become reflected back against them. In claiming this as a religious fight, they sign Jesus's initials right next to this debate.
Something which many find abhorrent.
Those who have a problem with this, should take it up with those who are politicising Christianity as a tool to attack other religions.

Mil-observer, although I suspect we come from the same general neighbourhood of political attitudes (I think of myself as hovering near the centre, albeit a little to the left, though I suppose considering oneself centrist is a common conceit) I tend to think the posters who accuse you of waffling do have a point.
Being eloquent goes hand in hand with being concise.
Some people like to use complex sentences to express basic concepts, which usually is an attempt at one of the following:
a) Ensuring they can reposition themselves without looking like they're backtracking.
b) Shutting people they deem unworthy out of the debate.
c) Appear more knowledgable about the topic, when in fact they are simply proving that they have a wide vocabulary.

There's nothing wrong with exercising a vast vocabulary. But please - use the words that are gems and prune the rest.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 9 January 2009 1:15:07 AM
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