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Mass delusions and their consequences : Comments
By John Perkins, published 4/11/2008The god delusion is pathological. Not only America, but the whole world, has been forced to pay the price.
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Posted by pelican, Sunday, 9 November 2008 10:46:53 AM
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To those who believe Tang is wrong.
Believing that Tang is wrong in what he says is in fact the supreme delusion of most societies. Societies are guilty of mass delusion. Hence the we are so loving and tolerant delusion, despite the facts of history screaming that we are nothing of the sort. Here you have the facts documented and staring mankind in the face but does he dechiper history unemotionally and rationally, no he prefers to believe in the delusion of himself as being as unharmful as Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny. Like all religions the Islamists use it as an excuse to carry out what their underlying biological urges tell them to do. It's all about their own suvival as a bloodline. They thus delude themselves as to their real motives,at least Hitler was honest. Posted by sharkfin, Tuesday, 11 November 2008 2:07:49 PM
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Economists are extremely hard to understand. When the economic or markets report comes on the radio, I sometimes go over and tap it to see if the station has somehow switched over to SBS. I can’t understand a word they’re saying. It sounds like they’re speaking in tongues.
And Bushbred, as for French being a more expressive language, I don’t think so. Every language has its strengths and weaknesses in describing things. All languages tend to borrow things from other languages. Perhaps Smith borrowed the term laissez-faire as it was a more apt or fitting expression for what he wanted to say at the time. The English dictionary today has quite a high percentage of words taken directly from French. When I studied French, I found it had its holes too. For example, they don’t distinguish between ‘wife’ and ‘woman’, ‘house’ and ‘home’. The French use the same word (vol) for flight as they use for theft. This makes it really tricky when you’re trying to find a missing package at the post office. Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Wednesday, 12 November 2008 10:05:32 PM
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Pelican wrote, “The fact that Tang has to twist the facts to fit in with his own dogma merely demonstrates that his own beliefs are on very shaky ground.”
Now pelican, my atheistic dogma is based upon the very infallible words of Dawkins himself, who decreed (ex cathedra) that there is no evil or good, ‘DNA just is’. Dawkins, the chiefest exponent of Darwinism and atheistic evolution, knows full well that once atheistic evolutionists admit the existence of good and evil, the very foundation of atheistic evolution will start to tumble. Many pseudo atheists argue erroneously that there is such a thing as conscience. “It's not a surprise that something like this [conscience] would evolve naturally. Morals are, basically, the rules by which our social groups function. They ensure that things are reasonably fair and that relationships run reasonably smoothly. ...Our conscience is basically our ability to internalize rules — we know right from wrong and prefer the right to the wrong…” Since life came into being by random placement of atoms and molecules, what right has group A to judge that group B is wrong, or vice versa? For example, dogs are eaten in many parts of East Asia – Indo-China, Korea and parts of China but such dietary habits are frowned upon in other parts of the world. In the final analysis, your ‘wrong’ is my ‘right’ and, my ‘good’ is your ‘evil’. ‘Good’ and ‘evil’ , ‘wrong’ and ‘right’ are relative concepts. Dawkins being trained in the sciences knows that the proposition is logically indefensible, therefore, ‘DNA just is’. Posted by Philip Tang, Thursday, 13 November 2008 3:50:12 AM
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For the priests who abuse children, the church openly admits it is an error (sinning) against God and great harm has been done to the victims. Apologies and compensation has been paid to the aggrieved party.
The teaching of the Bible on conscience is clearly laid down by the Apostle Paul “For it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified. For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus.“ (Rom 2:13-16) Posted by Philip Tang, Thursday, 13 November 2008 3:59:31 AM
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A welcome contribution to understanding the very real impact of residual apocalyptic religio-superstition in the US psyche'. This theme of 'the persecuted' has resonated since the original settlers escaped religious persecution, believing New England would see the imminent apocalypse. Cromwell was the 1st guess. True to Epicurean brilliance "rulers regard religion as useful", the motivation for pentecostal fundamentalism which sustains Quakers, Mormons, Old World Fundamentalists, has been exploited by the "heretical" Pentecostalism. 'Pastor' of End Times Creationist Sarah Palin tells his congregation "You can't follow Jesus and not die", "Jesus lived in war mode", would be so if alive today, and Iraq is where he wants you. Palin: "I can do my bit, but.. you must be right with God". Iraq is a religious war in the minds of key players: John's 100% correct. Atheists are actively separated in US units, forbidden to congregate & this is being challenged by SCA. Due to foreign policy influences it's vital to grasp the theocratic pollution we experience. Australia is being shredded by religious dominance and corruption. Only Israel and Hungary allow the tax breaks into commercial areas as we do - heck, just check who manages EVERY council owned rec' centre. And staff hold hobby certificates whilst those with science degrees fly OS. Repeat that across schools, welfare, employment agency, skills outsource, grants funding... Australia is a theocracy in denial. Runner is walking - or running - proof. Feed us sport, we won't notice. Posted by Firesnake, Friday, 14 November 2008 10:11:45 AM
Do the ardent religious amonst us think that Religion alone can provide a moral compass? Without some form of natural conscience Religion is meaningless. Religion can't MAKE people do the right thing you have to really believe that doing the right thing is the best thing for society. If you are only doing it because God says so - it is not pure nor real - a house of cards.
The fact that Tang has to twist the facts to fit in with his own dogma merely demonstrates that his own beliefs are on very shaky ground.
Who do we fault for the anti-social behaviour of paedophile priests then? God.
Shame on you.